Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Bombshell Revelations Alleging DOJ and ATF Lawyers 'Fraud Against the Court' in Jay Dobyns Suit

Retired ATF Agent and NY Times bestselling author Jay Dobyns joined Armed American Radio host Mark Walters and journalist David Codrea Sunday 1-25-2015 to discuss the federal judge in Dobyns' lawsuit against the government. Bombshell revelations heard during the broadcast show previously sealed court orders alleging ATF and Department of Justice lawyers had committed, in the judge's own words, "fraud upon the court." [More]
Listen to the segment here.

Chicago pol paves way for Surgeon General Murthy to break phony pledge on guns

“Nothing on their agenda—mandatory ‘universal’ background checks, mandatory ‘smart’ guns, regulating guns as consumer products, to name a few—is new except the recruitment of fervently anti-gun rights Surgeon General Murthy to carry the banner,” DRGO elaborated.[More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes the best laid schemes o' mice and men are often diverted from attention with subterfuge when trying to get others to fork over some power...

Indignant Bitchy Whiners on Parade


These people just cannot stand reporting that does not carry a Bolshevik spin, but this is actually kind of funny. They're a "national" group and this is all they've attracted in terms of "likes" and shares" right now?  That is delicious!

I was going to approach the gun groups and ask them to do a counter-petition to overwhelm the control freaks, but good grief, why bother?

I actually spotted Josh at the VCDL Lobby Day rally, but when I turned away for a second and looked back, he'd disappeared, causing me to smile and wonder if the degenerate halfling had slipped on the Preciousss... I was disappointed because I also wanted to see Schlitzie.

As I've said before, these loons are a gift. If they did not exist, I'd be tempted to invent them.  Let's hope this petition is as effective as their last one, that "Adolf" & friends were so happy to sign.

If you care to, go ahead and tell Fox  5 DC that you appreciate Emily Miller's professionalism, and you trust she and they are capable of adhering to high straight news standards without oversight interference from a couple of desperate-for-attention loser propagandists.

[Via Mack H]

UPDATE: Workman has more.

"Fraud Upon the Court"

It's been a while since I've spoken with Andy, but I'll be on the show later today at 6 Eastern / 3 Pacific to talk about the federal judge accusing federal prosecutors of fraud in the Jay Dobyns case.

The show is broadcast on KUHL AM 1440 Santa Maria and AM 1290 Santa Barbara News Press Radio.  If you don't live in those areas, it looks like you can click on either of their respective logos on The Andy Caldwell Show website to listen via live streaming.

Noticing the name of one of those stations, if there's time, I'm going to ask Andy about this.

We're the Only Ones 'Til Death Do Us Part Enough

Berkeley reserve deputy arrested, suspended after threatening to kill wife with service weapon [More]
Sounds like his son isn't the "only one" who ought to feel safer.

[Via Portly Pirate]

Not In Common Use at the Time

Every sportsman should have a gun of this kind, as with such a weapon he could distinguish himself by bringing down game with certainty at immense distances, and what would be of great importance, his fowling piece would be a military arm in case of war, superior to four ordinary muskets. [More]
This is an important find.

It shows the "common use" fraud for what it is, as people in the past were more than enthusiastic about embracing new firearms technology -- including the mainstream media!  And so much for limiting things to "sporting purposes."

And the only way it could be used to put down "servile insurrections" was by imposing "gun control" on those government wanted to keep in bondage.

The More You Tighten Your Grip, Tarkin, the More Star Systems Will Slip Through Your Fingers.

I sometimes wonder if the plutocrat bastards behind all the brouhaha have a portfolio full of gun stocks... [More]

[Via cydl]

Best Story I've Read in a Long Time

This is great. I'm not even going to tell you what it's about.  Just go read it. [More]

If you're like me, you'll then want to share it.

Supporting the Bill

I've been told Shea is a good man. That said, it would be most helpful if a link to the text of the bill were included in releases like this, so that we could see for ourselves all that it entails.

I wonder what those behind it think its chances really are, and if this is a serious effort or political posturing.

I see the bill is labeled "partisan," so I also wonder if it's going to be vigorously fought for by our Democrat BFF...

UPDATE: Workman weighs in.

All We Need is Outreach. And Money. Mostly All We Need is Money.

[Click to enlarge]
"That's why more than 70% of Hispanics and 90% of Blacks vote for Democrats in every election despite the fact that most minorities hold conservative beliefs." [More] 
Shoot-- if you mean they're religious, anti-gay and against abortions (although you couldn't tell that by real world practices), so is this "minority."

And the way to change everything?  Send money of course. Except:
Of more than $2 million BAMPAC spent since the start of 2007, only 1.14 percent, or about $23,000, went to federal or state candidates. Almost all of the rest went to fundraising and overhead. 
Funny: If they're on Guidestar, they must be entered under a different name.

I don't know about you, but I'm pretty fed up with  parasite spammer groups, useless "fax blasters,"  and the like, giving Feinstein and Schumer staffers a good laugh by siphoning needed money off from well-meaning chumps that could actually be used to do something besides line pockets of ideological snake oil salesmen. And I'm more than  tired of fake "conservatives" in general, and this Carson character in particular, with his retinue of desperately-believing, sycophants.

I learned all I need to know about this guy from Kurt.

And from Fletcher.

A Slip of the Keyboard?

The original tweet posted here has reportedly been taken down, [More

No offense to the person who took the screenshot, but if this can be verified by an expert as not a Photoshop or some such, that will establish it was removed once Watts realized she had prematurely let the cat out of the bag. That ought to be spread far and wide, starting with in Nevada, with the question "Why are these people hiding their true motives?"

[Via Luke O]

I Guess It's Not News

I mean, federal judges accuse government lawyers of "fraud upon the court" every day, right, "legitimate news media/real reporters"?

See any mainstream "newspapers" or TV networks in this mix?

Especially disappointing and useless are all of these "conservative" outlets that were notified:
This is why I'm constantly harping on individuals being not just consumers of information, but force multipliers. Check out the early days of Fast and Furious, and see for yourself how that one almost never made it out of the box.

The New Eloi

Fruits of "progressivism" notwithstanding, there is no excuse for this. None.

This Day in History: January 27

I have to request you will as soon as possible, give me an Estimate of all those things in your Department, (noting the expence of each in the best manner you are able) which will be requisite to enable the Army to take the field and to prosecute vigorous operations, in case the War should continue another Campaign; [More]