Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Still Anonymous

Gun used in San Francisco pier shooting confirmed to be stolen federal agent’s ... The unnamed federal agent reported the weapon stolen after someone broke into his personal vehicle and stole a bag with his service weapon inside... [More]
Why is he still unnamed?  Especially after reading:
The gun turned out to belong to a Bureau of Land Management officer who reported it stolen after leaving it in the front of his vehicle.
My original concerns stand:
It’s not like there’s no legitimate public interest in identifying the agent or ranger (depending on the story you read). Who is this person, what were the circumstances that led to a gun being left in his/her car and stolen, and are there any prior indicators in this individual’s employment record? Oversight seems especially relevant in an anti-gun town like San Francisco, where aside from a handful of connected elites, traveling around the “sanctuary” with a gun is the exclusive province of “Only Ones” ... Do you doubt, had a gun been stolen from your car and then used in a murder, that not only would your name be widely spread (and smeared by gleeful antis painting you as a typical, irresponsible ammosexual), but that you’d be lucky to escape serious criminal charges, and crippling civil ones as well?
The media, which has no interest in being a government watchdog on gun issues, is not going to do its job and find this out for us. That means if there's any chance, it's dependent on pressure coming from somewhere else -- like me and maybe you.

How Rebellious! How Daring!

Get some burqa-wearers pole dancing and then we can talk about what a bold and relevant artist the Immaterial Girl is. [More]

We're the Only Ones Preferential Enough

The Methuen police department gave preference to job candidates who said they wouldn’t arrest relatives or fellow officers for drunken driving, the Massachusetts Civil Service Commission found. [More]
What's the big deal? Maybe they're better trained to drive drunk than the rest of us.

[Via Harvey]

Christie’s Bullying Tirade Deflects from Having to Answer Tough Questions on Guns

Pointing out bills he did not support does not tell us what he does favor. Likewise, dismissing a 1995 campaign ad by asking if his questioner had not changed his mind in 20 years does not answer what Christie changed his mind to. What he avoided with all the skill of a seasoned political animal, was explaining – unequivocally — where he stood on the right to keep and bear arms and how he has shown leadership promoting the Bill of Rights. [More]
Want to see what a bully does when confronted? He hides and hopes no one notices. Want to prove that for yourself? Send Christie some questions and watch him ignore them.

Enforce Existing Intolerable Acts!

The "pro-gun" position is strengthening NICS? So we should be arguing prior restraint as a legitimate power for those whose only clear instruction on the matter is "shall not be infringed"? [Watch]

Dershowitz and his ilk want it all. Giving them anything is equivalent to throwing a scrap of flesh to circling jackals on the assumption they'll leave you alone.

Some of us aren't backing down from "Repeal existing Intolerable Acts."

And until that happens, defy them.

Pay Day at the Department of Pre-Crime

Paying -- do we call them "juveniles" or "teens" these days? -- not to commit violent crimes ... you can't make this stuff up.  [More]

It's not really a new idea. The protection racket has been around since forever.

But they further modeled their approach on a program "evolved" from Ceasefire?  Good one!

Me, I think the sidelined (read "not caught") gangbangers ought to organize and demand a raise. With Opposite Day "progressivism" in play, that would mean they'd go back to "work" until their demands were met.

By the way, thanks for the crime "statistics," Devone. Citing you as the source will be most helpful. Just one question: Noting "The city gave ONS $1.2 million for its operating budget last year," what's your cut of the take?

[Via Michael Strickland]

Now That's a Big Deal

Matching firepower was no longer for the masses -- it was for the hired help only. Two centuries of Gun Equality between government and the public was over. [More]
Alan Korwin talks citizen subarmament.