Friday, December 12, 2014

Duck and Cover

No worries, though. It turns out, as a second PA announcement lets everyone know, this was only a “lockdown drill.” It sure would have been nice of them to tell the kids that, before subjecting them to child abuse via psychological torture. More than ensuring safety, the whole point seems to be to scare the rhymes-with-tap out of them and condition them to view dangerous situations as something adults in immediate authority are just as helpless to do anything about as they are. [More]
My latest JPFO Alert notes terrapin defensive strategies often result in a nice hot bowl of turtle soup.

Another "School Shooting"

The Associated Press reported police said the shooting was outside the school and possibly gang related. [More]
That doesn't matter. The Bloomberg MILMs will spin it like my title.

Pew poll confirms amnesty a danger to gun rights

[A]ttitudes expressed by Hispanics show overwhelming rejection of pro-gun political sentiment. With only 25 percent favoring laws protecting the right to own guns, 71 percent want government to “control ownership.” [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a betrayal that's largely gone unnoticed, and among those who have, largely gone without any appreciable action to hold those responsible accountable.

Stop the Threat: Psycho Redux

From ATSNtv:
Whether you are a man or a woman, being flat footed and naked is a recipe for disaster. But being armed and smarter than your assailant is a life saver. Watch this true life story and how this intellectual woman stops the threat.

On the Pursuit Channel
Prime Time Every Friday!
6:00pm Pacific/ 9:00pm Eastern
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And a Child Shall Lead Them

Seeing as how "progressives" are childish, why not? [More]

I think their socially-conscious white privileged parents ought to show more solidarity and commitment, and accompany them to where the action is for a real protest.

[Via Florida Guy]   

To Die For

"Only Ones" who arrest gun owners for mere possession take note: They don't want YOU armed, either.

"Progressive" Anti-Lifers certainly want to make things convenient for someone who might want to force them into that position.

If You Can't Trust Anti-Gun Environmentalcases, Who Can You Trust?

You mean "progressive" vultures relied on deception? [More]

OK, Gomer. I was going to give you the day off, but go ahead...

Do Not Call

Ain't it something?  I just had to give my phone number, email address and street address to report a stupid telemarketer intrusion and violation.

But, depending on where we live,  I could get the government to roust and maybe even kill you, and possibly even collect a reward for it, not to mention eliminate a turf competitor, in complete anonymity!

Yep-- both in my county and the one over.

Kind of like requiring an ID to vote is racist, but for going to a James Taylor for Obama concert, it's not.

America. What a country.

"Of Course, that Law Didn't Stop the Shooter"

What has not been generally reported is that a combat veteran had an opportunity to immediately stop the shooter. The veteran, who wishes to avoid publicity, served two tours in Afghanistan as an Army Infantryman and qualified expert in rifle and pistol earlier this year. He had a clear shot at the attacker, but because of the prohibition on campus carry, was not allowed to carry on campus. [More] 
Florida Carry is supporting a Campus Carry bill. That means they need your help.

We're the Only Ones Privileged Enough

This is a privilege that is issued by the Arkansas State Police. [Watch]
Any reason we don't know the criminal oath-breaker's name, so that those of us so inclined can tell him what we think of him?  Aside from "Authorized Journalist" SOP?

[Via Steve D. Jones]

ASK and Ye Shall Receive

Ann Barnhardt joins us again for a special edition of the Andrea Shea King Show! [Listen]

Sauce for the Goose

Workman takes a gander at a double standard. [More]

Coming Soon, to a Neighborhood Near You

I can't wait to bring over some coffee cake. [More]

I don't suppose anyone's done one of those environmental impact statements they always require from those of us they want to discourage...

We're the Only Ones 'Converting' Enough

"If it was you or I, we would call it theft," Rodriguez said. "But it's called conversion." [More]
I see fanatics enforcing the doctrine of the all-powerful state are at it again. You know, "Convert or die."

So His Mom Can Give Him a Hug

I agree that adult jail is no place for this young murderer.  But then, neither is next door. [More]

Some things are so broken they cannot be fixed, at least without tools. We can't have enough knowledge from one "news" account to know if that's the case here, but something is obviously haywire, and his physical capabilities are going to grow, as will a hormonal cocktail coursing through his veins. At a minimum, some sort of custodial imposition is called for, and it's not for a matter of time, it's for a matter of validated restoration of trust.

One other thing that's always bugged me: "The boy."
The Associated Press generally doesn't identify juveniles who are accused of crimes.
Why not?  If some defective-for-whatever-reasons little reptile down the street is burning kittens, I want to know about it. I'd think parents of young children living nearby would also benefit from that information, if only to be more aware and better able to keep theirs away when he's let out of his cage and is once more free to stalk among them, as so often happens under the present system.

We've seen the same phenomenon time and again with stories that identify suspects and victims by name, but then give "Only Ones" privileges and refer to "the officer."

And as long as I'm on a tear about names, I'll add how unfair it is for the media to shield the names of rape accusers. We're supposed to have equal, not preferred protection. The presumed innocent until proven guilty suspect has his name and reputation dragged out in front of everyone, and it's not like modern "feminists" want any truck with "patriarchal" gallantry and chivalry. Then, of course, we have the sterling examples of Tawana Brawley, Lena Dunham, et al...