Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Imams Demand Action Redux

Kurt explores the ISIS/gun-grabber nexus in his latest JPFO Alert. [More]

Article comments articulate Aztlán activist/La Raza founder sentiments

“Guns are ok, as long as white people don't have them,” he opines.“Crazy and hateful.” [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes the secondary issue morphing into the single issue, and wonders how much longer Fairfax is going to maintain a policy of deliberate indifference.

Let's Just Give This a Try

Facebook Bans Gun Rights Activist Over Holocaust Post [More]

I guess he didn't see a need to take screenshots.

Let's see what happens...

Why the Secrecy?

It couldn't be that someone has something to hide, could it? [More]

I Don't Like those Odds

“Nine times out of 10, they're not going to come over. [More]
It's that 10th time I'd be worried about, especially after giving away my position.

With the likely outcome potentials, and the hostility of my own government, I don't think I'd be identifying myself to the media, either.

[Via Bluesgal]

Taking a Leak

Apparently thinking he had reached the office of Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings... [More]
Old Bloody Hands?

That right there is all you need to know.

Splitting the Difference

Like it makes any. [More]

We'll need to see who the victors are, because this is one for the history books.

It's an obscene shame, because the story should have been bigger than Watergate. It should have resulted in prison sentences, and  convicts being induced to name higher-ups. But thanks to the media running interference and a controlled/compromised opposition, about the most appropriate reaction for the present would be to chant.

Not that it will do the people still being killed any good...

UPDATE: Vanderboegh discusses lifetime court appointments.

UPDATE 2: Anthony Martin weighs in.

Helping the GOP

If Brown wins in November, it will help the GOP in its battle for Senate control. [More]
How? By further corroborating that selling out pays?

Guy's a piece of crap on guns.

Prozi Stocks

Florida student accuses school of forcing her to wear ‘shame suit’ for dress code violation [More]
Funny, how many time-honored traditions are considered "progressive" these days.

Oh, that's right, Opposite Day...

That explains this being yet another school with anti-bullying policies.

Oh, I'm sorry -- you probably wanted the English language version...

Herbivore Lessons

Well we want them to grow up to be easily branded, spooked, herded and culled livestock, don't we? [More]

And They're All Going to Stay at Mark's House

Yeah, I'm sure billionaire Zuckerberg and billionaire Slim only have our interests at heart. [More]

As much as I know the Occupy people to be neoJacobins at heart, I may just stand down when they drag these two, and select others, to the Place de la Concorde...

Kind of a "First they came for the Plutocrats and then we slammed the brakes" adaptation of Niemöller...

Of Course She Does

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi wants to give federal regulators sweeping new powers over Internet access. [More]
Do I have to call Gomer again?

We're the Only Ones Fragmented Enough

Clay deputy's son, 2, accidentally fires father's gun inside Wendy's; bullet fragments strike boy, 3 others [More]
I can't tell you how many times that used to happen to me back when feral sons Uday and Qusay were little.

Another Cash Dunp

I'm sure Steve and Connie Ballmer share the personal security concerns of ordinary Americans everywhere. [More]


When I was giving my speech at the Statehouse in Hartford, I was talking about the need for gun owners to become more and seriously involved.

"We all have jobs!" someone shouted from the crowd.

That's true, I acknowledged, reminding him that the handful of activists who made the rally possible, and run the grassroots groups, and lobby, and inform, and do all the hard and continuous work to lead in the defense of rights, have jobs, too.

The militia of the whole people is supposed to have jobs.

The farmers at Lexington and Concord had jobs.

Do the Math

Foley Up 6 Points In Connecticut Governor's Race, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Voters Say Republican Is Better On Economy, Spending [More]
Now just hold the damn phone a minute here.  The guy is hardly perfect on guns.  Didn't I just get done throwing a flag on a state gun group for endorsing compromised candidates?  What am I, some kind of damn hypocrite,?

No, because Foley is hardly being presented as a 2A champion. The object many of my friends in Connecticut are working toward is the defeat of Malloy. They understand that will hardly put them in any catbird seat -- although Foley getting to meet with them, and seeing the unfair way the blossoming relationship is being portrayed in the press will no doubt give him plenty of comparative object lessons. Plus, if he does win, he'll have seen firsthand that aroused gun owners are capable of providing the critical margin necessary to bring a betraying politician down.

Still, isn't there a better candidate on guns?

You bet.

And that creates an indisputable dilemma for Connecticut gun owners, who need to ask themselves if every gun rights advocate in the state gave it their all, what numbers could they realistically generate, and what would the likely outcome be?

I'm not making an advocacy statement here beyond do the math. What CT gun owners do after that is up to each of them.

We're the Only Ones Tackling Enough

Because established department protocol. Plus they wanted to make it home at the end of their shift. [More]

Besides, when inmates test you, you just gotta set an example.

Funny. 36 references to bullying as an offense subject to discipline in the Student Code of Conduct...

Do as we say?

Oh, and look at "Group II Misbehaviors" at the bottom of page 25:

Man, if they'd seen my notebook, they'd have had me committed.

Uh-oh... How'd the Opposite Day Prozis miss this?

[Via Kid Sister]

Reality Just Doesn't Matter

Telling comments from yesterday's GRE:

First the article pretty clearly cited two, and no, I don't weigh the observations I make by the pound. How many armed robberies would it take if they were committed against you? Not that you sound like the type who would do more than use that as justification to remain helpless, and demand everyone else be defenseless too, in order to keep your personal deficiencies masked.

Second, got a source citation for that?  Because checking your Disqus profile, I see where you chastised someone you disagreed with in another article by declaring "You must use facts only. Please give references."

And you, too, can source your assertion?  Because I was just reading where more and more businesses are finding gold in them thar armed patrons.

And the Dodge City shootout / blood in the streets argument?  Really?

It would seem antis never tire of being wrong. And yeah, I'm making that generalization from this one these two examples.

This Day in History: September 10

I have the unhappiness my dear General to inform you of the departure of my precious infant, your Godson. [More]