Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Brandon Speaks

Here's what he had to say about BATFU storefront ops... [More

UPDATE: Just scanned through it. Basically self-serving BS.

Where the hell's Gomer

National Treasures

Take a virtual tour--it's the only one you're likely to get for some time. [More]

[Via Andrea Shea King]

Two New NRA Videos

  • Natalie Foster exposes the media attention and celebrity status that has been assigned to our nation’s most evil villains. [Watch]
  • Meet Elaine. She's a 72-year-old widow who is ready and able to protect her family at a moment's notice. Her choice for self-defense: a semi-automatic rifle.[Watch]

One Step Closer... attempted confiscation in Connecticut... [More]

Profiles in Apathy

Why keep banging your head against the wall if nobody cares? [More]

I can't tell you how many unique and innovative efforts I've seen fold over the decades because of it.

We're the Only Ones Automatic Enough

“Because the weapon had not been delivered,” Callaway says, “it didn’t meet their threshold for a crime.” [More]
I'm not buying that, but I don't have time to search the law and precedent right now. It would seem the act of agreeing to do it elevates it at a minimum to an actionable conspiracy. I think had it been you or  I, assuming you or I were this damn dumb, we'd be looking at doing serious time along with a lifetime disability.

And how the hell does one even "legally" own such a weapon and not be aware of the rules in the first place?

Stop the Threat - "Kidnappers-Part Two"

Kidnapping is a federal offense. In this two-part series, we watch as a plan is implemented and an employee is snatched from her home. If you own a brick-and-mortar business and handle cash, this is a must-see two-part series for you and your employees.
Watch what happens on ATSN's Stop the Threat - "Kidnappers-Part One"

Be Safe... Be Trained... Be Alert.
On the Pursuit Channel
Prime Time Every Friday!
6:00pm Pacific/ 9:00pm Eastern

Encore Presentations:
Wednesday: 2:00pm Pacific/5:00pm Eastern
Thursday: 10:00pm Pacific
Friday: 1:00am Eastern
DirecTV Channel 604/ DISH Network 393

It's All a Misunderstanding

Here's the headline for an email I just received:
You people don't really believe that, do you?

Totalitarian City

"Take down the sign or go to jail. We do not approve of guns...or you." [More
The masks are coming off more and more these days.

Who still thinks it's ultimately about guns?

[Via Florida Guy]

A Keynote Speaker

Note that's "former...leader" not "former communist." [More]

[Via Florida Guy]


The King is dead. Long live the Queen. [More]

Isn't that the way it's supposed to work?

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only One Totalitarian Enough

“I have my rights,” the man said.
“You have no rights,” the officer said. [More]
"The officer"...?

"Authorized Journalists" consider that a complete report?

[Via Florida Guy]

A False Assumption

That Americans have historically been more homicidal than the English is almost never discussed in the contemporary gun control debate... [More]
Hold the phone right there, pally.  I'm an American and I'm not homicidal. Neither is anyone I've ever known. 

This collectivist lumping of all of us together to form a general pool is misleading and deceptive. Those of us who conduct ourselves responsibly and with self-control do not belong pooled in with the degenerates who don't. 

I'll bet you could take the 5 million or so members of the NRA, arguably the most heavily-armed civilian population on the planet, and you'd find our general and homicidal violence rates are lower than just about anyone's anywhere.

If it Ducks Like a Duck

SCOTUS waddles away from another one. [More]

Rulers don't voluntarily give up power over others. There has to be an "or else" attached to if they don't, followed by a cost/benefit tradeoff analysis.

That's the way it's always been.

The Background Check Loophole

Dang. The guys didn't even fill out any forms... [More]

We're the Only Ones "He's OK" Enough

On the plus side, they've got her confession that she hit her daughter, so that oughtta be good for a lifetime Lautenberg disability... [Watch]

[Via Neil W]

Infiltrate and Disrupt

Those are generally acts of war against an enemy. [More]

So they're not all just "sadists and psychopaths"?

Some of them are professional sadists and psychopaths?

What does that say about those who employ them?

[Via Neil W]

The Enemy Within

I've been meaning to say something about this "gun guy" and others like him for some time but keep getting derailed by other stories. I'm glad to see Kurt taking him on and slapping him around so expertly. [More] 

Massachusetts gun owners--why do you give this guy your business?  What excuse could you possibly have that doesn't tell us all we need to know about the sorry condition you've allowed gun rights in your state to devolve into?

Here is today's Five-Minute Activism: Take a few moments to learn about this character, and a few more to spread the word, especially to anyone you know in the Bay State, including shooting clubs, that may deal with him.

Looking at some of the certification courses he offers on his Facebook page, NRA ought to stop having anything to do with him as well.  And if ever there was cause under the bylaws to expel a member...

Alan Beck Interview

Alan Beck? [More]

Hey, I put links in these things for a reason.

This is important. Not to mention exclusive to The Armored Porcupine.

Good job.

Hi-Yo Silver!

Chris Woodard has a generous proposition to help gun rights organizations that some of us acting as force multipliers could turn into something much bigger. [More]

I expect there are various state laws that would need to be considered.  Does anyone know what the feds have to say? Besides this?

I also expect "no purchase necessary" language would need to be included to keep everything above-board, especially in places with a state monopoly on games of chance...

But it's a good idea, a generous gesture, and something that could generate thousands of dollars for worthy groups that could really use the help, especially as they're doing what they do in the face of the well-financed Bloomberg/Joyce Foundation/etc. machines.

A "Privilege" Delayed

Those applying for a CCW today can expect to wait until August or September until the application is processed, he said. [More]
So does that establish a legally-recognized "special relationship," where the department has a duty to protect throughout the interim, and with enforceable consequences should it fail?


I didn't think so.

[Via Maureen]

We're the Only Ones Losing Enough

ATF agents have lost track of dozens of government-issued guns, after stashing them under the front seats in their cars, in glove compartments or simply leaving them on top of their vehicles and driving away... [More]
Why walk when you can ride?

This Day in History: February 26

South Carolina No. 1153 - AN ACT for disposing of certain Estates, and banishing certain persons, therein mentioned. [More]