Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Order in Dobyns case highlights government motion that even confuses judge

Noting it’s not even clear if a notice of appeal relates to a Federal Circuit Court order or to prior Federal Claims Court orders, Judge Allegra ordered the government “on or before January 5, 2015 [to] file [an explanatory] memorandum (not to exceed 30 pages)." [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes... uh ... I'm not sure what it notes.  If the judge doesn't understand what the government is talking about, how the hell are the rest of us supposed to figure things out?

Christmas Cheer

If you have a favorite gun rights group or individual, now's the time to send them a donation or voluntary subscription to help them help you.

No, I'm not talking me. I'm talking someone who takes money. All I ever ask from those who get value here is to share my article links so I don't have to decide between feeding the children or having another cigar.

Just What We Need

Another Bush in the White House. [More]

No, I'm not talkin' that.  What I mean is, in her words, what difference does it make?

Captain's (Yule) Log

Herschel is getting ready for  Christmas and so am I, so instead of taking time listing and formatting individual blog post links, I'm just including one for his site, and letting you know there are new posts on the pistol stabilizer brace nonsense, an idiot "progressive" gun dealer dispensing medical advice who thinks they just go off, Mexico getting ready to implode under the corruption and incompetence of its "leaders" (coming soon to a Republic near you), and "Notes." [More]

Opting Out

Refusal as a weapon... [More]

It's the next phase.

We're the Only Ones Unsharing Enough

The purpose of this presentation is to make you better aware of the numerous improvised weapons and ingenious hiding places that have been created and are in use by today’s criminals. [More]
All kinds of stuff besides information they don't want us to have. Us mundanes who pay for everything have no need to know.

FYI, for whatever reason, this document does not load in some browsers for me. If you can't get it in yours, try another.

[Via Florida Guy]   

We're the Only Ones Entrusted Enough

Channeling Kurt's latest about who should be "entrusted" with a Bushmaster, WarOnGuns Correspondent Mack H asks if you would entrust these guys.

What If?

As long as people are not threatening others, there cannot be edicts prohibiting it. The power to do that would be more dangerous than the gatherings being hypothesized. [More]

And if the right is abused, deal with the abusers.

The real question might be who in government thought it would be a good idea to diversify this way, and why?  Measures to verify foreigners entering the country/coming to live here are not hostile hardly seem hateful or even controversial.

Tangentially related:

A Special Bond

British actor Idris Elba could be the first black James Bond, according to more leaked e-mails from Sony Pictures. [More]
I wonder if this is going to cause any problems.

Don't worry. The "progressives" aren't done with fundamental transformations.

Not that I give a damn.