Thursday, November 20, 2014

Painful to Watch

You guys are not doing yourselves -- or anyone else besides those who ridicule you -- any favors. And careful where you point that thing. [More]

And yes, of course there's such a thing as bad press.  You just facilitated some. And no hearts and minds were changed.

We can't be so eager for publicity that we place ourselves in "no win" situations, where there is no practical way to exploit the venue and just the opposite will result. Plus, well, it oughtta be obvious...

[Via Michael W. Dean]

China power grid attack would allow anti-gunners to demonstrate convictions

Will those who advocate citizen disarmament change their tune when it is their lives, their family and their property on the line? Will they still reject the need for guns in the home? Will they change their mind on concealed or open carrying? Will any resort to keeping and bearing “assault weapons”? Will they respect “gun free zone” signs ordering them to disarm? Will they insist on background checks before engaging in any firearm transfers? How will they license and register guns (where “required”) if authorities are preoccupied fighting literal and figurative fires? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes brutal reality has a way of stomping some real "gunsense" into survivors.  Too bad (for them) so many will dismiss that with ridicule and contempt.

I've Got a Dirtier Word

The real question is, who's got what on you poltroons? [More]

We're the Only Ones For the Children Enough

Ah, securing the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity, I see... [More]

We're the Only Ones Irresistable Enough

An Oklahoma City police officer accused of sexually assaulting 13 women while on duty will face trial for 35 felony counts including rape and sexual assault, court officials said on Wednesday. [More]
So following the "logic" of the antis, if an armed woman had blown this guy ...away, would they consider it an act of insurrection?

Open Rebellion

Damn right. [More]

Some of us ain't puttin' up with this crap, @$$holes.

A Real Reporter

Oregon Firearms Federation introduces us to a member of that "legitimate news media" we've been hearing so much about. [More]

Commiesense Gun Safety on Exhibit

Thanks, I-594! We feel a lot safer going to the museum now! [More]

Also see Workman's take.

[Via cydl]

Active Stabber

Six nurses and a janitor were killed Thursday in a knife attack blamed on another employee at a military hospital and resort in a northeastern coastal town favored by the country's Communist Party elite, police said. [More]
Fortunately for all concerned, there were no human rights violations.

We're the Only Ones Secret Enough

So the crack guards wouldn't have known anything until the guy came up and talked to them like a nutjob? [More]

Interesting video-- doesn't "uniformed Secret Service" kind of give everything away?

I also like that they "may raise the fence."  Why does that seem...I don't know ... contradictory?

Naming Names

When the list comes out, be sure and check for any Everytown affiliations... [More]

Since You Asked...

[Click to enlarge]

UPDATE: Well, that was certainly time well spent.

The Proper Response

Kurt urges defiance. [More]

Bolsheviks to condemn JPFO as a treasonous terror group in 3...2...1...

Every Picture Tells a Story

And it was one of those assault pictures, with no legitimate reporting purposes... [More]

Isn't it time we had commonsense gun photo laws?

Kamala the Red thinks so...

[Via Steve T

One for the Books

When someone with a gun a gun walked into Strozier Library this morning, presenting an imminent threat to the lives of students studying at Mr. Halbrook’s alma mater, his book provided the philosophical and legal frameworks for the right of those students and library employees to defend themselves, but provided no physical defense. [More]
The librarian couldn't "Shush" him?

I don't suppose the "No Guns" policy helped much, either.

[Via Andrea Shea King]

Ed Helper


Phyllis Naegeli, you're not helping. You presume to teach, yet are unqualified to even be in the class without passing some prerequisites first.

[Via Michael G]

Outrage is Mounting


I'll have to look into this. I always thought the guy was kind of a lib.*  Maybe he's coming around.

UPDATE: Looks like I had him pegged.  Which means, why didn't the geniuses who set this up and publicized it?

UPDATE: Workman weighs in.


The Saviors of their Country

I will not live a slave, and if force is employed to reenslave me, I shall make preparations to meet the crisis as becomes a man. If you will stand by me—and I believe you will do it, for your freedom and honor are involved as well as mine—it requires no microscope to see that—I say if you will stand with us in resistance to this measure, you will be the saviors of your country. [More]
Yeah, uh... about that...

[Via Sipsey Street Irregulars]

This Day in History: November 20

I have the honor to transmit your Excellency two late resolutions of Congress. They have this morning passed resolves respecting the settlement of the pay of the army—and authorising the filling up of vacancies to the first of January next—these I cannot send by this post, as they are yet open to debate and will be read again tomorrow morning. [More]