Friday, October 24, 2014

Chances of honest cartel reporting ‘Slim’ to none

If there’s anyone who should be able to stand up to the cartels, it’s Carlos Slim, the Mexican billionaire, from 2010 to 2013 ranked the richest person in the world. Slim owns a substantial piece of The New York Times, after having invested $250 million bailing the paper out in 2009. If ever there was someone positioned to encourage courageous journalism, to solicit/pressure government cooperation, and to bankroll the security needed to investigate and report on cartel terror, it’s this guy. And why wouldn't someone who has much of his holdings in Mexico not want to do what he can to improve his native land, the lives of his people, and the climate for prosperity and growth? [More]
My latest JPFO Alert notes if it's not a priority for someone who could make a difference to fight corruption, then their self-interests must lie somewhere else.

The Stuff that Dream Teams are Made Of

Or nightmare  teams... [More]

Let's see... I can ignore this, or type "MOLON LABE!" and civil war-welcoming comments in all caps under comments, or, I could maybe lift a finger and do easy stuff now to help keep this stuff from happening.

Decisions, decisions...

‘Interstellar’ patrons deserve clarification of McConaughey’s gun comment

The effects of Neeson’s proclamations no doubt played a role on the willingness of his action films’ target audience to patronize movies that prominently feature his pretend derring-do with a gun. With “Interstellar,” which has a production budget almost six times that of “Tombstones,” and unknown marketing costs on top of that, the risks for studios counting on the autumn box office after a “disappointing summer” are even higher. [More
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes some things are easier to forget than others.

Walking Through Lothlórien Redux

Today is an even more beautiful day than yesterday.

The temptation to play hooky and start the weekend early is great. But like the poet said, I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep.

When Worlds Collide

"Authorized Journalists" vs. "Only Ones"... [More]

Joke of the Day

Right. We're afraid.

I'm glad clueless dolts like this are leading the charge.

Too Much, the Magic Bus

Anybody get one of these?  It got kicked out into my junk folder. You can click the graphics to enlarge them.

If you did, of course you know better than to click on the embedded link.

I doubt it actually came from the Bloombergians. They never did notify me when I asked them to let me know when the bus would be in town--although I did get some emails from someone who said he was with the tour and would sell me the schedule.  See?

Unfortunately, the IP for that went to BulletMail/Yahoo in Sunnydale, so further tracing was problematic. And no, of course I had no intention of paying someone obviously setting out bait, but it is nice to know they employ such principled people.

The IP Address from the first email's source code goes to a site for the National Laboratory for High Energy Physics (KEK) in Japan.

Whomever the malevolent mind behind this obvious attempt to lure recipients into a malware trap is, the fact that my edress was selected for this particular bait leads me to suspect this is more directed than random.  And while I don't suspect an authorized Everytown plot, I do question how secure they have kept their email lists.  You'd think with a billionaire behind them, their precautions against such hijacking would be first class.

But that's all vulnerable to the quality of people being employed, isn't it?  And as you can see from my bus tour mercenary, that's pretty obvious.

Neighborhood Watch

American Trigger Sports Network presents an encore episode of "Stop the Threat":
In this week's crime reenactment: A neighborhood watch has warned the community that a new resident with a criminal history has moved in. One armed homeowner meets face-to-face with the unwelcome new resident when he breaks and enters his home.
Watch on the PURSUIT Channel.
DISH Network: Channel 393 HUNT
DirecTV: Channel 604 PRST

Now streaming on ROKU.
Friday 6:00pm PST/9:00pm EST
You can also catch past "Stop the Threat" episodes and other programs on ATSNtv's You Tube channel.

Child Abuse, Pure and Simple

Except in order for that to happen, it requires an adult to do the exploiting, and the headcases behind this evil hardly fit the bill. [More]

I suspect it's probably going to be too late to undo the damage done to these poor children by the influences holding and molding them. There may be hope for them not to lead destructive lives, because at least they weren't aborted, but I wouldn't bet on it.

