Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Pearls Before Swine

Oh, I'm sorry, that's "Perl" before "stein." [More]

It can be so difficult to tell the two apart.

Remember What I'm Always Saying About "Progressives" and "Opposite Day"?

Check out the latest from the "Environmental Protection Agency." [More]

These are the filthy beasts who would control us.

I know she hasn't been there for a few years, but I have to ask: Was Carol Browner?

[Via L. Neil Smith]

Three And A Half Funerals

I'm old enough to have seen how Japanese soldiers were portrayed in propagandistic World War II media, with goofy buck teeth and Coke bottle glasses. I understand that now, individuals like you and me, respectable members of the American Productive Class, people who read actual books, Constitutionalists, libertarians, third party voters, hard money advocates, gun owners, Ron Paul supporters, religious folks, are being caricatured the same way, dehumanized, and labeled "terrorists", so it will be easier for young, heavily-indoctrinated, maybe even drugged Homeland Security, TSA, and UN troops to pull the trigger. [More]
L. Neil Smith writes a hard, but essential essay to read.

We're the Only Ones Making House Calls Enough

What welcome callers! [Watch]

It has some salty language, so you might want to keep the volume down.

‘Feminist’ writer reserves special hostility for armed men

Ann Friedman of has chosen to avoid it, but not before blaming men in general and male gun owners in particular for her particular level of indignant Prozi dysfunction. That's the collectivist way, of course, spreading collective guilt as opposed to holding individuals accountable for their actions. [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report asks why they call people who would prefer to see women raped and butchered like hogs than armed and capable “feminists.” As we see once again, with “Progressives,” every day is Opposite Day.

The Gun Nut Terror

Seriously, Rick Perlstein?  You feel terrorized? [More]

Have you considered that the problem might be with you?

And with Salon?

Deconstructing "The Gipper"

WarOnGuns Correspondent JM notes today's Ted Cruz post and believes this classic Rothbard piece on Ronald Reagan is worth resurrecting as a cautionary tale to keep in mind while we're keeping our eyes open.

A-yup. Nearly 80% of the gun owners who voted in a poll I created based solely on his actions, and without being told who it was about, deemed them “traitorous.”

Which is why seeing ignorant gun owners forwarding disinformation crap like this on social media is always good for a forehead slap.

Speak of the Devil

WarOnGuns Correspondent Jess alerted me to a fake Paypal phishing scam he'd received.  I guess it was new to him, but I have been receiving similar emails -- often several a day -- for years.  I'd no sooner replied that to him, and warned him about malware from clicking on such email links, when this showed up in my inbox, like I would send myself a grammatically-challenged email about an iTunes account I don't have:
It does take me back to simpler times...

Calling Al Fudz!

Be vewy, vewy quiet! I'm hunting infidels!
Al Jazeera wants you!  [More]

The Bare Naked Case for Open Carry

What other choice do those who wish to practice a nudist lifestyle have? [More]

No, don't go there.

[Via Jess]

A Good First Step

This to me is key: Start privatizing in increments.  [More]

Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

Take successes gained to expand thingsto the state level. People might be amazed how much "government" they can end up doing without. Particularly the "federal" kind.

After that? We'll never get to the Big Step without first learning how to successfully navigate the small ones.

We're the Only Ones Disconnected Enough

The Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that police cannot go snooping through people’s cell phones without a warrant, in a unanimous decision that amounts to a major statement in favor of privacy rights. [More]
Perhaps, but that assumes "workarounds" will be vigorously investigated.

[Via Jess]

Committed to Ideals

At first glance, Senator Ted Cruz’s wife, Heidi Nelson Cruz, seems to be just the sort of person the Tea Party supporters who celebrate her husband’s anti-establishment positions love to hate. [More]
At second glance, too...

Having been caught up in conflation firsthand, I'm as wary of guilt by association as the next guy, and I suppose you can't be "somebody" these days without moving in the right circles... Let's just say if we catch them flashing Illuminati hand signs or making devil fingers...

Seriously, Goldman, Sachs?  On the other hand...

I guess we just need to watch those seeking power and compare what they say to what they do.  What a concept.

[Via Florida Guy]  

A Bird in the Hand

Well look who's writing fresh material for JPFO!  How cool is that? [More]

We Shall Overcome Some Day

Because if we don't... [More]

Thanks, Bear! That worked better than warm suds and a bulb syringe.

A Form Reply from Sherrod

Dear Mr. Codrea: 

Thank you for expressing your views on firearms legislation. 

The Second Amendment makes clear that Americans have the right to own guns, and the Supreme Court over time has given meaning to this right. Americans know that with rights come responsibilities. And when our children and families are no longer safe at our schools, in our malls, and in our movie theaters, then we as a country must take action. 

Last year, the Senate considered bipartisan legislation that would have provided a reasonable approach to expanding background checks for gun sales. While individuals who purchase guns from licensed gun dealers are subject to background checks, those who obtain guns from other sources, such as the internet or gun shows, are not. Senators Manchin and Toomey introduced a bipartisan proposal that would have required background checks for all gun sales in commercial settings. Such a change would help ensure that guns stay out of the hands of criminals or the mentally unstable. Approximately 90 percent of all Americans supported this proposal, but it was blocked by a filibuster that required a supermajority for passage. I am disappointed that a minority of the Senate prevented action on this issue. 

Gun control is a complex issue and we must work together to uphold our Constitution while at the same time ensuring that our communities are safe. Should the Senate consider this issue in the future, I will be sure to keep your views in mind. 

Thank you again for being in touch with me. 

Sherrod Brown 
United States Senator 
So how did this weasel-wording fraud get elected to the Senate in the first place?

Easy. Look who the Republicans offered.

How the hell does anyone get fire in their belly for that?

The Arroyo

Coming soon, to a neighborhood near you. [More]

Forget it Jake

It's Chi-Town. [More]

I can think of all kinds of potential, even probably man-made and natural incidents that could make residents wish, too late, that they'd made different choices in who they gave power and listened to.

This Day in History: June 25

By the News papers I have sent, you will see that the general Disposition of the British Nation towards us had been chang’d. Two Persons have been sent here by the new Ministers to propose treating for Peace. [More]