Wednesday, January 01, 2014

And Remember...

"They" hate us 'cause we're free! [More]

And this one was a Reagan nominee

New Years gun rights resolutions needed in 2014 to counter Bloomberg

As now freed-up ex-Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s resolution to establish well-funded, professional and coordinated lobbying groups in the states has been exposed (albeit pretty much ignored as yet), your committed resolve to be active at all levels in defending and promoting the right to keep and bear arms will be nothing less than critical in 2014. [More
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes Bloomberg has made his resolution and is committed to keeping it. With a vengeance. Can you say the same? How?

The Light of Freedom

...just got a hell of a lot dimmer. [More]

Taking inspiration from Mike's "Toys for Totalitarians" campaign, guess what I'm going to do with burned-out fluorescent bulbs that need to be specially disposed because of mercury content ... the only question being if I decide to break them first...

Lightbulbs for Leninists? CFLs for Commies? 

Speaking of bright ideas, a revered traditional iconic cartoon convention has now been rendered obsolete. This just doesn't work for me:
UPDATE: And speaking of cartoons, Bear reminds us it's been done.

UPDATE: Many retailers still have 'em and have not completely sold out their existing stock, so you may want to go out and get a few years' supply before the shelves are emptied, that is, assuming the grid will be up that long...

The March of Folly

The inmates are running the asylum. [More]

How very "progressive": child abuse, blue-nosed Puritanism, Gaia-worship, neo-Marxism, body-snatching...

Those inclined to participate in that last item may want to consider that their victims aren't the only ones who have blood to draw, albeit the reciprocity lesson may not happen right then and there.

I'm glad I left California. But Ohio is also increasingly manifesting bipolar electoral irrationality as the "progressive" political infection spreads. Soon, there will be no place of refuge, and the decision will need to be made to stand or be assimilated.

Anybody think these hive insects are interested in allowing us to peacefully co-exist?


Kurt's not only a CSGV-condemned insurrectionist, now he's setting out to be a "gun criminal," too! [More]

Wayne's not gonna like that!

The Dustbin of History

We'll see. [More]

It all depends on who writes it, doesn't it?

For now, if you disagree with the editorial writer, note the contempt for you and all that you believe in.

The antis are not interested in a conversation or your definition of what's "reasonable" and "common sense."  They intend to dictate and compel through coercion, and to have you crushed if you defy.

Anyone who "compromises" with such as these truly is ignoring history.

[Via Doug Rink]

Is He?

Well, he's trying to be. [More

And here's how he's doing it.

I'm surprised I'm one of the very few talking about it, as I think it's the most overlooked gun rights story of 2013 and sure to be a major factor in 2014. Why the gun groups haven't said anything yet is beyond me.

Prediction, and I don't make them lightly: This effort, once it gets chugging, will eclipse all the other anti-gun groups in terms of raw threat capability at all levels, as opposed to simple hand-wringing and noise-making we've come to expect from insignificant whiners like CSGV or the increasingly irrelevant Brady Campaign.

We're the Only Ones All Steamed Up Enough

Prosecutors in the Prince George’s County State’s Attorney’s Office charge Tabron videotaped his stepdaughter in the bathroom as she was getting in and out of the shower, as well as in her bedroom as she was undressing.  [More]
Lanier's Legionnaires once more prove why they're just plain more trustworthy with ... everything ... than the rest of us.

[Via William T]

Street Life

But...but...but...Moms Demand Field Corn says we should just give them what they want... [More]

Now who do I listen to...?

[Via bondmen]

ISP FOID Verification Goes Live

TO DETERMINE THE VALIDITY OF A FOID CARD AND RECEIVE A TRANSFER APPROVAL NUMBER, please enter the FOID card number and date of birth of the person (buyer/transferee) to whom you will be transferring the firearm. Valid FOID card numbers will be issued an approval number, which are to be retained for a period of 10 years. [More]

Although I like my way of doing transfers a lot better.

A Looney Reading List

“I wish he had sent me a New Yorker, the New Republic or the Atlantic,” Looney said when told he was the recipient of a high-capacity gun magazine. [More]
The provincial clod just can't conceive that useful knowledge might exist outside his self-imposed ideological boundary limits, can he?

This is a follow-up to a piece mentioned earlier, as part of a Gaelic lesson.

Mike has lots more.

This Day in History: January 1

You must consider Sir, that the point now in dispute is of the utmost political importance to the future Union and Peace of this great Country. The State of Vermont, if acknowledged, will be the first new one admitted into the Confederacy, and if suffered to encroach upon the ancient established Boundaries of the adjacent ones, will serve as a precedent for others, which it may here after be expedient to sell off to make the same unjustifiable demands. [More]
Happy New Year. We posted glimpses into 1781 last year. I'm going to be focusing on 1782 this year.