What we have here are misfits who hate themselves and deal with that by lashing out for attention at everyone who recognizes them to be demented freaks. What hell these tormented broads must visit on everyone they encounter who is not similarly afflicted.

Still, they are useful inasmuch as they illustrate to the general public revelations about "feminists" and "progressives" that spill over to encompass those who keep their cards closer to the vest. It's always revealing to see those who can't and won't control themselves demanding controls on the rest of us.

These are the ranks Bloomberg draws his more hard core shock troopettes from.  We should welcome such "quality" in the enemy camp.

I Agree

Would a Mitt redux put a fire in your belly? [More]

This is the best they can offer?

Republicans: Is it any wonder we love them so?

'Exasperated' Ain't the Word for It

And I would have gotten away with it too, if it hadn't been for you meddling whistleblowers! [More]

This Should End Well

New records contradict the Obama administration's assurances to Congress and the public that the 2,200 people it freed from immigration jails last year to save money had only minor criminal records. [More]
What did Rahm say about never letting a good Reichstag fire go to waste? Hey, maybe they can commit some "gun violence" and bolster the case for disarming you and me!

I saw another article, I can't find it now, that said some could not be returned because their countries of origin would refuse to take them.  Anybody want to bet those governments are recipients of substantial foreign aid? Does anyone really believe street beggars have the power to dictate terms for accepting handouts?

But don't worry: If we don't know who they are, we can't see them. And if we can't see them, why, what's the problem?

Right, Bugblatter Beast?

An Inconvenient Truth

As disappointed as the gun confiscationists must be at the facts of this case, they (especially those in the state of Connecticut) should pay attention to this truth -- if you start a civil war by raiding heretofore law-abiding Americans for their politically-incorrect firearms, you will not be able to defend against the 4GW attacks that you spark. And, I daresay, the folks who come after the warmakers and decision takers in righteous self-defense in the context of an American civil war that the gun raiders start will not be addled, inadequate jihadis. [More]
But...but...but...the government has nukes!

Note those who maintain that never flesh out the scenario.

Mike does a great job of pointing out why the antis fear and hate an armed citizenry so. When the Prozis pass along the "You hicks don't stand a chance / Resistance is futile" mantra, understand they're either lying or ignorant, but in either case, take heart. You can count on it being Opposite Day, as it always is with them.

We're the Only Ones Escalating Enough

The department has defended its officers, saying they were worried the violence would escalate. [More]
Yeah! Us first! 

[Via Neil W]

Walking Through Lothlórien

After putting in several hours yesterday, I took a stroll with my wife before starting a draft for a deadlined article that would keep me busy well into the night. It was a beautiful fall afternoon, cool, but with blue, cloud-laced skies and face-warming sun, and magnificent trees, many that still have not shed most of their multi-colored leaves.

On days like that, particularly with a lot of gold in the branches above, my imagination on such wanderings puts me in the realm imagined and described by Tolkien -- not the one populated with Peter Jackson's CGI-enhanced feminelf action warriors, but the one my mind's eye envisions from the author's printed words.

I wish I had more time to read (for pure pleasure). I wish I had more time to walk.

Some of the trees are starting to give up their leaves in greater numbers now.  That means hours of raking this weekend, a process I will be repeating over the next month. Perhaps it seems contradictory, but I look forward to it.  When I get into it, as with all repetitive physical efforts, ideas come, with untroubled thoughts that interest me, and throughout it all, my mind reaches a level of peace -- what I imagine a Zen state to be like. Yeah, it may seem a form of Condition White, but it's not like unfamiliar things are within sight or earshot, and any change in the surroundings would rouse me from my reveries.

Still, I'll bet Celeborn never had to rake leaves, and Galadriel never called him in to help unload the trunk after a trip to Sam's Club.

Break's over. Time to armor up and hunt down some marauding orcs.

This Day in History: October 24

What is reather Unusual most of the Ships of War and Transports after comeing through the Narrowes Run under Long Island and come too at the same place Genl How landed his Troops in 1776 and from there proceeded to there present situation... [More]