Thursday, September 25, 2014

Off to GRPC

I'll be leaving for the Gun Rights Policy Conference tomorrow at dawn's early light.  Feral sons Uday and Qusay will be let out of the basement to patrol the premises in my absence, and I'm sure after fighting over the one bowl of kibble I'm leaving them, they'll be ravenous.

I'm told there is still room to accept walk-ins, so if you're anywhere within doable range, there will be plenty of good people there, and plenty of reasons why attending is something all activist gun owners should find a lot of value in, not to mention just a good time.  Click here for more details.

I'll be meeting up with colleagues and friends, doing some interviews, learning from all the speakers, having some fun, and doing a panel on the sorry state of journalism with Dave Workman on Sunday morning.  While I will be taking a laptop, I probably won't be doing much if any blogging or reporting. We'll see.

So please hold off on all comments and emails until Monday?  Because anything I get over the weekend may just need to go unaddressed, so save yourself a useless effort.

Kennedy heir shows ‘progressive’ threats to freedom include more than guns

As an attorney with the finest education from exclusive schools money can buy, Kennedy certainly must be aware that conviction for treason can be punishable by death. And subjecting American citizens to international tribunals for “war crimes” over political differences in environmental policy is not only unprecedented; it’s stark, raving nuts. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes an environmentalist-driven reason to stock up on more lead ammo.

We're the Only Ones Promoting Lawfulness Enough

OK trooper tells local news: Best way not to get raped by cops is to ‘follow the law’ [More]
Besides, if you didn't want to get raped, you shouldn't have been born with a vagina.

[Via Florida Guy]  

The Highest Bidder

With customers like this, they don't even need to have a special. [More]

Now THERE'S a Statement of Conviction

[Click to enlarge]
Or lack of one...

It shouldn't surprise anyone who's been following this since the beginning.  It's not exactly like the guy -- or those who have subsequently made such great fundraising hay off the story --  wanted to get involved.

The Graduates

Somebody wanna play "Pomp and Circumstance"? [More]

The Power of Dreams

Isn't that the Honda slogan? Keep dreamin' Mike. [More]

And have a shot of absinthe.

We're the Only Ones Unqualified Enough

Federal Appeals Court: No "Qualified Immunity" Defense For Officers Who Engaged In Blatantly Unconstitutional Raid [More]
I'll be impressed when those defending themselves from official criminals get qualified immunity via a Stand Your Rights law.

[Via Michael G]

Lies, Damned Lies...

...and a politically-motivated "report" attempting to show an increased "trend" in mass shootings based on a statistically-insignificant sample, and further being used as fodder for ratcheting up the state monopoly of violence, as opposed to addressing the "gun free zones" commonality... [More]

That was enough to make a believer out of Ryan J. Reilly and his fellow HuffPo PopoPuffers.

It's nice to see he finally got those plugs out of his r... uh... ears.

[Via Jess]

The Stonewalling Continues

Two sources familiar with the decision tell NPR that Holder, 63, intends to leave the Justice Department as soon as his successor is confirmed, a process that could run through 2014 and even into next year. [More]
I can't wait to see who Obama picks for that -- and how much we rabble-rousers will need to scream to embarrass Fairfax into grading the confirmation vote.

And, of course, once there's no longer anything political to gain by going after Holder, the Republicans won't, meaning forget about ever getting to the bottom of Fast and Furious and so much else. Meanwhile, he'll be in high establishment demand and will land on his feet quite nicely and lucratively.

We're the Only Ones Trigger-Happy Enough

After seeing the video in court, Groubert's attorney, former Fifth Circuit Solicitor Barney Geise, says that his client is not guilty and is looking forward to his day in court. [More]
Hey, it was standard protocol, he wanted to make it home at the end of his shift, try walking a mile in his shoes, why don't you cop-bashers call someone else next time you need to be saved, and God bless our community heroes.


I was going to comment on firing three shots and only landing one to the hip, but in fairness, I've never shot an unarmed man at point-blank range before.

[Via DF]

Money Talks

Will a flood of billionaire funds drown the grassroots? [More]

Unbridled Lust

And she's determined to have all of you! [More]

Live Unconsciously. Eat Dangerously.

That seems like an appropriate rewrite for the Panera Bread corporate slogan after reading their response to Liston. [More]

Saving Face

Yes, Shaneen Allen not doing jail time is good news for us all and wonderful news for her and her children. [More]

The prosecutor had to realize this was a political loser, but I guess they couldn't just let her go with an apology for bothering her. I can't help but wonder if a less sympathetic defendant would have faced a different outcome.

In a rational world, everyone who held -- and is still holding, with the mandated appearances -- this woman hostage for exercising her right would be doing time themselves.

I've asked her attorney, Evan Nappen, if she'll be a prohibited person when the smoke clears.  My guess is "No," but this is New Jersey. I'll update this if/when I get a response.

UPDATE: Per Evan, via Facebook message:
No conviction. No jail. Mission accomplished

This Day in History: September 25

The Commander in Cheif is pleased to pardon Sylvester Young soldier in the first Jersey regiment under Sentence of Death for desertion &ca and directs that he be released from Confinement and join his regiment. [More]