Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Guns not only things ‘progressives’ trying to regulate out of existence

In short, it's about the pursuit of happiness, supposedly an unalienable right. And true to form, the collectivist blue-noses can't leave anything alone, especially if it looks like someone may be enjoying himself without their permission, rules and oversight. [More]

Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes where there’s smoke, chances are some fascist hive insects are setting fire to the Declaration of Independence and Constitution.

We're the Only Ones "For the Children" Enough

3 students hurt when cop's gun discharges at school safety demo  [More]
Say, that's quite some safety presentation.  And naturally, it was the gun that discharged.

Hey what's this guy's name?  He just surpassed Lee Paige, and must be honored.

Gaming the UK Crime Rate

The results are in from a special investigation by Paul Gallant, Alan J. Chwick, Sherry Gallant, and Joanne D. Eisen. [More]

We're the Only Ones Harassing Enough

I don't suppose it ever occurs to most truffle-rooters that someday their abusive treatment of others might catch up with them? [More]

I wonder if it's because they're not that bright or because they just feel untouchable, although the latter is symptomatic of the former...

[Via Florida Guy]


There is no place for this barbarism, or for anyone who would be a part of it, in a civilized society. [More]

On the Run

American Trigger Sports Network presents "Stop the Threat":
In this week's crime reenactment: An evening is interrupted by a television news report with breaking news that a man has evaded the law and is on the run in the local area. Three citizens go hunting for the threat.

Hosted by James B. Towle with all Law Enforcement Special Guests: Wes Doss, William Duggan, Chris Wolf

Watch on the PURSUIT Channel!
DISH Network: Channel 393 HUNT
DirecTV: Channel 604 PRST

Wednesdays 2:00pm PST 5:00pm EST
Thursdays 10:00pm PST
Fridays 6:00pm PST/9:00pm EST
Fridays 1:00am EST
You can also catch past "Stop the Threat" episodes and other programs on ATSNtv's You Tube channel.

By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them

By their rotten, wormy fruits... [More]

[Via several of you]

Friendly Persuasion

The Town of Farragut has been considering an ordinance to rescind their ban on permit holders carrying a handgun in Farragut parks. They will vote on the ordinance this Thursday, October 24. [More]
Liston Matthews would like to see a strong attendance, and is asking us to spread the word to Tennesseans who live in the area...

We're the Only Ones Like Mike Enough

Fort Worth police officer accused of stealing Air Jordan shoes during police raid [More]
So now his career is up in the air? If police witnesses saw him carrying them away and they found the shoes at his home, it would seem this case is a slam dunk.

[Via HPS]

We're the Only Ones Putting the Heat on Enough

Nice to see gun criminal Charles Ramsey is among the "law enforcement" luminaries seeking to disarm you  and me... [More]

The Sheer Precipice at the Bottom of That Slippery Slope That Doesn't Exist

"In short, because laws banning dangerous guns and ammunition seek to protect the public rather than to confiscate private property for public use, they are perfectly consistent with the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment." [More]
But...but...but... I thought the "progressives" promised nobody wanted to take our guns...

Is There's an App for That?

I bet there'd be a ...uh... target market for one... [View]

You know, so that photos could be framed... and to show what might have been...

I wonder how far up the food chain First Amendment protections would be recognized?

I guess that depends on who is being targeted...

An Illinois Republican

The measure would require a 3-year prison sentence for illegally packing a loaded gun. [More]
Because "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" obviously means prior restraints and licenses are the order of the day.

Any gun owner who voted for Mark Kirk out of fear of Democrats is as culpable for this as the most ardent anti-gunner.

Burlington Updates

I keep running onto that "there's only one of me" limitation, and have received several updates on the situation in Burlington that I have not had -- and probably won't get -- time to write up in a column.

Here are some updates:

Video of citizens addressing council

Here's a picture of that. Orange = pro-gun/Green = useful idiots.
I'm told: 
The photo shows a fraction of the pro-gun folks present.  After there were so many pro-gun
folks in attendance, the city council had to open the second story balcony.
Evan Hughes of Vermont Federation of Sportmen's Clubs was on NRA News/Cam & Company the other day--I don't see the video posted yet, but if it is, it will be available on their website.

There are some communications back and forth between the city and VFSC in re their FOIA request. The best I can suggest is those interested --and all who don't want to see city's override state preemption ought to be, if for no other reason than to see a real world example unfolding on how to fight that-- is to bookmark the VFSC website and blog and monitor them for updates.

I'm sure I'll be doing future detail reports on this situation as developments occur, but for now, as I said, there's only one of me and there are plenty of other balls in the air that need to be juggled.

UPDATE: The Council is spoiling for trouble regardless.   Hey, it's not their personal money that will be involved in the legal proceedings...

San Antonio Recap Report

Mike reflects on his many adventures, including a confrontation with Alex Jones. [More]

We're the Only Ones Squirrely Enough

Maybe these people are special. I'd have never thought of that solution. [More]

"Legitimate Oversight"

If the administration can identify "legitimate media," why not also acknowledge they are the final arbiters of what constitutes "legitimate oversight"? [More]

I'd love to see Peabody's Boy Sherman here explaining that assumption of powers to the Terry family, face-to-face.

"Two People with Megaphones"

They've made themselves public figures.  Identify them.  [More]

Let them reap the rewards of personal fame.

This Day in History:October 23

Sir: I must beg you to remind Congress, that when they did me the honor of electing me President, and before I assumed the Chair, I informed them, that as Chief Justice of Pennsylvania, I should be under the necessity of attending the Supreme Court of that State, the latter end of September, or at farthest in October. That court will be held to-day; I must therefore request, that they will be pleased to proceed to the choice of another President. [More]