Armed American Radio Redux

For those who missed Sunday's live broadcast with host Mark Walters, the show is archived on the Armed American Radio Website. [Listen]
  • Hour 1: Alan Korwin of
  • Hour 2: Radio host Anthony Cumia, Human Events Guns & Patriots Editor Neil McCabe.
  • Hour 3: Yours truly.

InfoWars Interview

Here's my chat yesterday with Alex Jones:

Here's the InfoWars write-up that precipitated them reaching out to me.

As an update of sorts, PJ Media is looking into this. The States United people, themselves the creation of pr folks, are now insisting that the "customers" were not "actors," but "focus group participants."  Why it didn't say that on the official NYC permits is anybody's guess. The producer isn't talking, because he is claiming to have received death threats.  I'm sure we can now find reports have been filed with NYPD to investigate, right?  In any case, does this mean we have another deception, that the "customers" were all transported in, as opposed to walking in off the street? Will they be forthcoming with who put together the "focus group," who chose them to participate, what documented criteria was used, if they signed a release authorizing use of likeness and voice?

Funny, how all of a sudden they're in a rush to "clarify" things.  Funny how, when trade publication Ad Week told the industry the guns were real (and had been used in the crimes the tags claimed!), the customers were real first-time gun buyers, and real minds were changed, nobody saw fit to try and "correct" any misinterpretations.

Funny how the boy who has repeatedly cried "Wolf!" is so indignant that an official NYC permit which they applied and paid for, that is, initiated and accepted, says "actors."

We started out on this adventure with a video--why not end with one?