Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Baltimore riots highlight ‘progressive’ paradox on guns and police

High-profile shootings of black males continue to occur in cities where “progressive” Democrats run things. Yet in spite of that, they embrace “gun control,” that is, a system where police are the “only ones” trusted to keep and bear arms. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report asks what can be done when the "Only Ones" have no intention of protecting you, and notes an answer from a generation past.

We're the Only Ones Consistent Enough

"...the police subject these individuals to intrusive searches unless they can prove their innocence. Our case law considers such a policy consistent with the Fourth Amendment..." [More]
At least they're consistent...

[Via Mack H]

So Much Conflation-- So Little Truth

The Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists drag out Vanderboegh as the menace we should all be horrified over. [More]

[Via bondmen]

Feelings, Nothing More Than Feelings

“If a ban on semi-automatic guns and large-capacity magazines reduces the perceived risk from a mass shooting, and makes the public feel safer as a result, that’s a substantial benefit.” [More]
The subversive dolt who wrote that asinine opinion is a Reagan appointee.

If that surprises anyone, they haven't been paying attention.

Rise of the Machines

The 'continuous guidance of a small-caliber bullet to target' seems to be tailor made for a robot army controlled by artificial intelligence. [More]
The times, they are a-changin'.

[Via Florida Guy]   

Good Morning Baltimore

I can see this as a "social justice" statue.
Coming soon to an urban area near you. [Watch]

[Via Kid Sister]

American Association of Restrained Persons?

The original... curiously discouraging people from sharing...

With subtitling... (It sure sounds like they're on to something)...

Lotta chatter out there.

It's always important not to leap to illusions. And that this would be a selected forum for sending out subliminal messages makes no sense. That said, if there's any kind of official explanation that does make sense, I'm not finding it.

[Via Florida Guy]   

The Problem the Board was Trying to Address

After all, the problem the board was trying to address is the inability of undocumented immigrants and others to obtain identification cards. [More]
In other words, they weren't trying to address the real problem.

[Via Michael G]


Tell me this site doesn't lend itself to parody... [More]

[Via Florida Guy]   

The Personal is Political

I can't help but wonder about the sympathies of the vacuous, privileged d!ckheads who would pay for something like this. [More]

A Mad Entitlement

Far be it from me to cast aspersions on the ethics professional skills of a paid anti-self-defense hack Ph.D.-holding Hahvahd Professah, but looking at how he conducted this “study” and presents his data reminds me of an old Mad Magazine cartoon where a pollster guarantees a politician results that he’ll like. [More
If they weren't worried, they wouldn't try to get people to swallow such mad lies.

This Day in History: April 28

Some of my own Slaves, and those of Mr Lund Washington who lives at my House may probably be in N. York: but I am unable to give you their Descriptions—their Names, being so easily changed will be fruitless to give you—If by chance you should come at the knowlege of any of them, I will be much obliged by your securing them, so that I may obtain them again. [More]