Thursday, June 26, 2014

Judge speculates on ATF jealousy, perjury, potential criminality in Dobyns suit

“I have to say I don't think there's serious question that certain agents of the ATF here acted inappropriately, likely contrary to Agency policy and maybe even unlawfully in dealing with Agent Dobyns,” Allegra noted. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes the unintended consequences of showing troops you deploy they're not only expendable, they're disposable as a matter of vindictive convenience. In other words, as far as loyalty-building is concerned, they've gone full B. Todd.

The Obvious Solution

Declare they're in recess by Executive Order. [More]

I mean, it's not like presidents are ever impeached over  appointments or anything...

Maybe "Ximinez" will fetch the comfy chair in retaliation.

[Via Geordan] 

Disloyalty Card

A North Carolina hospital official who is using patient’s credit card and store loyalty card transaction details to create so-called patient “risk profiles” donated to Obama for America... [More]
Ah, we see on April 19 you purchased an "assault rifle" and a week later donated to an SPLC-identified "extremist hate group"...

[Via Andrea Shea King]

“We’re Non-Partisan."

Just because we're pulling it so it doesn't hurt Democrats doesn't mean a thing.  Honest. [More]

I wondered how you could tell when one of these hive insects was lying...

[Via cydl]

THE Litmus Test

"If you don’t support the Second Amendment, what else in the Constitution don’t you support?" asked Paul Chauvin, 51. "And I use that as a litmus test, as a guide, to how much someone really respects the Constitution. If they don't respect the Second Amendment, as far as I'm concerned, they don't respect the Constitution anywhere else." [More]
That's as far as anyone who can think is concerned. If the Republicans run this ...thing... they can go to hell, because that's what they'll be saying to me.

So You Think You are Strong Because You Can Survive the Soft Cushions.*

Well, we shall see. Biggles! Put him in the Comfy Chair! [More]

Talk about putting the "eh" in "Boner."

Yeah, right, like a court case won't drag on for years after the guy is out of office. And like it won't just turn into another partisan/media cluster.

So who is this skit being put on for again?

If you fraudulent poltroons weren't absolutely compromised and gutless, you'd have impeached him by now.


Deflating a Windbag

If you suddenly release all that hot air into the environment, I'll have to reconsider my position on anthropogenic climate change... [More]

Ah, THAT Explains the Proziterians

If you need any further proof they're anti-life, look no further. [More]

What is it they "worship," again...?

Support Your Local Only Ones

Brought to you by Salon, premiere champions of a state monopoly of violence. [More]

We're the Only Ones Identity Thieving Enough

If this is the chief, just think of the tone set for the troops. [More]

What an authoritarian scumbag.

And could the "investigator" be any more obsequious? On the other hand, perhaps that was an act to get his mark to admit things without lawyering up, which takes us back to the warnings Prof. James Duane advises us to heed. (And if you have never seen his video lecture before, do it now, or at least today.)

Why is there any question over what the city must now do?

What really gets me is, I've checked the story out on several "news" sites, and the punk chief actually has some "defenders" making excuses for him and justifying his criminal conduct by attacking his victim.  And, as disgusting as such apologists are, I don't sense they're all the chief''s personal friends, relatives and fellow "Only Ones"...

[Via Florida Guy]  

We're the Only Ones Catcalling Enough

"It's not a career-ender," Jeff Marano, of the Police Benevolent Association told the Sun-Sentinel. "Did he do something silly? Yeah, but you don't execute a person for that." [More]
In that position of armed authoritah over the mundanes, it would be considered a career-ender to any but an enabling whore. And no one's calling for his execution over this, but if you let such a judgment-impaired public safety threat stay on the force, that'll probably just be a matter of time before he merits it.

I also like the way the 911 operator tried to wash her hands of any duty to respond.

10 years at the trough and the punk is secure enough to think he can get away with this?  What the hell is it with Broward County Only Ones, anyway?

I mean, they've had such good examples to follow. And naturally, that official criminal was anti-gun, at least for you and me.

[Via William T]

Blurred Vision

Lemke’s vision began when he was an Army diplomat and consulted with foreign governments in regards to drug enforcement and needed single-use cartridges that couldn’t be reused by “the bad guys” after armed altercations. [More]
Actually, it might prove a net benefit to society if we encouraged some of those lazy, ignorant morons to take up reloading...

[Via Florida Guy]  

That's Why They're Called PrinciPALS

School Principals Use Police Against Parents with Gun Permits [More]
In true "For 'Progressives,' every day is Opposite Day" fashion,the biggest bullies, with all that implies about their cowardly natures, are those leading the "Anti-Bullying" programs.

And they wonder why the weaker minds they torment snap.

Kind'a makes you want to see more "news"papers print lists of CCW (VGR*) holders, doesn't it?

[Via cycjec]  

*Voluntary Gun Registrants

A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step

This is the first of several questions I have concerning Louisiana National Guard actions during Katrina, but we may as well start with the first one. [More]
That reminds me: has anyone ever identified the cowardly lard-ass CHiPs thug who assaulted Patricia Konie?

Beautiful DREAMers, Wake Unto Me

Starlight and dewdrops are waiting for thee... [Watch]

Coming soon to a neighborhood near you.

We're the Only Ones Doubling Down Enough

Women who are married to, or in a relationship with, police officers are twice as likely to become victims of domestic violence than are the rest of the female population. [More]
And if they'd do this to people they "love," imagine how they'd take out their hostility and rage on those they don't.

[Via JM]

Administration Spokesperson Chuck Todd

What difference does it make? [More]

NBC journalistic ethics on parade.

Which is why they so jealously guard the keys.

Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists: Julius Streichers and Walter Durantys all.

A Woman with Common Sense and Values

And remember, with "Progressives," every day is Opposite Day. [More]

72 Indictments

I'm afraid I'd have to plead "Guilty" to most of these. [More]

Proudly and defiantly "Guilty!"

There's a great line in the old Errol Flynn "The Adventures of Robin Hood" movie.

Physician, Heal Thyself

And Mike "The Gun Kapo" Weisser, go do something else to thyself. [More]

Why any gun, ammo and accessory manufacturers supply the guy is beyond me. Ditto for why NRA allows him to present their classes, except if they didn't have the guts to follow their bylaws and expel the other Mike, it's doubtful anyone at Fairfax has the stones to do the right thing here.

This Day in History: June 26

You must have been apprised since that Sir Gu(y Carleton) has desired to make overtures to Congress and General Washington which have "been so ill received that Congress would not even grant a pass to his Secretary, having enacted a resolution to harken to no proposition unless for a solid peace, and with the concurrence (of the Allies)" [More]