Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Soulja Boy gun arrest typifies ‘progressive’ inconsistencies

So if they don't agree on guns or the economy (or, apparently, on the president's military, law enforcement and foreign policies), perhaps there’s another ideological motivator that could explain Soulja Boy's enthusiasm. [More] 
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes MTV’s definition of “developing wisdom beyond his years” and mine don’t seem to be compatible. Now watch me yuuuuuuu (Crank dat Soulja Boy)...

Stop the Threat: Midnight Robbers

From host James Towle at American Trigger Sports Network:
In this week's crime re-enactment, a well-planned home invasion by professional thieves fails when dad chooses not to become a victim. With Special Guests: Michael Carrizales, Wes Doss, PhD, Rob Pincus.

Watch on the PURSUIT Channel!
DISH Network: Channel 393
DirecTV: Channel 604 PRST
Wednesdays 2:00pm PST 5:00pm EST
Thursdays 10:00pm PST
Fridays 6:00pm PST/9:00pm EST
Fridays 1:00am EST
Also see past episodes of ATSNTV programming on their You Tube channel and check them out on Facebook.

SCOTUS to Decide on Abramski

Justices on Wednesday heard from Bruce James Abramski, Jr., a former police officer. Abramski bought a Glock 19 handgun in Collinsville, Va., in 2009 and transferred it to his uncle in Easton, Pa. [More]
We'll see if conflicting language from that 1979 ATF industry circular comes into play...

[Via Geordan]

A Study in Scarlet

These results suggest that restrictive concealed weapons laws may cause an increase in gun-related murders at the state level. [More]
Or as Dr. Watson put it:
"There's the scarlet thread of murder running through the colourless skein of life, and our duty is to unravel it, and isolate it, and expose every inch of it."
[Via Harvey]

Don't It Make Their Brown Eyes Poo

I mentioned this yesterday.

Per Bruce W, Krafft:

According to the Denver Post's numbers there were 396,955 CBI checks in 2013. The new law took effect in July, so it would only have affected half of the sales year (and yeah, these are really rough numbers). So if there were 198,477.5 FFL sales then according to the Brady's "40%" figure, there should have been 79,391 private sales to go with them. But the Post article says there were only "6,198 checks run for private gun sales from July". 

So where are the other 73,193 private sales checks? Or is it possible that they are so full of **** that their eyes are brown, and private sales in fact made up only a bit more than 3%?
I'll go with the eye color hypothesis.

The Hollywood Blacklist

See, "progressives" are only outraged when people don't want to voluntarily associate with commies. [More]

The Case Against Background Checks

Julie Borowski does it with wit and humor. [More]

I like her style. Anybody who can discuss the central bank, inflation, credit expansion, boom and bust cycles, and interventionist foreign policy while making a sandwich is OK in my book.

Which reminds me: Time for lunch.

[Via bondmen]

Swords Into Plowshares

You might want to skip the "humans into cannibal food" advocacy from the "divergent thinker, ideation specialist, and aspiring minimalist," and go straight to the comments from Brian Bowman, which are the only words on this page that make any sense so far...[More]

To Protect and Serve

Trust us. Or else. [More]

If ever there was a time for these...

Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics

Billy Johnson makes some good points about the media-fueled "declining gun ownership" lie. [Watch]

Leave it to "progressives" to advocate minorities shouldn't have rights.

We're the Only Ones Terrorizing Enough

“Since the night my home was invaded and family terrorized by a militarized D.C. police force, I am more afraid of what government is doing than I am of any of the people I encountered when I spent the night in jail. The Second Amendment was meant to guarantee individuals the right to protect themselves against government — as much as against private bad guys and gangs.”[More]
Uh-oh, now you've done it.

CSGV is going to call you a treasonous insurrectionist, fully aware that's a capital "offense."  And if they really take the gloves off, they might even put you down for being white.

[Via Rog C]

Speaking of "Ghost Guns"...

In a new development in the Fast and Furious gunwalking case, the Justice Department's Inspector General (IG) is making inquiries into the possible existence of a missing third weapon in the 2010 murder of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, CBS News has learned. [More
Vanished into thin air, like a spirit in the night...

We're the Only Ones Watching Your Six Enough

A Bay Area Rapid Transit police officer accidentally shot and killed a fellow officer Tuesday in the first on-duty fatality in the department's 42-year history, authorities said. [More]
That's not quite accurate, but I don't suppose Oscar Grant counted...

[Via Dan K]

This Day in History: January 22

Instead of complying with this condition, they have gone on in their encroachments both on the New York and New Hampshire sides, and there is at this moment every symptom of approaching hostility with each of them. In this delicate crisis, the interposition of Congress is again called for, and, indeed, seems to be indispensable; but whether in the way of military coercion, or a renewal of former overtures, or by making the first a condition of a refusal of the last, is not so unanimously decided. [More]