Friday, August 15, 2014

Court Upholding Ban on Militia-Suitable Firearms Ignores Key Second Amendment Purpose

In other words, every new development in personal weapons technology will, by default, be denied to We the People by the very body charged with facilitating a citizen militia and expressly forbidden from infringing with the right of the people to keep and bear arms. That the authorities have it in common use won’t matter. So much for Founding intent. So much for freedom. [More]
My latest offering on The Shooter's Log notes the real dangers posed by the Maryland court ruling if not overturned.

Note: This article expands on points raised in another state case I reported on earlier today. See "Connecticut response to gun law challenge reveals plan to gut Second Amendment."

"Progressive" philosopher upholds Opposite Day truism

For some reason, I'm reminded of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal, an alien predator described in "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" as "a mind-bogglingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can't see it, it can't see you – daft as a brush, but very, very ravenous." Maybe if you're armed and run into Professor Weinstein or one of his dine and dash artists, you can keep them from spooking by closing your eyes. [More]
My latest JPFO Alert notes they don't call it a Piled Higher and Deeper diploma for nothing.

Connecticut response to gun law challenge reveals plan to gut Second Amendment

The key point being ducked is that the phrase “in common use at the time” was in reference to the militia component of the Second Amendment, and referred to the expectation that citizen soldiers would muster bearing arms suitable to confront and prevail against professional military forces. Nothing with the passage of time has changed that, except through the deliberate indifference of the government in discharging its duties ensuring that which was once commonly understood as “being necessary to the security of a free State.” [More]
If they succeed, not only will they "legally" be able to deny 19th Century technology to We the People, but forget any future developments, which won't be "in common use at the time" by any but enforcers for the overlords.

UPDATE: See similar case in Maryland.


I can see these Prozi deceivers are going to need to be addressed. [More]

Gosh, why would they direct destructive flak at this Alaska race unless he was over target and posed a danger?

Oh, and thanks, Cato.

Why looky here.

And looky here.

I'll have to see if I can find some time to address this in more detail.  Before Tuesday, which is the Alaska primary.

Nothing like tossing a bomb into the mix at the last minute -- especially with the 800 Lb. gorilla hiding under the bed and the deliberate indifference of its sycophants.

Signs of the Times

Controversial 'Guns Save Lives' ads return to Phoenix bus stops [More]
The only thing controversial is that evil Prozis are in a position to limit political, civil and commercial discourse-- for years.  And to do it using use resources plundered from those they are denying rights to.

How very "progressive" of them.

An Appropriate Response

2 gun stores near Ferguson say sales are soaring [More]
I'd ask  'em who they voted for and make 'em answer a questionnaire first, and if they got anything wrong, I'd tell 'em to get out of my store and deal with the consequences of what they helped unleash on the rest of us.

[Via Florida Guy]     

UPDATE: Workman weighs in.

Enemies of the State

You know, you 'n me. [More]

Heads up: Vanderboegh will be dissecting this one. Stay tuned.

Blowing Up a Lie

Hand grenades becoming key weapon in Mexican cartels' arsenals, say authorities [More]
See, they can get grenades and full-autos and anything else they want, but for semi-autos, they need U.S. gun shows and gun shops.

Remember the orchestrated lie that didn't work?

Make sense now, why "Gunwalker" was so vital to ushering in "common sense gun safety laws"?

This Day in History: August 15

...after I had been at the trouble of sending out recruiting Officers & visiting the different posts, I was compelld to relinquish the fairest prospects of success, & by an Order from the Governor to recall the recruiting Officers, because it was found impracticable to procure the promisd Bounty Money—Our whole dependance at present is, on the act passed last Session for raising 3000 Men by drafft; [More]