Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Vanderboegh ponders unpleasant truths, restoring Constitution in Texas speech

“We are at present two peoples, two countries really, living within a common border and sharing (mostly) a common language but divided upon the answer to this question: does the government serve the people or do the people serve the government?” Vanderboegh elaborated. “This is not a question that the answer can be finessed, negotiated or ignored. It is one or the other, that of individual liberty as the Founders intended or of collectivist power in service to a few.” [More]

Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes no, we can’t all get along. The Prozis won’t allow it. So that means one side must win.

The Latest Trend

Dan Cannon looks at relative popularity. [More]


Not a Bad Question, Actually

Why on earth would anyone want to contact their Congress Critters on something that doesn’t exist at the moment? [More]
That's a tough one to answer.

I do have a quibble about the self-referencing criticism.  If Mike and I hadn't done that, and continuously, how far could we have gotten with this? Or this. Or this. Or any number of exclusives over the years not corroborated by "legitimate media."And, I could have faked all kinds of supporting documents accessible here.

Sometimes, we're all we've got, and people are either going to have to trust us or not -- and let proof of events catch up with the reporting. Or, alternatively, not say anything until ... forever.

Project Vetcroaker

Well, at least we won't have to worry about them getting guns. [More]

No, your family may not have them, either. At least in the dead zones we control, and we're working on expanding those...

Oh, and thank you for your service.

[Via Florida Guy

Awaiting Moderation? This Needs to Be Seen NOW...

Ain't it something...?  Examiner's DISQUS moderator has no problem letting pure unadulterated spam slip through, but get a relevant comment and forget it--particularly one that is time-critical, as after today it won't be able to do any good.  Meaning my tech support ticket won't solve anything until it's too late.

So I guess I'd best post this here, in re the McDaniel/Cochran race:
Terrific article. Thanks. The crying shame is that we could've had several *dozen* Brat-Cantor-type upsets, had the gun rights, tea party, conservative and Republican
communities graded honestly and lifted a finger. Not least, we could've forced Lindsey Graham into a runoff and then defeated him. For evidence, one need only see the Brat-Cantor race. Brat went from being down 33 points to winning by 12 in one month, thanks to haphazard grassroots and talking head support, and thanks to the endorsement, ads and robocalling for Brat by Gun Owners of America. Cantor was defeated despite the NRA endorsing and campaigning for him, despite GOA's failure to downgrade Cantor from an A to the D or F he deserves (thus undermining GOA's own national endorsement and spending for Brat) and despite the national Sterile Bee Queen "Tea Party" groups' passive-aggressive or open support for Cantor, open-immigration and amnesty. Lindsey Graham avoided a runoff by just 9% against 6 more conservative candidates. Given the rapid Brat swing, Graham could've easily lost by 9% instead, forced into a runoff, then defeated, if the major loyal American organizations and talking heads had lifted a finger. At least Graham was only rated C by GOA. But, had GOA's grade reflected GOA's observation of the effect of open immigration on gun rights, Graham would've been an F, that alone might have been enough to hold him to a runoff.

The national "Tea Party" groups "stayed out" of the Brat-Cantor race, yet immediately took credit for it in their typical, fraudulent, Nigerian-style fundraising emails. All major "Tea Party" groups either openly endorse amnesty or passive-aggressively support it (e.g., Club for Growth). Sal Russo's "Tea Party" Express has endorsed amnesty, < http://theteaparty.net/>TheTeaParty.net is in bed with the open-immigration San Francisco neo-"Libertarian" group The Independent Institute (effectively an "Immigration-Socialist" group), and "FreedomWorks" was founded by openly
pro-amnesty beltway lobbyist and Chamber of Commerce waterboy Dick "Amnesty" Armey. All these groups, including "Tea Party Patriots", suck money out of Tea Party candidate coffers with hysterical, fundraising cons claiming to support certain candidates or issues -- 95% of the money actually goes for lavish salaries and sweetheart consulting contracts.

Joe Miller has clearly and consistently opposed
and exposed amnesty in personal communications and campaign emails. e.g.,
< http://joemiller.us/2013/06/amnesty-another-ruling-class-effort-to-destroy-America > http://joemiller.us/2013/06/am...
Also, Miller's opponents are waterboys for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Hence, it's incredible that Miller has no NumbersUSA rating, which means either NumbersUSA neglected to send it to him and make sure he got it, or he declined or neglected to fill out their questionnaire. I emailed Miller and his campaign about this last week, so if he
refuses or neglects to reply or fill it out, then he will pay a price, including my support. I've been a Miller donor since 2010.

“We Have the Right to Bear Arms, But..."

That tells me all I need to know. [More]

Why is it so many Prozis have such freakishly huge "buts"?

It's NOT About Hunting?

Well knock me over with a feather! [More]

If I can't take my Ma Deuce to the petting zoo, what the hell good is it?

Fair is Fair

Medical Marijuana Patients Can't Bring Up Drug's Medical Use In Federal Trial [More]
Well, Wayne Fincher wasn't allowed to bring up Constitutional arguments and matters of law, so at least they're consistent...

Calling All U.S. ISIS Members

Seeing as how open carriers and their supporters are all domestic jihadists, shouldn't someone be telling them when and where the next meeting is going to be? [More]

When will orders come to saw some heads off and blow up some infidels?

Y'know, last time I was accused of having "an almost Islamist-like exclusionary world-view," it came from "our side."

Keys to the Kingdom

They can only be carried by officially-approved gatekeepers. [More]

Who thought the term "Authorized Journalists" was just a bit of snark on my part?

