Monday, May 18, 2015

Anti-gunners can set example with Swedish peace group’s ‘gay’ defense

Instead of carrying a gun for protection, “progressives” could demonstrate courage of convictions by going about their business dressed like a shirtless gay singing sailor, all the while “waving” their “white flag,” and saying “This way if you’re gay” to anyone who accosts them. And the same must hold true for anti-gun celebrities and politicians who currently employ armed bodyguards, which, as SPAS contends, only invites trouble. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a great opportunity for those who disparage guns to show us the superior outcomes doing things their way will produce.

Mugging Gone Wrong

Also, their "Shoplifting Complex" episode is up for a TELLY Award. You can watch and rate it here.

Virtual Opposite Day

Kerry: Internet 'Needs Rules to Be Able to Flourish and Work Properly' [More]
It can only grow if we stunt it! Only through our control will it know freedom. And we, of course, are the arbiters of what "working properly" means.

[Via cydl]

You Can't Stop the Signal


For some reason (maybe being told "No" by authoritarians), I'm reminded of defiant gun owners "transferring" weapons in violation of a stupid attempt at tyranny in Washington State. That and the Streisand Effect.

So here's what I'm going to do-- I'm offering the following graphic for sale via a right click "save as" download:

In terms of payment, I'm not set up to take them, so just send a voluntary subscription contribution to enable Mike's travel itinerary and help spread righteous civil disobedience to gun-grabbers throughout the Republic.

If they order me to take this down, and I may just be inclined to publicly tell them how I feel about that, it will draw attention to the one question a "Yes" or "No" answer will both work to our advantage on -- not that I expect any "Authorized Journalists" would have either the inclination or the guts to ask it. In the mean time, feel free to become a franchise operator and join me in offering the photo "for sale."

We're the Only Ones Unexamined Enough

Grand juries would be prohibited from investigating police shootings and cases where an individual dies from excessive force during an arrest under a bill passed Thursday by the California state Senate. [More]
I suppose they'd probably also be exempt from being asked what they've got to hide...

[Via Florida Guy]   

Magnum Cum Laude

See, if you have a gun, the professor will give you a higher grade out of fear that if she doesn't, you'll shoot up the place. Or something. [More]

But gun owners are paranoid.

Where do they find these loons?

[Via Michael G]

Everything Must Go!

Yeah, fine, this is a good incremental development, and it's surprising to see SCOTUS unanimity, but I can't help coming back to the observation that allowing someone deemed too dangerous to own a gun to move freely among us seems to be an admission that the entire prohibition rationale is fraudulent. [More]

Meanwhile, you can buy a gun off a felon now, but if Obama has his way, you won't be able to get one from the very government Constitutionally tasked to arm the militia.

[Via Geordan]

Countering Bloomberg

Grass Roots North Carolina is having a press conference in Raleigh on Tuesday to announce their own media campaign to combat the lies told by Bloomberg's Everytown Moms for Illegal Mayors about HB 562. Their radio campaign featuring North Carolina moms will be called, "Michael Bloomberg doesn't speak for me." [More]
If you're from North Carolina, what are you doing to help?

[Via Cemetery's Gun Blob]

First Contact

What to do if your strange new visitors start flashing badges and asking questions... [Watch]

Burn the Christian!

How dare he profess faith! [More]

Somebody ought to tell the CiC!

Yes, but he was "in uniform"...

That's reserved for exalting the state...


If you can do it with a plane, you can do it with a "smart gun." [More]

Selective Outrage

Oh, no! Stewart Rhodes said John McCain should be hanged after being tried for treason and being convicted by a jury of his peers!  "Progressives" must condemn him! [More]

These guys, not so much...

We're the Only Ones Spreading Lies Enough

Ex-Cop Could Get 20 Years For Helping People Beat A Polygraph [More]
His site has been taken down, but is still accessible via the Wayback Machine.  He even claimed to be an "Only One."

This Day in History: May 17

Having been your Excellencys Fellow Soldier in some Campaignes of a difficult and dangerous operation, and as peace has Again Sanctified our Communication, and lessend your Cares; I presume to Ask your Interference and Friendship, on the Subject of my honestly earnd Small Property in America; which it Seems Was with others proscribed by Congress. [More]