Monday, June 30, 2014

CeaseFire criminal corruption may rival that of Bloomberg mayors

“Another CeaseFire employee was sentenced to Cook County boot camp in 2011 for possession of a machine gun/automatic weapon,” the report continues. “Since 2010, five other CeaseFire employees have been sentenced to federal prison ­-- and a sixth was sentenced to probation -- in drug cases.” [More]
If Chi-town gang members and other criminals want us to give up our guns, what could possibly go wrong? After all, they’re on the same side as the Demanding Moms, the Bradys, and the Bloomberg Everytowners, not to mention the official Democrat Party platform and the Obama administration.

Remember the Alamo

And if you're from around there, do your part to make sure area businesses do, too. [More]

How to Make a Prozi Happy

Don't just tell them about guns and penises, but about penises being shot in NDs... [More]

Everybody at HuffPo certainly  seems celebratory over this.

Funny, if we're going to segue into a general discussion of people shooting themselves, it seems like they're excluding a certain profession...

Gosh, you don't suppose that could be intentional, do you?  Because if somebody wanted to make it worth my while, I bet I could dig up dozens of such stories from this blog alone.

Ain't that right, Lee?

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise...

Ah yes, this blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England... [More]

[Via Dave Licht]

Attention Target Shoppers

If you want to, you know, shop, you're welcome. [More]

If you want to just come in and exploit facilities and disrupt business, sorry, but that's not what their investors expect paid management to allow, and it's certainly not fair to customers who came for the reasons they build stores.

How to Win Friends and Influence People

Uh, no, I don't see any net gains here. Perhaps if I knew what the goal was... [More]

It might help to learn some basic gun safety rules. And spelling. And ... where to begin?

Tilting at Windmills

Bill seeks to disarm federal SWAT teams [More]
That certainly seems a worthy goal for overzealous hyper-violent regulatory bureaucrats.  So what's the prognosis?
9% chance of getting past committee.
3% chance of being enacted.
Since every one of those agencies can use force to disarm the citizenry on whatever trumped up infraction they wish to cite, I'd count not signing on to co-sponsor a bill like this against a politician's gun rating grade.

[Via Harvey]

What We Owe Ourselves Alone

If we can't meet this obligation, we're no good to anyone. [More]

Last Night on Armed American Radio with Mark Walters

Hour 1- Alan Gottlieb, Hour 2-Attorney Kevin Maxwell and former Washington Redskin now WA State congressional candidate, Clint Didier, Hour 3-Mad Ogre George Hill and David Codrea

Spend that Bloomberg Money! Then Check the Names.

Wait a sec: If "more than 625,000 people 'signed on to support the postcard campaign,'” how did they wind up with "2.5 million postcards"? [More]

Anybody check those names? How many are unique? Any limits on how many one person can sign? Any schools exploiting child labor in the form of class assignments to provide uncompensated benefits for billionaire Bloomberg's 501(c)(4) corporation?  Any "prohibited persons" sign any cards?  Any fictitious persons? Etc.?

How many like "Jeffrey Dahmer" are there (directed to SF reps, so no harm done as they're all anti-gun anyway)? 

Sorry Richard Martinez. My sympathy has been almost completely replaced with opposition, so the gloves are off. Too bad you chose to attack my rights, and those of my sons.

Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics

The thing about rates is if one person out of 10 does something, it appears "worse" than 9 people out of 100.

What are the actual totals compared to the "gun control" states?

How many track back to Only Ones?

How many are criminals, meaning they immerse themselves in unhealthy choices and can't honestly be portrayed as "gun owners"?

You see why the CDC needs a tight rein, to make certain they stay within the boundaries of real research vs. naked propaganda to facilitate gun bans.

I'll leave statistical debunking to pros like John Lott.  For deceptive crap like this, I'll merely observe that the responsible gun owners I know share no commonalities with these cesspoolers. Any time the Prozis want to put the ranks of Democrats up against, say, the 5 million members of the NRA, let's go.

I'll even let them throw in the populations of disarmed England and Japan of they really want to do a rate comparison.

[Via Jess]

Aw, Come On

It's one thing to include ads in their own magazines. Spam for this is over the top.  My first reaction was to do one of my crude Fauxtoshops and replace the eagle with a vulture.


Kids and Guns

Well, there's this way, and I can't imagine anything more wholesome and hopeful for the future of freedom and responsibility... [More]

And there's the "progressive" way, which, naturally, is the exact opposite.

Can we see a more clear distinction than between an exceptional young lady praised by a proud father, juxtaposed against young boy victims of MILMs encouraged to play with giant dildos?  I actually wonder if "adults" putting those things in their hands haven't crossed a legal line.*

Vanderboegh is right about there being two Americas. I know which one I intend to keep living in, and the traditions I will keep encouraging in younger generations.

[Via Kurt Hofmann]

*UPDATE: Anybody able to point to authoritative references? It would make a good article if it violates any child protection laws.

Welcome to the Mile-High Club -- Whether You Want to Join or Not

Look who in the Mile High City wants to put it behind you and move forward. [More]

It looks like we have yet another definition for hickenlooping.

That archaic Second Amendment has no place in a "progressive" society anyway, right, comrade?  Now close your eyes and relax. Or don't. The important thing is, you have no choice.


[Via cydl]

A Brief Three Percent Catechism

These four principles -- moral strength, physical readiness, no first use of force and no targeting of innocents -- are the hallmarks of the Three Percent ideal. Anyone who cannot accept them as a self-imposed discipline in the fight to restore the Founders' Republic should find something else to do and cease calling themselves a "Three Percenter." [More]
Mike initiates novices into the fullness of Threeper life.

Also, he called me last night from the airport about this:
...I had another interesting occurrence with my computer this time...
Evidently someone with TSA-or-above "authority" loosened some screws or some such to remove a part of the cover--I don't have all the details but I note it's not the first time Mike has noticed peculiar third-party curiosities involving his laptop, and I think documenting that is important (which is why I briefly mentioned it last night on Armed American Radio, just so there would be more corroboration than Mike's after-the-fact say-so if something he does not control happens as a result.

What might happen?  I dunno, I really have no basis to speculate, or even conclude that wasn't part of a random routine instead of a targeted action. But spyware and/or malware come to mind, or, noting something someone tried to set up another liberty leader with, there is another insidious potentiality that enemies could try in an attempt to discredit and set up. Like I said, worries about directed tampering could prove to be much ado about nothing, and Mike did not ask me to do anything but be personally aware of his observation, but one thing I learned from Fast and Furious is that the best protection we outsiders have sometimes can be shining bright lights and banging pots and pans.

We're the Only Ones Vs. A Mugged Liberal Enough

"Are you serious?" [More]

I love how Only Ones will apply the continuum of force like this in the name of "public safety." I also love how 'I'm a professor" is supposed to make a difference in how citizens are treated. How very "progressive."

And I don't suppose "Mindy" perceives any contradiction in declaring "...the rights of citizens to carry concealed guns in bars and restaurants – lays the foundation for incident [sic] like this."

Don't worry, Mindy --if the felony aggravated assault charge holds, she won't "legally" be "allowed" to.

This Day in History: June 30

We the Magistrates, and Military Officers of the Town of Schenectady, in behalf of ourselves and it’s other Inhabitants: do most humbly congratulate ... your Excellency, on the signal success of the american arms, during the present War. [More]
Compare to:
...Mayor Gary R. McCarthy, Schenectady...