Monday, December 16, 2013

Armed American Radio Redux

Mark Walters and sidekick Sean "Seanto" Young hosted:
  • Hour One: Alan Gottlieb
  • Hour Two: "The Gunny" R. Lee Ermey
  • Hour Three: Yours truly, George "Mad Ogre" Hill, Kris Koenig (producer of "Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire).

Controversy points to value of NRA director transparency, gun owner involvement

Unfortunately, gun owner interest in finding out such information is practically nonexistent, as is the interest of the vast majority of NRA members in determining who leads the Association. [More]

Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes there’s a real story underneath all the infighting, and it reflects worse on most gun owners than it does on “shall not be infringed”-challenged NRA board candidates.

100 Stories

And these bedwetters couldn't find even one about a DGU? [More]

Of course they could. They just didn't want to.

[Via Dave Licht]

If This Means We Can Buy It at Firesale Prices...

...I'm in. [More]

I agree with Herschel. Let the Marxist "public employee" unions divest themselves of a hot commodity.

Believe Us Because We Say So

The FBI would not provide specific details of this case or others they've consulted on because many are ongoing and involve people who have not been charged with crimes. [More]
Well, since you guys at Holder's Justice have stopped all "gunwalking," can you at least tell us how many Fast and Furious shootings you've "disrupted"?

[Via Geordan]

Or a Good Signal

I suppose it's how you look at it. [More]

Me, I love it when they do that.

That's the Question, Alright

Press for an answer every chance you get. [More]

Who knows what glimpses into blackened souls will be revealed for us to be able to highlight as great reasons for saying "No"?

A Public Service for Anti-Gunners

You know how you "guys" like to attack gun owners with comments about needing substitutes for small penises, but don't quite know how to dismiss female gun owners?

Well thankfully, Mari McAvenia, over at Bill Moyer's latest panty-wringer, provides a solution:
Get as many guns as you like, dear. In my opinion that only makes you a "little man with tits", though.
Dang if that doesn't sound like a description of Josh Hor... but I digress. Thanks Mari! Now to the rest of you state-worshiping progs, she's given you the tool. Pick it up and start using it!


"Progressive" Town USA

No jobs, no hope - and surveillance cameras everywhere. The strange, sad story of Camden [More]
Oh, I don't know --it's not so strange. Matter of fact, it's exactly what I would have expected.

[Via Florida Guy]

The Secret Life of Richard Eskow

The Second Amendment crowd is misreading the amendment in whose name they struggle... [More
OK, flesh it out for us, pally. Give it your best shot. Or are we to simply accept "Richard Eskow said it, I believe it, that settles it" on faith?

We’re not here to judge them, but there is a through-line that reaches from their innermost fantasies to the deaths of children in Newtown.
As with all things "progressive," every day is Opposite Day. Of course he's here to judge us -- that's precisely what he's doing by projecting his own personal fantasies in order to paint millions of gun owners as the ones detached from reality.

The guy dreams of a monopoly of violence.  Can there be a sicker fantasy?

Constitutional Carry in Ohio

After talking to some folks in the know about the chances of this in the legislature, I'm told it has none with the current crew. [More]

Any Which Way They Can

The antis will attack freedom any time, anywhere and any which way they can. Kurt shows us one more example. [More]

That's why those who advocate "compromise" on anything are fooling themselves (at best) and undermining the rest of us.

Virginia Dares

I am for... [More]

Who the hell cares what you're for, you stupid commie?
My understanding of the Second Amendment... either severely flawed, childish and ignorant, or, more likely, you're just a liar. Or all of these.

Either way, the more strident these useful idiots become in their spittle-flecked rants, and the more demanding, the more of their insidious end game they reveal. That can work to our advantage.  Their less disciplined and more immature fanatics have totally shredded the "no one wants to take your guns" protest, and are well on their way to mortally wounding the "common sense" and "reasonable" arguments in the eyes of all but the most zealous and least consequential.

So thanks, Ginnie (hell of a presumptuous nom de plume there).  Now go quiver and hiss somewhere -- you've used up your entertainment potential, and now you're simply irritating.

[Via several of you]

This Day in History: December 16

I this morning recd the inclosed diary from my Intelligencer stationed in the High lands of Middle Town. by it Your Excly will be informed of the Sailling of a very considerable fleete from Sandy Hook—I am Sorry I have it not in my power to form an opinion of there distination or what they have on board—perhaps a few days may enable me to give some Acct. of them. [More]