Monday, January 06, 2014

‘Guns across the Border’ one of ‘Best of 2013’

Mike Detty’s firsthand narrative of his role in “Operation Wide Receiver” has been selected as one of the top 10 books written by Southern Arizona writers in 2013, J.C. Martin of The Arizona Daily Star announced Sunday. [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes an honoring and a dishonoring. Guess which one ATF is responsible for?

Sunday Radio Recap

Podcasts of the three shows I was on yesterday have now been posted:

Sounds Like a Good Ruling

And not a peep out of Jackson and Sharpton.  [More]

Who thinks they wouldn't be screaming bloody murder if the races were reversed?

[Via Michael G]


Interesting uncensored news aggregator based on social media mentions, with no human editors... [More]

They have a gun page, too.

An Uplifting Experience

And the sculpture will use recycled metal that came from parts of confiscated guns that were melted.[More]
I wonder if any of those had been walked? 

You know what would be great?  Invite some cartel folks to the unveiling. I'm sure they'll be moved.

What I don't get is, if El Paso has $70,000 to spend on this kind of nonsense, why are they hitting up property owners for a tax increase?

It sounds like the only things being lifted, up or otherwise, are productive people's wallets. 

[Via Florida Guy]

Attention Austin Gun Owners!

Don’t let Austin be the first! We need your help. [More]
Wouldn't it be sad (but hardly unwarranted) to think that some guy in Ohio is doing more to spread the word on this than most gun owners in the Austin area?

Gun owner apathy is the best ally the antis have.

[Via Lane]

Win Fabulous Prizes!

This month's "Gun Giveaway Contests" list from The Weapon Blog... [More]

Conclusive Results

The purpose of the present study is to determine the effects of state-level assault weapons bans and concealed weapons laws on state-level murder rates. Using data for the period 1980 to 2009 and controlling for state and year fixed effects, the results of the present study suggest that states with restrictions on the carrying of concealed weapons had higher gun-related murder rates than other states. It was also found that assault weapons bans did not significantly affect murder rates at the state level. These results suggest that restrictive concealed weapons laws may cause an increase in gun-related murders at the state level. The results of this study are consistent with some prior research in this area, most notably Lott and Mustard (1997). [More]
Uh-oh. Time to ramp up the ad hominem attacks, noisy repeated lies, and emotionally-charged non sequitur anecdotes...oh, and cancer wishes. Don't forget the cancer wishes.

OIG Semiannual Report

Looks like they've washed their hands of "Gunwalker."  Still, there's lots of info to be gleaned here. [More]

I like the bit on pg 37 about ATF not following administrative action policies when it comes to revocations.

Ain't it something, how few "journalists" think that's newsworthy...of course, it's not exactly like anybody else besides maybe, oh, I don't know, this guy, ever raise that flag...

[Via everrest]

It's Time We Had That "Conversation on Guns"

It goes something like this:
Do the world a favor and commit suicide you worthless right wing POS. I hope all of your loved ones get terminal cancer.
And this:
You are the traitor you worthless POS. I hope your loved ones die of cancer. A GOOD conservative is one that dies of stage 4 cancer.
Does it sound to you like there's anything to talk about?

Just a Thought...

Maybe the disconnect lies within you? [More]

What a hideously pathetic and hateful soul. But it's the ultimate extrapolation of radical "progressivism" as those advancing its fronts in racism, sexism, environmentalcasism and animal supremacy demonstrate, and it's not just confined to deranged misfit blogs like the above, but openly advocated in the mainstream, by "noted" people: Humans are a plague that must be contained, controlled, eradicated.

By "progressives," of course. It's only "commonsense" and "reasonable."

Funny thing, how that works out for females in actual practice...

Remember, for "progressives," every day is Opposite Day.  Radical "feminists" actually hate women. That's because they hate themselves, and with good cause.

Who wants to disarm for these insane beasts?

Own a Gun...

...prepare for this. [More]

"Community hero" safety, you know. 

And registration lists/licenses/permits sure will be helpful.

Dig Deeper, Dick

Maybe your new friends at The Times will employ you. Or Bloomberg. [More]

And by the way, you can yell "Fire!" in a crowded theater.

You Have a Choice: Surrender or Be Destroyed

let the consumer decide. [More]
That's the whole point. New Jersey and Maryland already have requirements in place to mandate these abominations, other states and the feds are looking at doing the same thing, and the gungrabbers are out there telling everyone their polling says an overwhelming number of Americans "favor a requirement."

then there's this:
nobody says you cant have your gun. why not let others have a choice about childproof guns.
Says the company that promotes Obama's Executive Actions on social media and proudly poses with Eric Holder at a White House photo op:
The only "choice," as with everything imposed under force of edicts, is if we will surrender and obey or assume the risks and consequences of defiance.

You people can take your damned chip and stick it in your...ear.

THis Day in History: Jamuary 6

I have wrote to the Minister of War and Inclosed Capt. Barcley’s Letter to me on the subjec—and have, by the advice of the Commissary of prisoners detained them both at this post, untill I hear from your Excellency, or the Minister of War, more especially as Judge Atlee informs me, that Prisoners of War have not heretofore been allowed the route from hence by Philadelphia or German Town to New York. [More]