Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Your Kind Not Wanted Here

Just an observation: You wouldn't see anyone dare this kind of discrimination against a gay business establishment. [More]

[Via @pamnsc]

Daily Defense Redux

My conversation yesterday with Mark Walters on Armed American Radio's Daily Defense is now archived. [Listen]

We're the Only Ones with the Munchies Enough

No other description is possible but that these are the actions of armed, violent criminals, who deserve to be dealt with accordingly.

The thing is, proprietors and patrons, for the most part -- with some notable exceptions -- probably consider themselves "progressive." That includes the belief that the state must maintain a monopoly of violence and that the true egalitarian power sharing of an armed citizenry is something to be ridiculed and eradicated.

Yeah, you'd have to be stoned to believe that.  Far out, man.

Armed Chattanooga Marine First Raised on Vanderboegh Blog

“One Marine was armed, in violation of policy, and fired at the cowardly bastard who then retreated behind the facility,” an individual identifying himself only as “anon for obvious reasons” wrote. “There he began firing on the others. 
“Get the facts,” the comment poster advised. “I spoke w/ a friend who was guarding the suspect’s home this morning. (Sgt w/ Chat. City PD).” [More]
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