Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Look But Don't Touch

The only less-than-comfortable moment for the congressman came when a woman in the audience, citing the murder of two Roanoke television journalists on live TV last week, pressed him to “commit to reducing gun violence” when the House reconvenes Sept. 8. Brat said he would look into the issue. [More]
Embrace teachable moments.

[Via Mack H]

UPDATE: Got his attention.

"Peace in Our Time"

And remember, with "progressives," every day is Opposite Day... [More]

[Via Jeet]

Montana School Superintendent Denise Juneau Says This Proposal is Both Risky and Unnecessary

Really?  She knows for a fact "Gun Free Zones" keep schools safer than the alternative? [More]

Maybe she has some basis in fact to bear that out? Maybe she has some qualifications to state that conclusion with such certainty, and presume to be the arbiter of acceptable risks for other human beings?

I ask because I really don't see any qualifications giving her any special kind of competency in this area -- aside from being a Democrat,  which I guess makes her smarter than mere gun owners. I also ask because I know you're not supposed to judge people based on appearances or anything, but I'd bet good money I could take her in a cage match, and I freely admit I'd need a gun if I hoped to have a prayer against a determined school shooter.

Perhaps she'd be willing to give a demonstration, to show what she'd be capable of doing if an armed attacker entered her fiefdom with murder on his mind? Or barring that, being the superintendent and all, to sign a special relationship contract assuming a duty to protect with attendant liability should she fail?

[Via Jeffersonian]

Over the Top

Just an observation: If it turns out they're wrong and things backfire on US soil, most likely those who suffer in greatest numbers will be from an urban constituency that subverts self-defense and aborts its young. [More]

Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor,.Your Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Dependent

More than half of immigrants on welfare [More]

Opposite Day.

And no, of course we're not "getting more than our fair share."

Did you read this and tell your friends about James Simpson's report?

Neck and Neck?

Ben Carson Ties Donald Trump in Iowa Poll [More]
Forgive me for suspecting establishment manipulation. I think the whole Trump phenomenon scares the hell out of all the major players, desperate to quell any rebellions, and one of the best ways to do that is to confuse the herd. If they can slow his momentum with Carson, they know he's a guy they can sideline without anywhere near as much difficulty, as he's neither as rich nor as provocative as The Donald.

And while Trump has his share of past conflicting actions and statements to atone for, when it comes to RKBA and cultural terraforming, Carson, like Lucy, has some splainin' to do.

Who Blinked First?

In climate bid, Obama stares down melting Alaska glacier [More]
I wonder if his Secret Service detail carried pepper spray...?

[Via Geordan]

Your Show of Shows

You mean The Hero of Medicine has been creeping for naught?

Looks like I'll have to take down all those "WANTED" posters...

[Via Harvey]

We're the Only Ones On Target Enough

I had to scroll-magnify because I didn't see a full screen video option. [Watch]

The shooting happens @ 58 seconds in. Someone with the capability to break this down needs to analyze if the guy started to suddenly move his hands downward before the first shot was fired or as a reaction to being hit, as it seems awful close to me.

What do you think?  And can anybody here do that, and post a frame-by-frame comparison to a sound track graph?

[Via Harvey]

UPDATE: There's a second video but the DA has not released it yet.

Me and Jenny Goes Together Like Peas and Carrots

Jeb's ridiculous and arrogant view of location-based rights is still not enough for Debbie, who expressed no objections when Obama said the same thing. They all know it's a lie, and the edicts they're going after, from the baby steps of "universal background checks" to the end game, will have no "home rule" regional limitations. They just use that term for the suckers.

Still, it wouldn't be out of line to ask Jeb to explain in detail what specifically works for New York City. Matter of fact, those who have given him "A" ratings and endorsements in the past ought to be demanding it...

UPDATE: Not that I expect this will be anything but ignored...