I can't begin to tell you how many times I've relied on SCOTUSblog to give the first word and the most expert analysis. Although I can guess...

And there are a few other issues that come to mind where "legitimate media" was busy sticking their thumbs up their collective hind quarters.

On the plus side, I'm betting the Government Sanctioned Media Corps will be better looking and have great hair.  Back to you, Diane...

[Via Mack H]

Charlie's Idea of Great R&R

Nothing emboldens America's foreign enemies like seeing stuff like this... [More]

...and this (Warning-you'll have to wash your eyes out and your brain will still be indelibly stamped).

And nothing delights America's domestic enemies more.

[Via Florida Guy]  

Why, Indeed?

And I'll bet every one of them would have strong "feelings" about "gun control." [More]

[Via Geordan] 

We're the Only Ones Killing (the) Bill Enough

It was a great session, marred only by the defeat of  SB-296/HB-209 by Sen. Jeff Brandes and Rep. Heather Fitzenhagen. This was the bill to allow law-abiding citizens to carry their firearms with them during a mandatory evacuation under a declared state of emergency, rather than leave them in their homes for theft by looters or destruction by hurricanes or other disasters.

However, the Florida Sheriffs Association and numerous anti-gun sheriffs fought to kill the bill. [More]
When would you need them more?

So the bottom line is, Jack Latvala and his coalition of police state-enabling RINO kapos and fascist enforcement thugs need to be booted the hell out of power.

And just to show our actions support the alarms we raise, every one of those sheriffs who pressed for citizen disarmament ought to have their departments denied training program participation.

Yeah, like that'll happen...

[Via Andrea Shea King]

Speaking of Crazies...

But crazies are ubiquitous at all levels in our society.  [More]
Boy, I'll say...

Isn't this the same narcissistic fanatic who is still defending his being totally wrong about "hundreds of millions" starving to death in the 1970s due to "overpopulation"?

It figures he doesn't know a thing about guns and what the Founders "intended."

And it figures the Prozi environmentlcases deem this sanctimonious ignoramus a "global thought leader."

[Via EB]

Speaking of Folly at the Core...

Though well intended, the proposals are folly at the core, said G.A. Buie, principal of Eudora High School in Kansas and president-elect of the 20,000-member National Association of Secondary School Principals. [More]
OK, G.A...What a bunch of pathetic excuses you excrete.

Say, right now, you hear shots in your building.  You hear children entrusted to your care screaming and running in panic.

The shots are getting closer.

What are YOU prepared to do?

Shut up, G.A.  No adult who matters cares what you have to say.

[Via bondmen]

The New Colossus

I see the "wretched refuse" had no problem finding the place... [More]

So what the hell's holding up all those "yearning to be free"...?

[Via Michael G]

Forget the Brad Pitt Crap

And focus on the man's convictions. [More]

His opponent gets an F.

Why he hasn't gotten on board with this yet is a question those supporting his campaign ought to be pressing him on. Anyone who argues it's not gun-related is either not paying attention or...

[Via Fresch Fisch]

That IS Seriously Messed Up

Still, the giveaway sparked some heated response online. One comment on the church’s Facebook page was: “God Does NOT Condone GUNS, VIOLENCE or WAR!” Another person wrote: “I literally cannot believe you are giving away assault rifles on Father’s Day … That is seriously messed up.” [More]
That is messed up -- such attitudes, that is...

The Facebook page is interesting.  Oh, I see a "former" Only One has weighed in, babbling about hunting or some such nonsense, and evidently totally ignorant of the law, which is hardly surprising...

Again, seriously messed up...

[Via Michael G]

You Say You Want a Revolution

The founder of the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity and former CIA hand Robert David Steele is predicting Arab Spring-style revolutions in the US and UK and that the 1% will be overthrown. [More
The guy sounds like a flaming "carrying capacity of Earth" Bolshevik, but he may be on to something. 

Coming Soon to a Neighborhood Near You

LAPD Declares Unlawful Assembly After Mexico Soccer Fans Rally, Shoot Off Fireworks [More]
Gosh, and those types of fireworks are illegal in California ... you'd almost think these revelers were predisposed to break the laws or something...

At least with the fireworks part, the Prozis are busy going after those trying to comply with the law: They continually try to ban the so-called "safe and sane" state-approved kind that are legal (whistlers, fountains, and the like) that are sold by nonprofits over the Fourth of July period in cities that allow it. A volunteer group can make several thousands of dollars in just a few days to help pay for band/sports equipment and/or uniforms, charity efforts, and the like, so naturally, all such efforts must be condemned and halted.

Bionic Freeloaders

For all your spamming needs:
That appears to be all "arthurboyz" does:
That indicates he gets paid to spam articles to get "free" advertising.

Why would anyone do business with a company that employs such parasitic and corrupt marketing practices? Why would you give them your credit card information? And are they authorized to use Lee Majors' images as The Six Million Dollar Man to sell their video?

I think I'll ask them.  Let me publish this first to get a url, and then I'll do an update...

UPDATE-- There we go:

This Day in History: June 24

The advance of a large body of Greek Indians, headed by a number of their most celebrated chiefs, and warriors, and a British Officer, was announced at half after one o'clock this morning by a most furious attack upon Lieut. ColQ Posey's light Company, placed for the protection of two field pieces, a little in the rear of his Battallion. Their onset was impetuous, and their numbers so superior, as to cause that little gallant corps to fall back a few paces, which put the enemy for a few moments in possession of that artillery, but immediately rallying under the Conduct of Captain Parker, [More]