Wednesday, May 07, 2014

We're the Pseudo-Only Ones Unrecognized Enough

Deputy sheriffs guarding jails in Stanislaus County are suing for the right to carry concealed guns off duty without permits. Patrol deputies and state prison guards don’t have to jump through paperwork hoops and pay permit fees, says the lawsuit, which asks a judge to give custodial deputies the same courtesy. [More]
See, I can't support you getting a "courtesy" not extended to me.  And it doesn't belong to any judge to give. Now if you guys want to treat it as an unalienable right, and demand that I get the same recognition you do, well, I'll be right there with you.

If not, you can just feel my pain.

[I'll be damned if I can find who to credit this to]

Read more here:

The Slippery Slope

Kurt weighs in on my piece from yesterday. [More]

I hope he doesn't take an grief from the controversy I'm trying to resolve.  Latest word from the lawyers I vetted mine with is:
UPDATE 2: I took the raised concern back to the attys I vetted this with and asked what we should make of "Extension without change of an existing collection." The answer: "I don't think anyone knows for sure, but as [name redacted] already stated, it is likely a precursor to a new rule being proposed."
A second replied “I do not see any information that limits the multiple rifle reporting to 'only' border states in the new collection. The OLD federal register actually stated only the border states. I believe this is going to apply to all FFLs."
And it does:
This requirement will apply only to Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) who are dealers and/or pawnbrokers in Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas. 
The new one does not so limit things.

Resistance is Futile?

Gary North said it, I believe it, that settles it? [More]

I mean, he was right about Y2K, wasn't he?

And y'all went right out and dumped Apple before it tanked, right?

I have no idea about the actual capabilities and intentions of some of the folks he's criticizing, and based on what Mike has revealed, there may indeed be some leadership issues that could bear out some of North's predictions.  My issue with his write-up is it seems to be a one-size-fits-all pronouncement on all armed resistance, everywhere and for always, which would mean "Second Amendment solutions" are forever useless.

I can't help but wonder what his recommendations for Lexington/Concord would have been.

As for Gandhi, Mike had something instructive to say about his tactics in the face of true ruthlessness
Had the Japanese got as far as India, Gandhi's theories of "passive resistance" would have floated down the Ganges River with his bayoneted, beheaded carcass. 
How the Bundy Ranch situation will play out is as yet unknown, but even if the worst of all outcomes happen, one engagement will not decide it all, especially since there are all kinds of options that have yet to be tried by people who are not surrounded, that is, who are everywhere.

All the eggs ain't in one basket.

Take a MOMent

The antis aren't the only game in every town. [More]

We're the Only Ones Frenzied Enough

CBS4 News has learned a total of 23 officers fired a total of at least 377 rounds. [More]

And both men they killed were unarmed?  And one of them "had committed no crime"?  And "Bullets were sprayed everywhere. They hit ... other cars in the lot, fence posts and neighboring businesses. They blasted holes in a townhouse where a 12-year-old dove to the ground for cover and a four month old slept in his crib [and] two Miami Dade police officers were hit as well"?

See, that's the difference between trained professionals, whom we can trust with guns anywhere and everywhere, and

[Via Florida Guy]


What is clear is that the idea of partisan war has taken hold among the people. [More]
You know, the folks Harry Reid calls "domestic terrorists."


[Via Florida Guy]

The Last Stand

I just found out about these folks and their product, which looks pretty useful and innovative, because we started following each other on Twitter.

Here's their YouTube Channel.

No, I haven't tried it out yet, and no, this isn't an ad.

By the Numbers

Mike throws cold water on the best laid plans of mice and marchers. [More]

Just an observation: If this is going to fly, and by that I mean attract millions committed to putting everything on the line,  they're probably going to need to be able to attract more than 63 Facebook "likes" and 14 "tweets" on articles informing us about it, and more than 928 You Tube views.

Were I a commander proposing to lead something like this, I'd feel a responsibility to collect better intel on numbers before declaring:
Millions of Americans will participate.

Vanderboegh and Colmes

Last word Mike has says he's scheduled to be on the program tonight at 7 p.m. Eastern. [More]

Figures Colmes will be mixing gun rights with porn.  It seems to be a Prozi M.O.

Yeah, Well, What Did We Expect?

Griping with little concrete action will always produce results like this. [More]

Profiles in Apathy win again. Excuse me for questioning the likelihood of those who won't do easy things actually making real and sustained sacrifices, and enduring terrible hardships and losses.

We're the Only Ones Cuffing Enough

Way to secure the blessings of Liberty there, Lt. James Lee...uh...Leach. [More]

Of course you had a choice.

The "Stop Violence" Community

No, Andre's not dancing to stop any violence:
 Guess what he is doing.

Funny, how a sadistic little pussy like this can get away with robbing people at knifepoint in NY Daily Newsland.

Speaking of "Way Out of Balance"

Somebody rein in this rape enabler. [More]

So, Hillary: Is Juanita Broddrick a liar? Yes or no?

And if you're serious about "gun control" and "mental health," why didn't you begin at home?

This Day in History: May 7

The Son, apprehensive that his aged mother may Stand in need of his assistance, and Supposing, also, that Some affairs of his family may require his attention, proposes, with your permission, to go within the Enemy’s Lines for those purposes. I take the liberty of recommending his request to your Excellency’s Attention. [More]