Friday, December 20, 2013

Foiled carjacking shows different outcome potentials when gun owners have choice

The question here is who has the moral authority to tell another human being they do not have a right to defend themselves? [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner column tells "A Tale of Two Carjackings." Guess which one has a happy ending…?

A "Progressive" Paradox

Note the same ones who say gun owners are responsible for the reactions of hoplophobes would never say that gays are responsible for the reactions of homophobes. [More]

Maybe it's not a paradox at all... maybe it's just more "progressive" Opposite Day hypocrisy...

'The Gun Went Off" is No Longer Enough

Now, it actually instigates and controls the behavior! [More]

Cloistered eggheads said it, I believe it, that settles it.


Herschel also shares observations on some other recent stories.

We're the Only Ones in for a Bumpy Ride Enough

Nice knee ya got there...shame if something happened to it... [More]

Oh, looky...
Ah well, it's probably a smooth road...

Putting Words in His Mouth

After all, isn't it the job of "Authorized Journalists" to make our leaders look good? [More]

[Via cydl]

"Safe Passage"

WTF, can't people read signs? [More]

Any other illusions we can shatter for you this morning? 

Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

[Via Chris C]

Statement from CCDL in re Registration Deadline

Groton, CT- December 20th, 2013

The Connecticut Citizens Defense League (The state's largest grass roots 2nd Amendment rights group) Is reminding the gun owning public that the deadline for registration and declaration of certain firearms and magazines is fast approaching. 

CCDL President Scott Wilson stated the following: " Many People are still not aware of the law itself, or the actual date of implementation (January 1st). While CCDL wholeheartedly believes that this law is unconstitutional, we want to make sure that law abiding gun owners do not become felons on January 1st".

"Of particular concern is the fact that many handgun magazines as well as semi-automatic rifle magazines with a capacity of greater than ten rounds were sold standard along with guns prior to April 4th. These magazines with more than 10 round capability must be declared. Registration of newly re-defined assault weapons must be registered by the deadline as well.

The CCDL President also stated: "Until Public Act 13-3 is resolved in the Federal Courts, this is sadly the law for now. I sincerely hope that no, unaware, law abiding person(s) receive a prison sentence, being made an example of, by the State".

"This law could potentially ruin the lives of entire families. People that had absolutely nothing to do with what happened in Sandy Hook last December".  

The Connecticut Citizens Defense League is helping lead to legal the challenge of the new law along with other plaintiffs. Oral arguments will be heard in Federal court this coming January 30th in Hartford. More information may be found at 
I like that on their website, they phrased it "If you wish to be in compliance you can find all of the forms needed here."

I like it because it acknowledges there is a choice.

I can't tell anyone else what to do. I can only point to what I did, which some, no doubt, will dismiss as foolishness followed by extreme luck, but which I would counter was only because everyone didn't do it.

I will ask one question though, to those of you complying:  If an order is later given to surrender your registered firearms, will you also obey that?

Fighting Back

Tonight on ATSNtv's "Stop the Threat"... [Details]

"Common Sense Gun Laws"

It's a damn shame, when our so-called "pro-gun Republicans" adopt the terminology of the antis to justify their betrayals.

What the hell is "common sense" about ceding a beachhead to an enemy that will then use it to launch the next attack?

Ah well, it's not like our so-called "gun rights leaders" didn't signal they'd give you a pass on a planned preemptive surrender.

But I won't.

That's "COD"rea

Thanks for the mention, but there's only one "r"...It's hard enough to get the news feeds to notice me, and besides, c'mon--you guys are supposed to be "real reporters." [More]

See, here's the thing about some of the assumptions in this article:

I'm going to wait for some of the legal experts to comment on the rest of it.

Speaking of which, NRA filed its comment and it looks like ATF is going to hold its final action until June.

This Day in History: December 20

On 20 December 1781 the Council and General Assembly passed an Act (Chap. V, Laws of 1781, p. 6) by which the state legislature was granted means to provide restitution for damages suffered by New Jersey citizens at the hands of British forces, the Continental Army, or New Jersey militia and the militias of neighboring states. [More]