Tuesday, January 28, 2014

We're the Only Ones from the Government and Here to Help Enough

Less than a week after one grand jury declined to charge him, a different one has indicted a Charlotte, N.C., police officer for voluntary manslaughter in the shooting death of an unarmed man who was looking for help after a car crash. [More]
I guess the mundane didn't get to his knees fast enough.

[Via Florida Guy]

Free Man vs. Slave

Guess what one has that the other does not? [More]

In a way, I envy this guy. At least CSGV can't dismiss him for being "white."

[Via Mack H]

We're the Only Ones Self-Motivated Enough

They certainly are hiring the best and the brightest these days. [More]

[Via William T]

Playing the Percentages

The same is true about people. “We now know that homicide and gun violence are overwhelmingly concentrated among serious offenders operating in groups: gangs, drug crews, and the like representing under half of one percent of a city's population who commit half to three-quarters of all murders.”

Read it once more: “ … under half of one percent … commit half to three-quarters of all murders.” [More]
But...but...but...that would mean...

[Via William T]

Going Postal

About damn time -- as a good first step... [More]

If You Can't Beat 'em...

...pretend like you authorize and approve of them.  [More]

That helps hide the embarrassing reality that they're beyond fed up and don't give a damn if you do or not.

We could learn a lot from these brave armed citizens.

[Via Neil W]

The Commissar Vanishes


How unsurprising. Erasing history is one of the oldest tricks in the collectivist playbook...

What lying cowards, these "adults" behaving like children who got caught doing something bad.  How typically "progressive."

Now scoot.  But put a damn towel on the seat if you're going to wear your mankinis.
Jeez, that's one commissar I'd like to see vanish...

Still "AWOL"

I checked the MAIG city roster a moment ago just to make sure this is still current.

Funny, how no "real reporters" from "legitimate media" thinks this is even worth mentioning.

Maybe that's why they're "Authorized Journalists."

Come to think of it, the title of this post applies to them more than it does to de Blasio.

A Revolutionary Spirit

Some people are better suited to the French and Russian experiences than the American one, and this Patrick Walker character sounds positively Cambodian... [More]

A Study in Self-Contradiction

How do we save the lives of our family members, friends, and neighbors who may kill themselves with guns, while also respecting the rights of responsible gun owners?

I — and others — believe that one of the most important points is to keep guns out of the home. [More]
I don't suppose this grinning academic dimbulb realizes what he just did there...

[Via Michael G]

"Have an Exit Plan"

To where?  [More]

Tyranny is never toppled by people running and hiding.

If Drudge knows something specific through his network of connections, he ought to stop with the cryptic comments and flesh them out, because some will be heading for the bridge instead of the lifeboats.

[Via Andrea Shea King]

The Wrong Question

Gabby's counting on our innate decency and sympathy allowing her to continue to play ideological stoop tag. [More]

As Thomas Pynchon noted in "Gravity's Rainbow":
If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.
I say she's abused any deferential considerations in matters of public policy and needs to be treated like we would any other Bolshevik hive insect.

Armed American Radio Redux

George “The Mad Ogre” Hill live with Mark in the AAR Crossbreed Holster Studios in Atlanta talk with Fox News Contributor and Townhall Magazine News Editor Katie Pavlich, Larry Pratt and David Codrea.

Leave Your Gun at Home

Don't worry. Barry Saunders will protect you. [More]

An anti-gun male.  How...contemptible.

How DID They Know?

The intelligence analysis hub has access to, and contains, Florida’s CCW list (among other identification systems) and mines the state’s database systems for vehicle plate numbers of the holders. These license plate numbers are then stored in a cross referencing database within the Maryland Coordination and Analysis Center. The database is directly connected to another Maryland technological system – Their ALPR (Automatic License Plate Reader) system is synergized with the MCAC Hub. Every time one of the flagged license plates are detected by the ALPR an alert is generated. [More]
If this is right, somebody in Florida needs to get stomped. And that power needs to be taken away.

A public records request to learn more has been sent.

Is this supposed to make me feel safe?

[Via Neil W]

A Numbers Game

Those who stood up to speak in favor of the changes were in much smaller numbers -- arguing that approving the measures could save lives. [More]
I'm told "those" really means "one."  And that the photo of the three sour-pussed greenshirts was taken at a previous meeting.

"Authorized Journalists": Is it any wonder that we love them so?

UPDATE: VTFSC tells me:
The gun control element has been telling Vermont legislators that the state demographics have changed. Gun owners ranks are depleted, gun owners are willing to concede to gun control measures. 

Which means gungrabbers are pathetically demonstrable LIARS, as this photo of the Burlington meeting proves:

The Gun Feed

If you haven't bookmarked this website, and if you're not checking it every day, you're missing out on one hell of an aggregator. [More]

This Day in History: January 28

It is with great Satisfaction that I obey the Commands of the Congress of the United States of America, in assuring your Majesty, that they have the most grateful Sense of your Majesty’s Exertions in their Favour; that the States they represent have not in the least abated in their firm Resolution of maintaining their Independence; that they are determined faithfully to perform all their Engagements; and that, tho’ desirous of sparing the farther Effusion of human Blood, by an honourable Peace, they will continue to prosecute the War with all possible Vigour, till that End can be obtained. [More]
Also, happy birthday, elder feral son Uday: