Thursday, December 19, 2013

Not an Option?

He might be surprised what options the right incentives open up. [More]

[Via cydl]

We're the Only Ones Punished Enough

"He has given his life to the community," Owens said in court. "I'm not sure how much more punishment is actually appropriate." [More]
Maybe you could find instances where someone without a badge has "accidentally" shot a cop and that would give you a pretty good benchmark...

[Via William T]

Write What You Know

The lead character is Early "Trip" Thibodeaux, described as "the nation’s most powerful gun-rights advocate and the de facto CEO of the gun industry." [More
That right there shows they're operating on a false premise, and one the antis are desperate to promulgate.

What I want to know is which names from within the gun rights activist and shooting communities are they going to retain as consultants to ensure character portrayals have a basis in something other than "progressive" representations of how they view us?

Or don't you need to do that if your intent is just to do a smear job?

[Via Michael G]

Welcome to the WoGroll...

...Best IWG Holster Guide... [More]

I just did a major cleanup of the sidebar link list a few weeks back but just had to remove three blogs that have gone inactive since then...if they've relocated, they haven't notified me.

Call for independent counsel better late than never but false premise continues

“[E]xpecting a truly independent [counsel] to be appointed by a department that is up to its neck in stonewalling and cover-up, by a president whose own role and interests are appropriate for scrutiny, is at best problematic, and at worst a recipe for ensuring those responsible for ‘Project Gunwalker’ are never held accountable for actions that have resulted in human deaths on both sides of the border," this column explained in October, 2011 ... What is needed is to reenact authorization for [an independent counsel], and to maintain such powers under the coequal branch of government comprised of our elected representatives,” the column concluded. “Permanently. Anything less would make the entire investigative effort suspect.” [More]

Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report says “Welcome to the party pals, but put a lid on that ‘botched’ stuff.”

Because We're Special and Immune

And "Never again" is just a slogan... [More]

Kapo Foxman said it, I believe it, that settles it.

Or not.

Journey to Nowhere

In a lot of places, folks won’t respond by trying to match your passive-aggressive cleverness with a tweet. They’ll knock you on your ass. [More]
Yeah, we know that about most of you guys, the shallowness, the narcissism, the effete smugness, and the provincial ignorance. But your "personal odyssey" reads more like a script for one of the more trivial and predictable Tom Hanks movies. All that's missing is the lip lock with Meg Ryan at the end as the music takes over, the camera moves up and away, and the credits start to scroll. 

You still, evidently, think it's all about you and your reactions to different environments and stimuli.

I found this comment from reader "JR48" to be the most true, insightful and worthwhile thing out of the whole four pages, reproduced here because I can't get the link to work correctly:
You still don't get it. The greatest hope of the average Joe for political journalists is not that they find their Kentucky, but that they remember the history of their profession.

Journalists were supposed to be part of the checks on tyrannical governance, to report the truth, not to be a part of the story. It was never about 'you' or 'I', it was about being a voice for the people. And someone who would be really good at that, would naturally end up being a hero. It's the place where journalism is a calling, not a stepping stone towards being part of the corrupt nature of the system. Where nests are feathered and the point is lost.

When or if you ever discover what you really were supposed to be doing in DC, then we can have a conversation. I applaud your attempts, but you've only just started your journey.

This is so much bigger than individual players, the politicians du jour or the political posturing of the day. This is about a fundamental tenant of how this country was supposed to work. Go to where the story is, follow it to the end of the road, tell the truth, and you could be a beacon of light of redemption for all that is oh so very wrong. You want to know what the people want? They want THAT and they can't get it. And it's absolutely the reason why they hate the media, despise politicians and despair at what their country has become.
[Via Dan Gifford]

This Day in History: December 19

Whereas by the act of General assembly for establishing a board of Auditors the said board was authorized to allow pensions and sums in gross to a certain extent to officers and souldiers of the army or navy raised by act of general assembly and disabled in the service and to the widows of those slain or dying therein, which allowances having been made in paper currency have by the depreciation of that become inadequate to the benevolent purposes of the said act: Be it therefore enacted by the General assembly that all such allowances made or to be made shall be paiable in specie, the Auditors taking care that they be properly reduced where in consideration of such depreciation they shall have been made larger than they be when to be paid in specie. [More]