Thursday, October 17, 2013

Divergent views emerging on ATF gun trust rulemaking

In a related development, Gun Rights Examiner has learned that the National Firearms Act Trade and Collectors Association recently posted their petition that started this process. Previously, they had only posted an overview of their request. [More]
This evening’s Gun Rights Examiner column notes that collected comments, as opposed to collector comments, can be two very different things.

It's Not the Gun

It's the person. [Watch]


And this is the most right-on bit of common sense I've heard in a long time:
...If I ran a large corporation, I would make personal protection training a part of coming into work...
Compare that to what these gasbags insist on.

I'd add that I'd encourage people be armed, have an on-premises range, host and subsidize after-hours training sessions and  come up with perks for personnel who obtained basic and advanced certifications.

We'd also have one hell of a company picnic.

Revolvers are Obsolete?

HPS says you might want to rethink that. [More]

One size does not fit all.

We're the Only Ones Not Passing the Smell Test Enough

Police smell meth, raid home, kill 80-year-old man, find no meth [More
This guy Steve Whitmore is a real piece

Damn Lax American Gun Laws.... adds to the toll of lives taken with weapons trafficked by suspects U.S. officials watched but did not stop. [More]
Ah yes, more fallout from Project Bombwalker...

Say, maybe if we required border gun stores to report multiple sales of grenades and IEDs...

DOD ‘authorized leakers’ directive bodes ill for whistleblowers

Pointing out parallels and equivalence between “authorized leakers” and “Authorized Journalists” hardly seems unfounded. Extrapolating the same principle, it’s easy to envision Dianne Feinstein demanding special protections for “real leakers,” and Joe Biden envisioning how “legitimate news leakers" can help the administration advance its goals. [More
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes the new protocol for getting government‘s OK to ta…uh…make a leak.

Minority Report

From the files of the Department of Pre-Crime... [Watch]

Hey, if you never intend to do anything "wrong" by breaking any laws, including those that haven't even been written yet, you've got nothing to worry about.

[Via Florida Guy]

Does Not Fit the Narrative

I don't get it. I mean, Violence Policy Center calls 'em "Concealed Carry Killers," and has done Google searches and everything to come up with a handful of anecdotes over the years... [More]

Freezing Your Assets off

The U.S. Supreme Court appeared closely divided on Wednesday on whether criminal defendants can challenge a court's decision to freeze their assets before trial. [More]
What kind of idiot thinks we're supposed to be considered innocent until proven guilty?

Besides, no one cares about this, as the ongoing ordeal of the Reese family demonstrates. I prove that every time I publish an update about them and watch readership plummet after begging readers to share what no one else will report on, and maybe kick a couple bucks their way.  But I keep doing it anyway, because I'm stupid or something.

[Via Mama Liberty]

No Big Deal

Was it good for you? [More]

Hey what do you expect? It's Yale.

Lux et veritas!


Representative Aaron Schock of Illinois said the lesson of the episode was that Boehner should cut out the far-right flank and work with centrist Democrats. [More]
J**** C*****, where do they get these f****** idiots?

A Message for Nigel

Some Brit from the UN presumes to condemn "Stand Your Ground" as a human rights violation, but is frustrated by those bloody rebellious tea-partying colonists. [More]

I say, Nigel, old bean, do try to enforce your demands, there's a good chap.  And Happy Up Yours at Yorktown Day!

[Via Florida Guy]