Monday, December 01, 2014

Last Night on Armed American Radio

An update from AAR Contributor Alan Gottlieb, and the great one, the Godfather of self-defense, Massad Ayoob explains the Ferguson incident in terms every CCW holder MUST hear. Commentary from the best in the business, David Codrea, Neil McCabe, George "The Mad Ogre" Hill [More]

Exclusive: The Going Rate

And there are other groups that happily accept “cooking the books” because doing so fits in with an agenda they support: the media and the gun-grabbers. That way Michael Bloomberg’s “Everytown” can claim 90 percent of the public and most NRA members support registration and confiscation-enabling “background checks,” when results on a recent Washington State ballot measure show it took a relentless, billionaire-backed media campaign to get the measure to pass with under 60 percent of a perennial blue state’s vote. [More]
My latest GUNS Magazine "Rights Watch" column is now online.

Police threatening Ferguson Oath Keepers undermining own interests

This is an idea that’s been floating around for years, but it’s starting to spread a bit more, and goes something like this: If we didn't allow white people to have guns, there would be fewer guns to steal, and thus fewer armed criminals, removing the need to arm police and thus reducing the number of minority “victims” they need to shoot. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report warns bell ringers some not to ask for whom it also tolls.

The Price

Mike tells a poignant tale. [More]

My mother can still weep for her kid brother if you get her going.

We're the Only Ones Third Time's Not a Charm Enough

Firearm exam results obtained from the Passaic County Prosecutor's Office via the state's Open Public Records Act (OPRA) reveal that Mercuro failed the course three times on Aug. 7, scoring below the required 80 percent average on each trial. [More]
I'm sorry, I know this isn't fair, but the guy even looks like a clueless dolt in that photo.

[Via Florida Guy]   .

We're the Only Ones Getting a Head Enough

Caplan is accused of shooting a 20-year-old woman who was driving on the 610 Loop at Stella Link about two weeks ago. [More]
There's gotta be something they can charge her with...

[Via Florida Guy]   

We're the Only Ones Unwarranted Enough

A Texas appeals court has struck down a law allowing police officers to conduct warrantless blood tests on suspected drunk drivers. [More]
That's a better alternative for everyone than having to track them to their resting places and driving stakes through their hearts.

[Via Michael G]

Misery Loves Company

Gosh, you mean admitting toxic bipolar headcases into your life brings everybody down? [More]

They must not have read the book...

Not in My Living Room

But, I guess as long as they're expending their energies and resources so ineffectively, we probably ought to encourage more of it, so don't tell them they're being ridiculous. [More]

We're the Only Ones Making Enough

A former state Division of Criminal Investigation supervisor acknowledged last year that he made and sold guns without a license, confirming allegations by a whistleblower who has since been fired. [More]
If you and I can do the same thing, I've got no problem with this.

Can we?

Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists

At least this guy admits ethics standards for unbiased journalism is a myth, and they exist to manipulate people into being ruled, although he doesn't quite say it like that. [More]

Workman give us another example.

We're the Only Ones Exceptionally Noncompetitive Enough

Section 1. Providing Conversion Authority. I find that conditions of good administration (specifically, the need to make the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, Department of Justice (ATF), competitive in recruiting high quality special agents by giving the ATF an authority held by other Federal law enforcement agencies) make necessary an exception to the competitive examination rules for appointment to certain positions in the Federal civil service. [More]
Yeah, you see, because it's so competitive and they're so exceptional, why make 'em compete?  Or something...

Because nothing says "high quality" quite like lowering the bar?

Anybody able to shed light on this? Is it anything like giving all the kids trophies, whether they actually win anything or not? Does this one entail self-esteem badges and guns?

This Day in History: December 1

A gentleman in whom the Governor places the fullest Confidence gives the following Information respecting the Enemy’s Force on Long Island. [More]