Sandy Hook report shows even rapid police response has lethal delays

It was fewer than five minutes from the first 911 call, and one minute after the arrival of the first officer, that the shooter killed himself. [More]
This afternoon’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes what happens when seconds count and “the law” only puts the good people under restraints.

Calling All Fudds

For all the good it'll do. [More]

Not that I ever had much faith in the idea of a "sporting sequester," first because of who would primarily suffer, but also because I have not seen much evidence to give me faith in most gun owners actually doing anything that requires a sacrifice...

Industry group continues preemptive surrender tradition for ‘undetectable guns'

In other words, because something “worse” might be passed, it’s best to cede the point now. [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes you don’t throw a scrap of flesh to circling jackals and then think they’ll go away. Nature just doesn’t work like that.

Hate Watch Update

At this writing, Bloomberg is still affiliating himself with a known racist.

No word from the politically-selective "Hate Watch" hypocrites at SPLC, either...

I Have Always Depended on the Kindness of Strangers

My current campaign strategy isn’t getting a large turnout from Republicans and conservatives to overwhelm the Democrats... [More]
Well, Minnesota gun owners, what the hell are you waiting for?

"Legitimate media" to help spread the word?

[Via Gary F]

Welcome to the WoGroll...

...Gun Safe Reviews... [More]

I finally had time over the weekend to do some extreme list cleanup, getting rid of discontinued sites, sites that haven't updated in over a year, and cheesy parasites who had initially approached me for links (because I don't solicit other blogs) and then decided to unilaterally stop reciprocating.

Thank you, War on Guns Correspondent "David" for your kind assistance. I'm sure you were wondering why it took so damn long, and the answer is because I spend so much time doing the basic work and everything that entails, plus I hate doing that kind of maintenance.

Reciprocity rules are over in the left sidebar. If you've linked to me and I haven't returned the courtesy, it's only because I don't know about it, so drop me a line and tell me.

Truth be known I'm not sure how much good these link lists do anyway, but if it saves one child it's worth it ... or something like that.

Talking Turkey

What? You mean it's not about being grateful to the Creator who endowed us with certain unalienable rights? [More]

Hey, I have a better idea.  If anyone brings up this stupid MAIG propaganda at your table, talk turkey with them about criminal racists instead.

Right before you Demand Action that they get their stupid @$$ out of your house.  Because anyone who would push this subversive crap on you and work for your disarmament under force of state arms is your enemy, blood or not.

[Via Neil W

UPDATE: HA!   (I hope you don't need to be a Facebook member to see that.)

The Nuclear Option

Courtesy of Wayne's "true champion of the Second Amendment"... [More]

I expect I'll have more to say about this later.

A "Republican" Alternative?

John McKinney takes on Dannel Malloy. [More]

The hell with John McKinney.  I'm delighted to see some gun owners leaving comments to tell readers why.

They can also let people know about who "turned his back" on whom here and here.

I'm seeing something here I see time and again, showing lazy-@$$, apathetic do-nothing let-George-do-it gun owners are bigger impediments than flat-out antis.  Our friend Bill Stevens is once more showing leadership, being one of the few to post comments.

Only a few, and everyone else will just watch.

Why is it the same handful are always the ones to do all the work? How can anyone in good conscience see someone time and again stepping to the fore and not even lift a finger to help out, even on something so simple as this?

There ought to be a thousand damn comments from CT gun owners under the McKinney article.  And everyone who does ought to recruit a dozen friends. No excuses.

Oh, but they make you register, and I don't want my name on any lists...


A Game of Our Own?

Oh my... [Watch]

I almost didn't watch just because of the title.  And no, you can't just shoot people until an attack is actually initiated  -- just "feeling" threatened is what Demanding Moms rely on.If I felt threatened, I'd avoid. If I weren't allowed to avoid, well, that would change things.

Still, the guy makes some points and his delivery is unique -- and I have to admit, I laughed out loud a few times. That said, and while some clearly need the plain talk, I realize I'm guilty of a double standard here. I don't think I'd have even watched this through, let alone linked to it here, if the guy were white.

This whole "race" business makes me uncomfortable. I really would like my acceptance of you and your acceptance of me to be based on common values and interests as opposed to outward appearance or heritage. That's what I gravitate toward for those I call "friend."

[Via Neil W]

This Day in History: November 26

As the Evacuation would have taken place at all events it is fortunate for the Troops that it happened so early, as they would have been exposed to much difficulty in a march thro a very barren Country, intersected by many Rivers that are not fordable—Whether I should reckon it fortunate for myself or not I am not so certain, but I am always satisfied with what produces any advantage to my Country and an other State being freed from the power of the Enemy is a circumstance of no little importance at this Juncture. It has also freed me from an uneasiness that hung upon my mind—that I might probably find them so posted as not to have it in my power to dislodge them, and be reduced to the alternative of an uncertain Assault or that of leaving them unmolested. [More]