Thursday, November 06, 2014

Magnum cum Loud

Ask about our "Guns on Campus" policy! [More]

A Suggestion

Holder knew. [More]

Hell, I'll do more than suggest.

We're the Only Ones Taking Lip Off of Kids Enough

A seven-year-old girl has been injured after a police firearms expert accidentally discharged a gun during a demonstration. Nottinghamshire Police said the girl suffered a "minor injury to her lip" after the terrifying incident at the police headquarters. [More]
That's some "expert."  And naturally, "the police force only made a public admission after details of the incident leaked out."

Pip-pip!  Jolly good, eh, wot?

Welcome to Piers Morgan Paradise.

[Via Jeet]

A Low Profile

I'll bet. [More]

Who thinks those behind her don't consider her a sure thing?

If this trial balloon goes up any higher, it'll be time to break out the darts.

I've got no problem leaving the slot unfilled.

Why Didn't the Victims Just Vote to Disarm Their Captors?

Oh, look: A monopoly of violence!  Just like the kind all the hive insect citizen disarmament cultists demand! [Watch]

That's quite the tally of disarmed moms in some of those scenes.

Sorry, those who "feel" freedom is something that can be decided by a critical mass of doctrinaire, and in most cases, manipulated "progressives." Before you can declare "victory," there's the little matter of those who still won't surrender to address.

[Via bondmen]

A Matter of Perspective

It's a little early for any side to declare itself a winner. [More]

You might as well hold an election  to decide if those of us who won't go along with the pogro... uh... program should just surrender.

Void of Explanation

Judge Allegra published an order announcing that he has voided his judgement in the case! He is is preparing to announce a schedule for “further proceedings in the matter”. [More]
No doubt a result of this.

Any lawyers care to speculate?  Is voiding an order like that a normal action when a settlement is appealed?

Ain't it something, when you have unlimited resources and your opponent, by comparison, has next to none?

We're the Only Ones Hunger Gaming Enough

"An officer said, 'Drop that plate right now -- like I had a weapon,'" Abbott said. [More]
Let me guess: He didn't look like he's been missing any meals?

[Via Christopher C]

"Progressive" Results

Oregon is now at, or near, the bottom of every major metric with one exception. Oregon leads the country in foreclosures. [More]
What, no "We're Number One!" chant?

Funny -- peculiar funny, not ha-ha funny -- how  "progressives" are so obsessed about disarming poor people that they're doing everything they can to create more of them.

Talk about being egalitarian!

Is Facebook Deleting Gun Pages?

I've seen some complaints that they are.

We know guns and other items are verboten there in terms of commercial advertising.

Also be aware of their policy concerning "people discussing the private sale of regulated items."

Names of pages I've seen discussions about, like "Southern Firearms Trader" and "Tennessee Firearms Buy Sell Trade," seem to indicate being close to the line. Thing is, there's no way to reconstruct what they did or said, and even if I could get a synopsis, there's no way a big outfit like Facebook would respond to a specific inquiry to get a complete picture.  Plus, I'm not clear on whether or not some groups have just changed their accessibility to "secret."

I'm kind of at a loss on what to do next except to say if you use social media, follow the rules, and if you believe you've been wrongly punished, I don't know what you can do except make it known.

There is a conservative alternative-- but until more people join and actively participate, its a lot more limited, and right now, Facebook still can be exploited. If it starts deleting gun rights advocacy and other liberty groups, that will be another issue altogether.

And no, ceding an entire area of operation and squandering opportunities is not an answer.

[Via pupista]

Domestic Enemy

My Man Mitt, natch. [More]

How many more times does he need to betray us before gun owners get it?

It's like the Republicans just can't wait to get their @$$es handed to them in 2016.

If Only We'd Fielded a Democrat!

Former U.S. Rep. Christopher Shays, a GOP moderate who represented Fairfield County for 21 years in Congress, said the GOP could have taken the gun-control issue off the table by nominating McKinney. "Our party is so hurting," Shays said. "You don't let one group determine who a candidate should be when gun control is a non-existent issue compared to what our state is faced with. We're losing jobs and we're losing wealth." [More]
Yeah, right, McKinney.  Does this fool think he'd have gotten anywhere near as close as Foley with gun owners sitting out the election?

Besides, since when do unalienable rights matter, compared to selling out?

Keep thinking it's a non-existent issue, Shays, you total enemy.  Funny, how "legitimate news media" presents itself as the arbiter of what's "moderate."

"Republicans" like him are more contemptible than any "progressive," and that's saying a lot.

UPDATE:"CCDL Responds To Republican Geniuses (Cafero, Weicker and Shays)"

We're the Only Ones Dosing You Enough

Mother Calls Police to Help Her Son Take His Medicine, Cop Shows Up and Shoots Him [More]
Just a chest full of ammo helps the medicine go down...

[Via cycjec] 

So What Did They Talk About?

Federal grand jury meets in Orlando; no sign of Zimmerman witnesses [More]
Why am I reminded of an old slogan from the Sixties?

[Via Michael G]

Reese family sentenced to time served, probation and fines

In spite of the prosecutor asking for five years, Judge Robert C. Brack ruled the family, with no prior criminal record, did not pose a threat and that probation was appropriate. Because the convictions are for felonies rather than misdemeanors, which the family had unsuccessfully moved to vacate, they are now considering their legal options. As convicted felons, they are prohibited from owning firearms by federal law. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes not being kept in a cage hardly makes one free.  As an aside, the dick prosecutor going for five years illustrates the malevolent nature of sadists and psychopaths in the Orwellian-named "Department of Justice." If they can, they will crush and destroy you in their relentlessly cruel and brutal drive to advance their careers.

An Open Secret

Finally the Seattle press admits that I-594 is ‘gun control’ [More]
But...but..but... gun safety!

A Right to Rebellion?

My newest GUNS Magazine "Rights Watch" column is now online. [More]

This Day in History: November 6

Being about to make a general disposition for the command of the Army during the Winter and having it now in my power to place a Division of Troops in this Cantonment under your Orders I must request to be informed by you, as soon as possible whether your State of Health will enable you to accept that Command or not. [More]