Friday, July 11, 2014

We're the Only Ones Hot Enough

Sigh... If only he would manhandle US... [More]

Good Lord.

[Via OFF]


Hell, give 'em a ballot while you're at it. [More]

Got room in the overhead compartment for this prayer rug...?

[Via Florida Guy]  

Meanwhile, Over at the Aging Government-Hating Propagandist from Alabama's Blog...

Now hold on just a damn minute here-- Mike is several months younger than I am... [More]

Although he does have a hell of a lot more energy...

Talking Guns

Talking Guns 07062014 Guests: The beginning of the month brings one of Talking Guns Contributor's David Codrea of The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance and Gun Rights Examiner / David Codrea. We talked about a feminist writer who said that women wouldn't "need" guns if men were all good. And a criminals family who support more gun control… and Mexicans on armed citizens... and more... This hour went by very quickly and I think you'll enjoy it as much as I did. [More
I just realized I hadn't posted a link to last Sunday's archived show yet.

We're the Only Ones Whose Left Hand Doesn't Know What the Right Hand is Doing Enough

Shuck told investigators he instead meant to shoot Butts with a stun gun, but the probable cause statement notes that the right-handed officer had to reach across his body for the much lighter Taser attached to the left side of his belt. [More]
So it was just easier to shoot him? Aw, shucks.

Sorry, I'm reminded of the difference between an epileptic corn husker and a prostitute with diarrhea... if you don't already know, do yourself a favor and don't ask. And if you do know, sorry, but that's what happens when the fire could use more logs, you've had a couple fingers of the good stuff, and it's time to light up that second maduro... which I hope to be doing several hours form now.

Hey, it's a lot less offensive than what happened to this guy under color of authoritah...

[Via bondmen]

Imagine the Howls of Condemnation...

...if a Republican candidate shot a donkey pinata... [Watch]

[Via Doug Rink]

Damn Good Commentary

As I'm working, I'm playing a terrific installment of The Josh Bernstein Show. Click here, then pick the top program in the right sidebar under "Latest Audio/Video" where the guest is Jan Morgan*.

I don't get a chance to listen to a lot of talk radio, as I'm typically crazy busy researching and writing, but I did my Lock N Load appearance this morning, got my newest JPFO Alert draft submitted by noon, and just finished my GRE column, so I now have a chance to get this playing in the background, and I'm enjoying it.


Bloomberg comment exemplifies elitist gun-grabber snobbery

How very intolerant, to play the rube card. How very bigoted. How very backward and – wouldn't urban sophisticates call it “provincial”? It’s not surprising. It’s exactly what we have come to expect from "forward leaners" with their insufferable air of superiority, and their quickness (and eagerness) to dismiss those clinging to flyover ways as lesser beings. [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes where we’re going, we don’t need roads.

A "Progressive" Attitude in the War on Women

VA Democrat Prays for Death – Nude Photos of Young Huntress [More]
What a sick, pathetic headcase loser Mike Dickinson is.

This is probably the closest he's ever been to a gorgeous young woman, so naturally he will want to destroy that which would not have anything to do with him.

Fortunately, in terms of his power bid (funny, the type that craves it), he doesn't stand a chance in hell, which is where he belongs.  I can't help but wonder if his last name reflects a relationship he'd like to have some day.

If Only They Would Disarm You and Me

Tough times on the Pequod since Ahab died, eh, Queequeeg? [More]

Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

Believe the Impossible!

Oh now come on--Everybody in Everytown knows guns CAUSE violence. Just ask Shannon Watts... [More]

Selective Outrage

More like clumsy misdirection.  [More]

Hey, we don't want you to look at that, look over here instead!

The pity is, there's no shortage of the uninformed who will fall for it.

The Enemies Within

Exposing the Communists, Socialists, and Progressives within the U.S. Congress [More]

A film project identifying embedded domestic enemies needs support.

[Via James Simpson]

Grassroots in Action

FL gun group helping to raise funds for 5-year-old shooting victim’s service dog [More
Funny. I don't see Demanding Moms or their billionaire benefactor doing anything to help this mother and her child. Of course, once they learn about this story, they'll do their best to find a way to blame the people who are helping...

Would You Buy a Used Bill of Rights From this Man?

Especially if his main selling point was how little "mileage" has been put on them? [More]

Lock N Load

I'll be rejoining Bill Frady in a little under an hour to talk a little treason, or whatever it is the Prozis accuse people like me of doing.

You can listen live at 10 a.m. Eastern by clicking here and then clicking the "Listen Live and Chat" tab.

This Day in History: July 11

On this day in 1782, British Royal Governor Sir James Wright, along with several civil officials and military officers, flee the city of Savannah, Georgia, and head to Charleston, South Carolina. As part of the British evacuation, a group consisting of British regulars led by General Alured Clarke traveled to New York, while Colonel Thomas Brown led a mixed group of rangers and Indians to St. Augustine, Florida. The remaining British soldiers were transported to the West Indies aboard the frigate HMS Zebra and the sloop of war HMS Vulture. [More]
They don't commemorate and celebrate this? It deserves no passing mention?  I'd think British Evacuation Day or some such would merit a festival or something... Anybody from there who can correct my limited impression?