Saturday, May 24, 2014

Santa Barbara killer’s family ‘staunchly anti-gun’

Lawyer Alan Shifman, who represents killer Elliot Rodger’s father, director Peter Rodger, “said the family is ‘staunchly against guns’ and supports gun-control laws,” the report revealed. [More]

This evening’s Gun Rights Examiner report looks at what happens when the product of an anti-gun family ignores a host of “gun control” laws in a state rated tops by the citizen disarmament demanders.

Guns & Ammo state rankings highlight differences in people and parties

Because of perceived credibility simply from being an influential political media organization, its findings are taken more seriously by some than, say, a Mark Dice petitioning video, which is really too bad, because at least his efforts demonstrate how astonishingly ignorant and unable to critically think many respondents can be.  [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes two irreconcilable peoples living in one country.