Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Up to His Old Tricks

Not a bad strategy, really--push laws to try to make guns as useless as possible, then justify further infringements by arguing that guns are already so useless that the new restrictions don't really affect us much. [More]
 Kurt gives his take on the most uninteresting man in the world.

Latest Rolling Stone hit piece on guns presents ridiculous and incomplete list

What’s the plan for when millions of fed up gun owners tell everyone like you where to go and what you can do with yourselves once you get there -- like I'm doing now? [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report cautions hip media prozis to check their footing before taking some ill-advised steps. Or not.

The Squire of Gothos

Maybe it's the Landru kick me 'n Mike have been on of late, compounded with Bloomberg's recent  "Don't call it gun control, call it regulation" protest that reminded me of nothing so much as Captain Kirk's rejoinder to Jojo Krako, but something about yesterday's GRE suggested another Star Trek analogy:
"The documents create a picture of not just a hostile sexual environment but a truly weird one," it observed. "This isn't Clintonesque lunging on Bloomberg's part, but rather, what is alleged here is a broader, more juvenile kind of control."

Like in Trelayne, an alien "child" with more power than he could responsibly wield due to his immature and amoral development?

The same logical grievances apply:
I object to you. I object to intellect without discipline. I object to power without constructive purpose.
 I may just start calling the self-appointed little aristocrat "The Squire of Gothos."

We're the Only Ones Taking Precautions Enough

The Washington Post’s Radley Balko noted that police cited Ross’s permit to carry a weapon as one of their reasons for conducting such a raid. That explanation should alarm gun owners, he wrote. [More]
Hey, what's the matter, don't you infidels want them to make it home at the end of their shift?

[Via Florida Guy]

The Best and the Brightest

They should have named the moron. [More]

And interviewed him on camera.

Feel safer yet?

[Via Florida Guy]

Oath Keeping in Action?

Murrieta Mutiny: Border Patrol “Will Not Obey Unlawful Orders” From Homeland Security and White House [More]
They're linking to this on the Oath Keepers site.  I need to ask Stewart if he knows anything more that he can comment on.

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Do as I Say, Not as I Do Enough

Cop Who Testified Against Drunk Cop, Gets Caught Drunk on Duty [More]
Hah, what did I just get done saying about established department protocol...?

[Via Florida Guy]

By Jason Sickles, Yahoo

I can't say I disagree with that assessment. [More]

The Monopoly of Violence cult does not allow for moral defense against aggressors if they wear the trappings of the religion and know the incantations. 

It's an extension of characterizing those who protect themselves as "vigilantes," but the acolytes of this particular brand of fanaticism have added the twisted element of worship, right down to canonizing and revering martyrs as saints.

Anybody think the "progressives" really want a "wall of separation" between church and state?

They just want to dictate what is permitted to truly believe, and, of course, be the final arbiters of who gets called "infidel."

[Via Florida Guy]

Leaning Forward and Squealing

The latest anti-gun MSNBC commercial shows us how it's done.

Oh, sorry, I meant to reference this link.

F*** these rights rapists.  Resist them the same way you would the other kind.

That prospect is what terrifies those who know the score, as opposed to just their useful idiots. That's why they want to preemptively paint us as terrorists.

[Via Michael G]

Planned Dependency

"Progressive" constituency-building in action... [More]

We're the Only Ones Supportive Enough

“As far as the officers response, I support their response 100 percent,” said Portsmouth Police Chief  Ed Hargis... [More]
Why, of course you do, Ed.

Would you care for me to explain why?

[Via Sierra Gulf]

Neck and Neck

Poll: Colorado governor race between John Hickenlooper,Bob Beauprez basically tied [More]
Too bad the "Republican" only rated 79% from NRA and a "B" on that "tangential" issue. Imagine what could be done if people could actually get a fire in their bellies for the guy beyond not wanting Hickenlooper.

Championships are won by fired-up teams.

On the plus side, it looks like Beauprez is learning. Let's hope he's sincere.

[Via cydl]

You First

Order the Swiss Guard to stand down. [More]

When in Oakland...

If you're in the area, you could do a lot worse than going to hear Stephen P. Halbrook talk about Nazi gun control at the Independence Institute Conference Center on the 24th. [More]

Let's hope they make a video of the presentation available afterward to those of us who can't make it.

I wonder how much coverage this will get from local "legitimate news media/real reporters"?

Thank You, Captain Obvious!

Sessions Warns All of Congress: Obama's New Immigration Strategy 'Threatens Foundation of Our Constitutional Republic' [More]
Say, here's an idea: Why don't you in the Republican establishment sue him?

I mean, you've enjoyed such immediate behavior-changing success with Holder and everything...

Channeling Vanderboegh?

