Friday, January 30, 2015

Dobyns prepares ‘21 questions’ for indifferent-to-date legislators

First, read the 21 questions. Ask yourself, were this your case against the government, if you’d want them answered. Then be a force multiplier and help spread the word -- something even now most major media with a few notable exceptions has avoided doing -- just like with Fast and Furious. That means if the word is to get out, it’s up to people who care to bypass a resistant “legitimate news media.” [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report is also today's Five-Minute Activism project.  The establishment press will ignore this, so the politicians will figure it's not important.  Help convince them otherwise. Please take a moment and spread the word.

'One Percenters' may find escape leads to trap of their own making

Men may die for a lot of things, for loved ones, for convictions, for country... but for their boss? [More]
My latest JPFO Alert wonders what well-heeled anti-gunners with bug-out plans will do should "servants" take a page from the government playbook and assume the role of masters...

Maybe, just maybe, it will prove better to be a member of the Three Percent rather than the One Percent.

What Would YOU Do?

Step One: Ignore the evil "Gun Free Zone" sign. [More]

When I lived in SoCal, I never listened to the stupid Only One sheriff then-- had I, there's every chance I would not be here typing this -- and I wouldn't listen to his successor's arrogant crap now.

Red cards and fire extinguishers my ... eye.

Bleaters are slaughtered. If I go down, it will be fighting.

[Via Bluesgal]

We're the Only Ones Spicing Up Your Life Enough

That's the old pepper!  [More]

Somebody needs to do something about this shrieking, violent, incompetent lunatic.  Like give us her name, for starters.

I love how the "progressives" she's no doubt indiscriminately spraying also almost universally hold the position that police are the "Only Ones" who can be trusted with guns in a public setting.  I'll bet they'd all be fine if Officer Bipolar/Possessed here walked into the House and Senate galleries and other public buildings with a gun, solely because of the magic badge and uniform. I have been to many an armed event over the years, and never once seen a gun owner act like this.

The Case of the Overlooked Office-Seekers

Mr. Hardy waxes eloquent before the Ninth Circuit in their Tuscon road show about ... beats me, something about the Libertarian Party being squeezed out because the State of Arizona is giving all its political love to the Bad and the Ugly, but ignoring the Good. I have yet to find time to watch it, but I'm looking forward to it. His walk-on happens @ 1:21... [Watch]

I can't wait to get to the end, when he breaks the housekeeper down to admit she did it, and she's glad.

More here and here...

Survey SAYS

Some believe rights in Oregon are a matter of opinion. [More]

It may come as a shock to them to find some don't agree, and are willing to demonstrate how much.

We're the Only Ones Giving You a Choice Enough

Police Union: You Can Have Safe Neighborhoods Or Be Free Of Flashbang-Burned Toddlers, But Not Both [More]
Oh, gosh, decisions, decisions...

I guess it depends on what the meaning of the term "safe neighborhoods" is...

Americans Have Obeyed Their Last Gun Law

A cyberpamphlet by L. Neil Smith [More]
Can't wait to read it. Unfortunately, I won't be able to get to it until the weekend, as there is much work yet to do today.

A "Progressive" Reaction

To this.
What a maroon.

I also wonder if any of the critics from "our side" -- who were taking the earlier headlines as all the proof they need to pronounce the guy out of control -- will walk back any of their opinions.

I guess if everybody keeps the pressure on and the spotlight focused, they're bound to spot something and then get all frenzied over it.  Kind of makes me wonder who's more dysfunctional...

Here's the only question I think it's any of my damn business to know, because due process affects us all: Did he get his guns back?

The Only Explanation

Mike Honda wants you to die. [More]

I can't tell which is the stupider joke: Him or this.

A Brief History of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

JPFO served a function matched by no other group in the freedom struggle, mobilizing a constituency that up to that point lacked voice. Oddly enough, it resonated as loudly with Gentiles as with Jews, a point that surprised Aaron but one he took in stride. He happily accepted any support in the quintessential battle that would never again allow government—or anyone—to attempt to wipe out His People—or anyone. [More]
How we got from there to here.  This is really a good behind-the-scenes narrative.

I am painfully aware of some friends who do not accept the new "here."  I can tell you this much from discussions I am not at liberty to share in detail: This came from the heart of Alan Korwin and those he credited with assistance. It was not directed and controlled and finessed from "on high."

I do see one assertion I expect to be contested:
Some of the writers, apparently led by Claire Wolfe, considered taking the group over, but they lacked the resources to do so.
I do not have specific knowledge of what that entailed or what resources were on the table. I won't be surprised to hear more on that from The Zelman Partisans, and if a rebuttal is presented there, I'll make sure and link to it from WarOnGuns.


This is tangentially-related, but it's not part of my promotion of Korwin's piece, so I'm fine-printing it to set it apart:

There's one other personal note I think it's important to add -- In group discussion, I requested clarification if there is any topic I am prohibited from writing about for JPFO, or any desire to pre-approve or censor what I say. Alan Gottlieb assured me I am free to continue as I have been since before the merger took place. Naturally, I would not abuse that with an attack against the group or any of its leaders, or anything that runs counter to the mission and principles of JPFO, and expect it to be posted on their website -- If I feel that strongly, it will be time for me to leave and do the criticizing from my own house, not theirs.

I've seen comments posted around that my association with JPFO could make people perceive me as being a "sellout," particularly since I have not joined in on some of the more scathing criticisms of Gottlieb, some leveled by good friends of mine.  If anyone is dishonest or dumb enough to buy into that, I can't get too worked up over it, because that type attacks me all the time. Anybody who thinks I do this to be popular hasn't been paying attention.  I have some big differences with Alan, and he knows about them (my friend Dave Workman and I are polar opposites on this, for instance), and I'd have written about what I consider to be a "new paradigm" this week except the breaking Dobyns story and another tip I'm tracking down requiring immediate attention and focus.

I'll disagree with anybody when I think an alternative voice merits being heard. If that means it makes people -- any people -- want to have nothing to do with me, so be it.

UPDATE: Claire Wolfe comments.

UPDATE: And again.

In Timor Veritas

Decree: "We do not recognize your rights and demand you surrender them to us."

Response: "They aren't yours to deny. We will defy you."

Dangerous stuff. Stay tuned.

This Day in History: January 30

The Clothing is forwarded on to the troops but as the paymaster informed me no Blankets had arrived in stores at New Burgh when he was there but that some were dayly expected, And as considerable proportion of the troops are without Blankets. [More]