Friday, December 05, 2014

Anti-gun bigot’s projection shows just who the true ignorant and fearful haters are

Funny, isn't it, how “progressives” represent themselves as caring about the people on the lower-end of the economic spectrum, yet are the biggest cheerleaders the “One Percent” could hope for when it comes to the true egalitarian power sharing that an armed citizenry provides. And it’s curious, how an ideology that once extolled the virtues of “peasants” and “workers,” at least until power was secured, has produced effete snobs who attack the worth and question the refinement of other human beings who do not share their infatuation with degenerate totalitarianism. [More]
My latest JPFO Alert notes a self-styled sophisticate, who in true "progressive" Opposite Day fashion, reveals himself to be just another prejudiced, provincial clod.

A Winning Combo

Your entries and this month's gun giveaway contests... [More]

We're the Only Ones Illuminating Enough

A Denver police officer accidentally fired his gun while trying to turn on a flashlight mounted on his weapon in March, the department's third flashlight-related discharge in two years, records show. [More]
I can't tell you how many times that's happened to me.

Maybe that's why Chief White calls for "progress on gun control," questioning why we mere citizens would want the same "no practical use ... soldiers in a war" firearms his trained "light'em up" Only Ones are obviously so much more qualified to handle.

Illuminating, isn't it?

[Via cydl]

Pardoning Pokey Poke

Mark Wahlberg seeks pardon from Massachusetts for assaults committed in 1988 [More]
The article seems kind of tame in describing what this guy did. And why would he need a pardon?

Maybe there's something to that "speculation" about him not being able to touch guns in the course of his employment...

Wannabe Gun-Grabbing Hack Admits "Progressives" Lied About Murthy

Obama should deliver on gun control promise [More]
And how would he do that?
He can do that by appointing a surgeon general.
But wait a sec-- weren't Viv and his supporters trying to allay our fears on his doing just that?
Murthy ... said at the hearing that he believed the surgeon general should focus on areas where there is broad agreement, including prevention of chronic diseases, efforts to curb smoking, and programs to improve diets. And [Sen. Elizabeth] Warren said Monday that the surgeon general has no authority to set gun control policy.
"Progressives."  Opposite Day. Liars.

Is it any wonder we should love them so?

If gun owners demanded it, NRA could lead repeal of Obamacare

That’s where NRA could come in – if Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre and ILA Executive Director Chris Cox wanted it to, or could be persuaded to follow through on. NRA political grades are a powerful tool the politicians in all but incontestable “blue states” vie for, and there are so-called “pro-gun Democrats” in states like Montana who are dependent on them to retain their seats. Even those currently rated lower than an “A” would have powerful incentives not to go into their next election with a markedly lower rating than their challenger. It may even take only one or two “defections” to act like a crack in the dam, convincing balkers that their political fortunes are best served by opposing an administration centerpiece that Americans are increasingly rejecting, with approval at “a new numerical low” providing additional cover for crossing party lines.[More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes the power is in "our" hands --where it's always been, if "we" would only realize it and use it.

Give Them an Inch

You can't compromise with totalitarians any more than you can negotiate with terrorists.  As their name implies, they want it all. [More]

We're the Only Ones Authorized Enough

Despite their background and prior experience as U.S. soldiers, police, or firefighters, civilians seeking to offset what the police are trained, equipped, fully-relegated, and LEGALLY authorized to do is tantamount to allowing the local boy scouts’ troop to camp out in the battle-torn terrain of Taliban insurgents. Catastrophic results seem imminent.
Respectfully-speaking... [More]
You mean anything but "respectfully speaking." Capped by this:
Language on the Oath Keepers’ web site hints at extremism and anti-government sentiment.

Opposite Day.

Combine that with "Only Ones" arrogance, and this obnoxious Oswinski character comes off like the perfect tool for the police state.  I wonder if there are any orders he would not obey, and if so, how he would justify it.

[Via Stewart Rhodes]

Thanks to You it Works

Now, more than ever, we need your help in defense of the right to bear arms and the right to defense of life, liberty, and property. We simply can't do our work without your financial support. [More]
If you're a Florida gun owner, why wouldn't you help?  I just don't get people who enjoy the benefits of hard work by others and do nothing to support them.  Seems to me, they belong on "the other side."

Toys for Totalitarians

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! [More]

[Via Florida Guy]   

A "Progressive" Inconsistency

Not that we've ever seen those before, but I thought these were the same folks who would insist only police should have guns... [More]

Hey, when you see a crack in the "progressive" dam, I say break out the sledgehammers...

[Via cydl]

The Background Check Loophole

Hey, I thought these were the guys we were promised would be stopped... [More]

Just in Time for Christmas

A judge of this Court having made a sua sponte call for a vote on whether this case should be reheard en banc, the parties shall file, within 21 days from the date of this order, simultaneous briefs setting forth their respective positions on whether this case should be reheard en banc. [More]
Oh, and look:
This sort of “sua sponte” call for rehearing en banc, even without a petition, is a pretty well-settled procedure, though not one that’s often used.
It's used a hell of a lot more by black-robed judicial Nazgul than "shall not be infringed," that's for damn sure...

But It LOOKS Like We Seriously Oppose It!

The House of Representatives took its first action protesting President Obama’s executive action on immigration. The bill, which was called “purely symbolic” by critics, is unlikely to be considered by the Democrat-controlled Senate. [More]
But what can they do?

Oh, I don't know.

And this, the allegation that it's not really an executive order but a department-level memorandum, makes such an action appear even more doable. I haven't given up on exploring the details, including who would have standing.

A Faith-Based Initiative

"I believe we will remain in charge of the technology for a decently long time and the potential of it to solve many of the world problems will be realised," said Rollo Carpenter, creator of Cleverbot. [More]
Ain't it something, Rollo? You believe.

Based on what?  Got any empirical backing for that conclusion, or is it actually about as well-defined and measurable, as, say, a religious proclamation, if not even less so? What the hell do you actually know, aside from the fact that there could be a nice paycheck waiting for you some day, and consequences be damned? What does anyone know?

And define "decently long time."  What happens then?

When we wanted to carry guns in national parks, some damn "progressive" judge-for-life said we needed to study environmental impacts first. Meanwhile, the engineers and conductors responsible for her ticket on board that gravy train continue to stoke a smoke-belching engine.

I guess I should feel fortunate CERN didn't 'disappear" us in a black hole while searching for the "God Particle."

I don't mean to come off like the "Mr. Scientist" military head in South Park.  But as we all know, real science is quite different from agenda (Opposite Day) "science," or as it should be properly regarded, cult doctrine.