Friday, May 09, 2014

UK 'journalists' epitomize snotty attitude toward U.S. gun owners

The writer is terrified by the appearance of a woman with a gun? Really? That explains a lot right there. People are afraid of things they're ignorant about. That leads to prejudice, which combined with admitted fear and obvious resentment, can result in hate -- and when ignorant, fearful people hate, they often try to destroy. [More]
My latest JPFO Alert notes Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists are the same the world over -- a bunch of ignorant and parochial wimps.

A Bigger Nigerian Scam than "419"

Media largely ignoring Nigerian plea for guns to defend themselves [More
I would think the government would be largely ignoring it, too.

I'm just not getting where, generally a good source for global gun laws (it's ultimate purpose to support citizen disarmament notwithstanding) gets off telling us "The regulation of guns in Nigeria is categorised as permissive."

Really? By whom, Michael Bloomberg?

Because, as we then learn:

Guns in Nigeria are regulated by the President
What could go wrong?  But wait, as Billy Mays used to say, there's more!

In Nigeria, civilians are not allowed to possess machine-guns, military rifles and handguns
Add to that licensing, a need to prove "genuine need," registration, and hell, it sounds like MILM Paradise over there. Until such time as some anti-human hive insect characterizes that as "permissive" and starts closing "loopholes"...

"It Can Happen to Anyone at Any Time"

Yeah, no kidding. [More]

And to the conditioned "straphanger" herd. mentioned in the article, not to mention the CBS new York "real reporters," the answer is more Only Ones.  They'd no doubt be infuriated by and ridicule anyone suggesting something else.

How that differs from some of the comment posters.

ATF retirement highlights questionable assignments under Jones, source claims

Aside from raising questions about continuity of effective management, this also makes it fair to ask if Director Jones answered based on his best knowledge at the time when asked about the advisability of putting the Operation Fearless guy in charge of the Operation Fast and Furious office. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes there are all kinds of ways to move chess pieces to your advantage when you control both the board and the rules of play.

A Happy Ending?

The Arizona State Court of Appeals ruled late yesterday that the City of Phoenix erred when it prohibited a prominent gun rights advocate from placing “Guns Save Lives” messages at city bus shelters, noting that Alan Korwin has a right to place his advertisements. [More]
"Erred" hell...

A New Spirit of Generosity

Funny. I don't recall Jesus telling the disciples to use those swords he told them to sell their cloaks to buy to extort money from anyone... [More]

How generous are you if it's not your property?

[Via Florida Guy

It Ain't Rocket Science... Well, it Kind of is...

Seems we've addressed this before.  [More]

Oh, yeah, now I remember:
"Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birth-right of an American."

National Hysterical Harridans Screaming Into the Phone Day

Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence MOMS! When you speak, people listen! So we're asking you to CALL your member of Congress TODAY and TOMORROW to demand action on background checks! CALL 1-888-997-4866 to be connected [More
Go for it, MILMs.

Aside from Prozi reps in safe districts, if you can "cow" anyone else into trying this with elections coming up, all it will do is mobilize the real grassroots, not you Astroturfers with your foundation bucks and your gaggle of useful idiots. Hell, I'm not even going to suggest a counter-call campaign.

Nice "followers" you have there, by the way. I can just imagine the enraged shrieking we'd hear if we posted stuff like "Drone the Brady Campaign" and "Take Aim on the Brady Campaign."

[Via Standing Liberty]

The Empire Strikes Back

The I-Team has confirmed that FBI agents have launched a formal investigation into alleged death threats, intimidation and possible weapons violations that culminated with a dangerous showdown on April 12... [More]
In other words, since many of these people came to Nevada from elsewhere, the AO has just been expanded to where We Are Everywhere

I wonder what the Rebel Alliance has to say about that?

We're the Only Ones Not Returning Enough

Bunch'a damned fascist excuse-makers. [More]

If they wanted to, they could  take care of this.  Meanwhile, if she gets killed, it's no skin off their noses. They'll make it home at the end of their shifts.

[Via cydl]

We're the Only Ones Pleading Enough

Through a plea agreement Perales admitted to taking an AR-15 rifle, 1993 Chevrolet Camaro and more than $5,000 in cash, items all seized during separate task force investigations, according to court documents. [More]
I'm sure you and I would have been treated as equitably.

Funny, if they had him, why offer a plea?  Look at what he did. Make sure to read the whole story.

Want the kicker? An insider close to the case just told me Perales had testimony that would have cleared the Reese family.  And look at what they are accused of doing compared to him, and the disproportionate prosecutorial response.

Y'all have been following that one, right?  Because the media sure hasn't, particularly with all the evidence of government misconduct and corruption, and these poor people have been immersed in hell for years.

Yeah, I wonder why he was offered such a generous plea deal.

To Ourselves and Our Posterity

Yeah, you go, Eric! [More]

You too, RINOs.

And yes, of course it has bearing on that "single issue."  Even Bloomberg sycophants think so.

Grover, who's on the NRA Board, also supports gungrabbers when it suits his other purposes.

And Jeb keeps going full Bush.  Hillary? "Liberty"? Really?

Meanwhile, Ryan proved himself an opportunistic, insincere flake.

That ol' Quigley sure knew the score.

And as the Boehner and other primary races are proving, there are a lot of whiners out there who will not do anything more than gripe on the internet, so the Establishment lackeys can pretty much sell out to their heart's content.

This Day in History: May 9

I have just received a Letter from Mr Silas Deane, which at the request of its Author, I beg leave to present to Your Excellency for perusal, after which I shall thank Your Excellency to return it. [More]
Everybody knows who Benjamin Tallmadge was, right?  I'm having fun with "Turn," which I record and watch right after "Armed American Radio." I'm sure they take tons of dramatic license, but without a time machine, you'd have to.