We Propagandize, You Decide

The Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists are at it again. [More]

How wonderful that we live in a land with a press that is free to act as the mouthpiece for those who would control you.

First-Person Shooter

Where have I seen this kind of demonization effort before? [More]

Oh, that's right, here...

Brought to you by these fine folks...

Welcome to the WoGroll...

... JPFO's new blog, Packing Heat, Shedding Light.

Nicki is the driving force behind this, but she invited us JPFO contributors to play as well, so here is my first post.

Business is Booming

Well, not literally. All those pro-gun customers dissuade that from happening. [More]

Mass Hysteria

Snyder said, "The real effect of Vatican policy is to undermine the victim's right to self-defense and strengthen the position of those who persecute Catholics. The Vatican should back away from this misguided policy. Instead, it should encourage the arming of the innocent for self-defense. [More]
Either that or disarm the Swiss Guard.

Corruption of Blood?

The thought strikes: If you could do a genealogy trace on modern gun-grabbers with Founding-era roots, I wonder if there would be a statistically significant preponderance of Tory ancestors.

Captain's Log

UPDATE: Vanderboegh weighs in on the "brave commie writing under the pen name of Rmuse."

Loss Leaders

Spending energy on resurrecting Clintonian crap like this doesn't do a thing to address the top-down internal rot, but it does get the papers talking about something else for a change. [More]

Never go full B. Todd.

[Via everrest]

Just Give 'em What They Want

Besides, if the clerk had a gun, they'd have probably just taken it from him. [More]

Of course if that were true, the reverse would be likely as well.

You notice how those who claim that never volunteer to demonstrate?

[Via Harvey]

New, from Cyberdyne Systems Global Digital Defense Network

What could go wrong? [More]

And if machine control could work better here, why just think of all the other areas where AI could make all our decisions for us.

Besides, "Frankenstein" was just a story.  Where in real life has the creation ever turned on its creator? 

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington

And remember, for "progressives," every day is Opposite Day. [More]

Just like he's anti-gun while employing illegally armed bodyguards there.

Not to mention a psycho headcase who abuses his lickspittle employees.

Figures, he'd be an elitist-funded Clintonian operative presenting himself as a champion of virtue.

Hey, maybe he'll answer my questions about Juanita Broaddrick.

This Day in History: August 14

Since closing my public letter I have learned that the committee to whom your Excellency’s letter was referred reported in favor of the discharge of Lord Cornwallis’ but it was violently opposed in Congress & among others by Governor Rutledge who was one of the Committee. [More]