America: No longer 1 nation, 1 people [More]
Funny. When Mike says that the Prozis go nuts.

No Right to Privacy for Gun Owners

Well, we'll just have to see about that, won't we? [More]

Like a Rolling Stone

Rolling Stone, which is on an anti-gun... uh... roll of late, takes on Larry Pratt and GOA, and while long on guilt by association and ad hominem, the author of this hit piece doesn't seem to realize that what he basically does is bolster everything that Pratt maintains about the proper role of guns and an armed citizenry. [More]

As usual, if "progressives' can't actually prove anything, they switch gears to imply you're a racist and a homophobe. And change the subject to bongs.  But flaws and deception noted, it's worth spending 10 - 15 minutes to read the entire piece -- there's some instructive history documented here, especially about NRA.

Even the most damning of charges, that Pratt lied about Manchin-Toomey being a part of a national gun registry, is deceptively couched.  Of course the bill "reiterated existing laws" -- but once those "laws" are changed -- and tell me with a straight face that isn't a goal...

I'll come up with a hundred damn proofs without breaking a sweat that registration is absolutely a goal, but the antis will take what they can get now to work toward it in increments.  Once you end private sales and create records of transactions, the data is there. It simply becomes a matter of compiling it.

Conspicuously absent is the one great warning embraced and promulgated by GOA, but avoided by other gun groups, and actually subverted by the largest: How illegal immigration leading to amnesty will result in an anti-gun Democrat majority, capable of enacting edicts, and upholding them via a Supreme Court where only one vote shift is needed.

I can't help but wonder if they intentionally avoided it because they don't want to call attention to accurate target acquisition. I don't believe for a minute that Alexander Zaitchik, who obviously did a ton of research, is unaware of GOA's singular leadership on this issue, meaning he didn't want to explore it. Why?

Why GOA continues to lag in membership reflects on "profiles in apathy" more than anything else.  I suppose if they came up with slicker packaging and a more savvy social media presence, that would help, but the reality is, if someone is capable of recognizing the truths they present, that shouldn't matter.

Should it?


I'm tho thore I can hardly walk! [More]

What, you didn't think the "progressives" would be satisfied just with Archie, did you?

They mean to remake everything in their image. Starting with Norse gods and working their way up.

Why? Because We Like You!

Yeah, all due to "bad judgment." [More]

35 since 2006, eh? No wonder they call it "The Happiest Place on Earth."

In the interests of full disclosure, I'm pretty much prejudiced against the modern Disney operation's management, starting with subversion on guns and branching out from there.

The Two Faces of Dick

Dick One:
Obama Is 'The Worst President Of My Lifetime'
Dick Two:
"I'm not prepared at this point to call for the impeachment of the president."
Speaking of faces, don't you have more "friends" to shoot there, you useless old vampire?

Sadly, I believe Mr. Buchanan has identified the political realities.  But those are symptomatic of much larger and catastrophically destructive issues.

For the Children

Rep. Judy Chu, D-Calif., declared “every woman should have access to reproductive services regardless of ability to pay.” [More]
Wait -- I thought was goes on in the bedroom was none of government's business...?

Gosh, I wish "progressives" would come up with a consistent position.  It's so hard satisfying their demands when they contradict themselves...

Still, there's a certain "Every Day is Opposite Day" ring to Mothers Demand Suction...

We're the Only Ones Doubling Down Enough

Police officer accused of driving drunk pulled over twice in one night [More]
The good thing is, his colleagues let him go the first time. That's because "We do hold ourselves and our officers accountable for what we do.”

Plus, don't forget, he's “an exemplary employee,” so naturally he hasn't been canned.  I'm just surprised they didn't write this off due to established department protocol.

But hey, this calls for a celebration!  And one more for the road!

What the hell you lookin' at, goddamit...

[Via Sweet Baboo]

Action Jackson

Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson introduces new gun laws to City Council [More]
And here they are.

You understand why this is much ado about nothing -- other than generating headlines to redirect attention away from miserable incompetence and failure -- don't you? And as long as I'm invoking Shakespeare, another bit comes to mind:
It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury signifying nothing.
Which kind of makes you wonder why the hell the Republican establishment thinks it's a good idea to reward a city hostile to everything they're supposed to stand for, and is more focused on the return of LeBron, anyway.

Eh, when it comes to conservative principles, I guess there are no "good" major urban areas that can host a convention.

Fun times in Cleveland today.

At least we're not Detroit.

[Via Sweet Baboo]

This Day in History: July 16

Notwithstanding the defensive professions of the Enemy they seem to be waging an active war agst. the post riders. The mail for the Eastward on wednesday morning last shared the same fate which the Southern mail did a few weeks ago and it is said from the identical villains. [More]