Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Modesty Forbids

At least that's what a useful idiot says it should do... [More]

Say, gals, after you disarm, how about putting on this burqa...?  Modesty, you know...

Oregon Alerts

Been fighting a deadline along with handling several real world priorities and missed a few notices from Oregon Firearms Federation. [More]

Note to GOP: How to Win

Just listen to "progressives" and try to be more like them! After all, they must have your best interests at heart when they offer you advice. [More]

Either that or they're counting on most of you being just stupid enough to think that'll make them like you while it totally demoralizes your base -- and then even after you capitulate and try to suck up, they'll still call you "right wing extremists" and worse.

Yeah, listen to Dana Milbank, Republicans.  How could you go wrong?

[Via Mack H]

We're the Only Ones Handily Compliant Enough

By letting the officer dictate... [More]
I've heard enough.

That said, just as a matter of course, I've always kept my hands on the steering wheel in such encounters. And I don't mouth off. That just seems part of basic situational survival tactics.

But I sure have pissed some off when I've declined to answer questions without consulting an attorney.

[Via Bluesgal]

Never Metadata They Didn't Exploit...

In 2014, former NSA and CIA director Michael Hayden remarked: “We kill people based on metadata.” [More]
No big deal unless you have something to hide, right?

[Via Florida Guy]   

Up to Their Not-So-Old Tricks Again

You know, lying, and representing it as "journalism." [More]

No wonder Brian Williams felt so at ease telling whoppers.

[Via Michael G]

Unclear on the Concept

To paraphrase Inigo Montoya, that right, I do not think it means what you think it means. [More]

[Via Doug Rink]

Look Who Thinks Rights are Transient

The Tennessee Municipal League... [More]

The better to stea... uh... annex your land with, my dear.

These are the collectivists who demand you be defenseless under force of state arms.

I got to the alert email too late to do much with it, but apparently this is on the Senate floor right now as we "speak," and they were encouraging people to contact the Senate. Financing the propaganda effort with tax plunder, naturally.

Funny-- I see two parasites from Athens.  Guess the place needs another cleaning.

These people need to be on activists' radar.

Captain's Log

Quite a few new entries over there... [More]

A Dumb Mistake

And who hasn't made those? I can't tell you how many times I've assaulted strangers of a different race on public transit because their response to my demand to know what they felt about Michael Brown pissed me off. [More]

Naturally it's not in the interests of public safety to let anyone know the name of the "teen," who looks like he's on the fast track to become a "kid killed by a gun."

And no, of course they're not going to prosecute this as a "hate crime," and yes, of course the system is "safe," if by "safe" you mean Richard Zott personally enjoys an elite career federal "Only Ones" advantage ... funny though, how that "candid talk" didn't bring up how he gets to and from work...

[Via bondmen]

A Flaw in NICS

Aside from the deck chairs needing more orderly arrangement, what else is wrong with the Titanic? [More]

Here's an update to the story.

Oh the Humanity!

This video of a savage beating in McDonald's will make you sad for humanity [More]
No it doesn't.

What If You Can't Walk Away?

I would have to assume the abuser was well aware of my presence and that his behavior would cause a fear reaction in bystanders confined with it -- and that he didn't care. I would therefore have to assume my intervention, or even my just being a witness -- would provoke an aggressive reaction. So if I felt compelled to involve myself, my priority would be to stop him swiftly and with certainty, and minimize any danger to myself. [More]

In close quarters like that, I doubt the contention that it was all a gag would cause me to let my guard down after it had been so menacingly forced up. I don't think I'd be inclined to look up just because the guy pointed and told me there was a camera, and with his "victim" joining in, I'd have to consider her an accomplice and wonder what kind of further deception I was being set up for.

In other words, this is a profoundly stupid and irresponsible "experiment." Try it around the wrong (right?) person, and someone is going to get hurt.

Think Prevarication

10,000 Kids Are Injured Or Killed By Guns Each Year In The U.S. [More]
You know, of course, what they're doing here.

Bullet Grazes Reporter at "Mom" Gun Safety Demo

"He told me it was unloaded," Watts cried, pointing to a moonlighting off-duty NYPD bodyguard providing security for the event. [More]
This is something longtime readers have come to expect as inevitable.

[Via AF Day]