Wednesday, October 08, 2014

ABC acting as administration’s propaganda bureau on guns is the real scandal

Masking such advocacy as entertainment is reminiscent of something much more insidious. Subjecting audiences to propaganda to promote a government monopoly of violence and disenfranchise citizens from natural and civil rights is demonstrably manipulative and disrespectful of viewers. It’s also dishonest with advertisers, who signed on to sponsor entertainment, not to finance causes that undermine the rights of their customers. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes the A-B-C's of a contemptible and scandalous public-private partnership.

Stop the Threat - "Facing the Tail"

From ATSNtv:
It's late and you're tired and you are driving home alone. You notice someone may be following you...or are they? You pull over, leave your vehicle and confront them. Right or wrong?

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Alexander Apparatchik

Looks like Salon picked up and is spreading his lies. [More]

I guess that's less painful for him than what his boss spreads. Or maybe not. Figures a guy who willingly works for a viciously mean and erratic headcase would use the word "paranoia."

I already debunked much of what this Prozi fool had to say here, including noting he can't even get names right.  Earth to Alexander: Jeff wasn't there, you lazy hack. You lied about Halbrook. You missed so much, while doing your masters' bidding.

Meaning you just may be up for a Julius...

Also: Herschel weighs in.

We're the Only Ones Dealing Enough

Former deputy, alleged accomplices go on trial for weapons charges Monday [More]
I wonder how many people these guys put away on "illegal gun" charges over the years...

[Via John Comeau]

We're the Only Ones Serving You Right Enough

Cops Seize Car When Told to Get a Warrant, Tell Owner That’s What He Gets for “Exercising His Rights” [More]
Just a concerned observation based on some of the comments I see under this article: The Only One involved maybe ought to consider knocking this thug crap off and amending his ways, lest "Down the Hatch" become somebody's goal for more than just drinking.

[Via Neil W]

We're the Only Ones "Burn, Baby, Burn!" Enough

What, you expected indictments for following department protocol? [More]

Besides, they made it home safely at the end of their shift, didn't they? What the hell more do you want?

[Via Florida Guy]   

An Explosive Situation?

BATFU is taking comments on proposed "Homeland Security"-related rulemaking changes in re explosives licensing and permits. [More]

I'm not sure what's different and probably won't have time to analyze this, so it's being offered fyi in case anyone has the subject matter knowledge needed to knowledgeably and productively comment in the next 89 days. I'm told "The part affecting firearms dealers is 27 CFR 478; the rest affects explosives dealers, which may include black and smokeless powder dealers as well."

[Via Roger J]

We're the Fauxnly Ones Luring Enough

Police said the ruse did not work Saturday night because the 31-year-old woman asked to see someone in uniform. But authorities cautioned that the man, whose car was equipped with a rotating red dashboard light, did show a badge when he pulled over her vehicle. [More]
Everybody knows why it's important to be aware of these, right?

[Via Roger J]

Heard in Corvallis

Whether I'll need to change that to "Herd in Corvallis" remains to be seen. [More]

Meanwhile, Over in the Emerald City...

Looks like another fraudulent wizard's hot air balloon has floated down... [More]

Sgt. Q

Oh, but "it" could never happen here... [More]

[Via Florida Guy]   

Bound to Happen Sooner or Later

I guess with this level of situational obliviousness, he'd have been robbed if her were carrying concealed, too, but he might not have been targeted in the first place. [More]

Anti pile-on in 3...2...1...

And God, I love Authorized Journalists:
The weapon he used in the robbery was described as a black gun, possibly semi-automatic. The stolen gun is a black Walther brand, model P22.
Although to be fair, had the "real reporter" visited the official site, it doesn't specifically say, and s/he probably wouldn't have known by looking at it.

Seriously, s/he probably wouldn't.

[Via Florida Guy]   

Reese Update

Notice of Electronic Filing
The following transaction was entered on 10/7/2014 at 4:46 PM MDT and filed on 10/7/2014 
Case Name: USA v. Reese et al Case Number: 2:11-cr-02294-RB Filer: Document Number: 493(No document attached) 
Docket Text: NOTICE OF HEARING as to Rick Reese, Terri Reese, Ryin Reese: Sentencing set for 11/4/2014 at 01:30 PM in Las Cruces - 440 Guadalupe Courtroom (North Tower) before District Judge Robert C. Brack. (jac) 
I see one of the attorneys has requested postponing it a day or two due to a schedule conflict.

You know about the Reese case, right?  And you've done what you could to help, at a bare minimum making up for deliberate media indifference by spreading the word over the past several years?

A Comedy of Errors

Timothy Arnold isn't laughing. [More]

We shouldn't, either.

There are some people who should be crying, though...

[Via bondmen]

Turnabout Being Fair Play 'n All...

You might want to ask your doctor if he has guns... [More]

[Via bondmen]

The Gift that Keeps on Giving

And the guns that keep on walking... [More]

Tell me again why government folks aren't in prison yet...?

[Via bondmen]

Run, Luis, Run!

Please! [More]

Because, aside from GOA, the major gun groups are either afraid to touch the issue or in on the sell-out, and the voices of the few just aren't loud and far-reaching enough to wake most up.

Savage (masturb)Ation

Listen to the obnoxious carnival barker for yourself:

To anyone determined to argue that my article was based on a 2009 essay he wrote, so it's somehow no longer relevant, it's on you to show where he has repudiated his positions, apologized, and made an effort to correct the record and publicize it.

A gun-grabber is a  gun-grabber, and it doesn't matter if he's a big "but" (I'm a gun owner and believe in the Second Amendment but) gun-grabber. That's actually the worst kind. And this video demonstrates the powerhouse talk kapo also doesn't have a clue about delegated powers.

But it's OK -- the big boy "conservative" sites hawking this fraud's latest are generating thousands and thousands of comments and shares, completely drowning out the observation that the emperor has no clothes, so the Savage über alles crowd needn't worry.  I'm sure his new book will be a fantastic success.

Besides, it's not like the loyalties, the time, the effort or the money being diverted chasing a sterile bee queen could be put to better use...

[Via WRSA]

This Day in History: October 8

Altho’ the information contained in these Papers, when compared with the pacific Conduct of the Enemy in other Quarters, would appear improbable, yet as the Informants were of good Character and merit the fullest Credit, I have thought it my Duty to forward Copies to Lord Stirling and to order three Brigades of Militia to be held in readiness to take the field on the shortest Notice and to make this Communication to your Excellency. [More]