Monday, August 03, 2015

Fast and Furious Gun in Garland Latest in Long, Unending Line of Government-Enabled Crimes

The deaths we know about are merely the tip of the iceberg, because unless a gun is recovered at a crime scene – the intent of the ATF managers executing the plan – we have no way of knowing for sure what was the source of the weapon used. [More]
Gunwalker-- the administration gift that keeps on killing...

Last Day for ITAR Comments

If it does go through, I hope to publicly defy it on a regular basis. [More]

This isn't protection of vital national security secrets. This is just stupid and tyrannical. They can't stop the signal and they can't stop all of us.

I will not comply.

It won'r be the first time I've practiced this form of civil disobedience.

Besides, as long as we're talking ITAR, isn't Fast and Furious back in the news again?

A Real Man


Evidently, our good friends, the racist, sexist hive insects, are experts on "real men." This one needs to be dissected, but my work queue  is already backing up -- it may take a couple days for me to get free to start cutting.

[Via Neil W]

Bullet Points

A more practical manner of reducing gun deaths is strict bullet control at least as serious as with driver’s licenses. Licenses of several levels like level one for limited # bullets for a 22. To own high capacity clips or clips for guns with more than one bullet at a time must have advanced level bullet certificates for mental health and from police every two years. To own high caliber bullets or clips with more than a few bullets you would have to have training similar to an officer. Licensees would also have to keep records of their bullets like pharmacists do with narcotics. How many they have, who they give or sell them to, how they were used (target practice, etc). [More]

Your move.

Meanwhile, Over at the Oligarchy.

And they're all concerned first and foremost with adherence to the Constitution and restoring abridged rights, right, as opposed to lowering their bottom lines and increasing their holdings and control...? [More]

But if a bunch of us small-timers pool our resources together under a common cause, why, that's outrageous. We need "campaign finance reform"!  Unless, of course, you're a Democrat-favoring union...

A Common Thread

Aurora, Colo. Newtown, Conn. Charleston, S.C. Chattanooga, Tenn. Lafayette, La. What do they all have in common? [More]
They were all "gun-free zones," right Bill?


Armed American Radio Redux

Last night's program archive... I was in Hour 3 along with George "Mad Ogre" Hill. [Listen]

To Ourselves and Our Posterity

Detroit Council Working to Offer Municipal ID to Illegal Aliens, Homeless [More]
Well, at least there's no doubt who Raquel Castaneda-Lopez is working for...

Besides, it's not like the city has any more pressing problems.

What's Holding Amazon Up?

Gee, you guys were so quick to react before, even though...

So what the hell is this?

How's the guy going to become a leper, ostracized and banished by all, if you don't do your part in the name of "diversity"?

The Greater Threat

Despite public perception about the threat of extremists inspired by al-Qaida and the Islamic State, a new study shows that law enforcement officers are more concerned about the homegrown terrorist next door. [More]
Translated: Oath-breaking enforcers quite properly view armed tyranny resisters as having more of a chance to hold them personally accountable than foreign invaders, which, by the way, their masters have let into the country as a way to accelerate the power grab.

Not that Judy L. Thomas and the Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists at The Kansas City Star (home of Yael T. Abouhalkah) will tell you that.

[Via bondmen]

Meanwhile, Over at the Temple of Gaia...

Cecil commands us from beyond the grave... [More]

I keep wanting to call him "Clarence." And I'd love to do a fake "hidden camera" video discussing the sale of hunted animal body parts, just to see outraged Prozis spewing death wishes.

Oh look! A gold-plated Cecilphone for well-meaning One Percenters! I gotta get in on this racket!

[Via Florida Guy]   

What's in a Name?

Oh, I don't know, Rancid Prepuce. If you truly think enough of us are cowardly or unprincipled or dumb enough to play the Republicans über alles game no matter which establishment sellout you try to foist on us, then you tell me. [More

Sign the Petition

I did. [More]

But I don't want to be on any lists!

You think owning a gun and frequenting sites like this one hasn't already put you on several?

But I don't want to get junk email!

Assuming you as a citizen truly don't want to be informed by the White House of what they're up to, just "unsubscribe" if it bugs you.

But this will just create another class of  "Only Ones"!

Not really, when you consider, because of their employment, the service members' rights have been diminished below those of the citizenry.

But this won't do any good!

If you mean the administration won't do the right thing, true enough. But if you signed it and then helped make this go viral, and it took in 10 or 100 times or more the number of sigs requested, who knows what effect increased public awareness and demand would have on Republican responsiveness to a political opportunity?

The fact is, in the time it takes to articulate an objection, this could have just been done already.

[Via Dave K

Fiat Freaking Lux

Mike's recounting of his 45th anniversary high school reunion is a fine and fun read in the tradition of the better American humorists. [More]