Friday, September 11, 2015

Good for Me But Not for Thee

Thursday afternoon Michael Bloomberg's anti-gun advocacy group Everytown for America held a small rally in Washington D.C. in front of the Capitol Building in an effort to shame Congress into passing gun control legislation. Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe spoke at the event and brought his armed body guard with him. [More]
Hey wait a minute-- I thought a man with a gun posed a demonstrable increased danger to Demanding Moms...

[Via Mack H]

Snap-On Tools

Can you see an attacker coming at you and taking time to snap this stupid thing on? [More]

And then only firing one shot and checking to see it that was enough?

I'd be interested to see if a professional trainer of any repute teaches delayed and then interrupted response as a smart tactic to survive and prevail by.

Tell me there won't be a Lee Paige variation, where someone with his booger hook on the bang switch tries putting this contraption on while trying to beat out Tueller drill realities.

Besides, I have a cheaper non-lethal alternative: Throw-A-Gun TM-- well, at least non-lethal for the attacker.

Boot Boehner

Take a minute and make Old Yellowstain have another drink and cry some more.. [More]

"The Boy"

God Allah forbid we should tell you the name of a minor who is a threat to your community. [More]

Interesting comment from the chief... although I'd hope everyone would want to see what an open carrier was doing first.

[Via Florida Guy]   

What's Missing:

Jubilant celebrations on U.S. streets... [More]

It must be a cultural thing.

[Via Florida Guy]   

Something Must Be Done!

The other thing we can and should do is look at Parker’s past, because his transformation into a gun law crusader was not so much a road to Damascus conversion as it was a direction he was already receptive to traveling in, albeit he never had the motivation before now to devote his life to the issue. Back in 2007, Parker ran for the Virginia House of Delegates as a Democrat. At the time, Virginia Citizens Defense League, the state’s premiere grassroots gun rights group, sent its political questionnaire to all candidates. Their tally sheet shows no responses to the questions next to his listed name, which, per VCDL, “frequently indicates indifference, if not outright hostility, toward the right to keep and bear arms.” [More]
If Andy Parker is committed to doing "whatever it takes," my latest GUNS Magazine "Rights Watch" column notes we have to be as well.

The Company They Keep

Singer-songwriter Steve Earle has partnered with the Southern Poverty Law Center to take a stand against the Confederate battle flag and is urging Mississippi to remove the emblem from its state flag with the release of his new song, “Mississippi It’s Time.” [More]
That's because SPLC has changed its tune. I guess Dees also no longer needs to take Klan money to defend violent racists.

As for Earle, well, what can you say about the personal judgment of a "recovering" heroin addict who has been married seven times...?

[Via ESN]

What We Obviously Need Are...

...commonsense bomb safety laws. [More]

[Via several of you]

Pentagon Says ‘No Guns’ for Recruiters: Hide Behind Partitions Instead

Marine Corps Commanding General Mark Brilakis says the decision was made because educators, students and parents might not be “comfortable” seeing armed recruiters. As for when military personnel are in their storefront offices, Brilakis says it might also offend the sensibilities of mall shoppers. [More]
Good grief.

We're the Only Ones Honorable Enough

“I consider Chief Hoover an honorable man and officer,” the mayor wrote. “Thanks Chief Hoover for a job well done.” [More]
"Ooh-ooh-ee-ee-ah-ah!" the Chief replied.

About Those Mental Health Requirements

Who's going to administer the tests and how long are people supposed to wait? [More]

Be Careful What You Wish For

We're all Mexican? [More]

What's their immigration law like again? Because I might be able to live with that.

Hey, (daughter of a bodyguard for the dictator Batista and Cuban refugee) Gloria: Will you be going down down to Mexico and starting a "We're all Central Americans" movement anytime soon?

If You Cannot Afford a Lawyer, One Will Be Appointed For You

And if you can, the would-be masters who want the rabble disarmed will give you as many as it takes. [More]

And in typical Opposite Day Big Lie fashion, the One Percent prozis spread the meme about 'gun lobby money" to use against the grassroots every chance they get.

Not Exactly a Packed House

I get more people over on Independence day... [More]

I'll bet she was furious and brutal with her people afterward.

A Gain in Spite of It All

Bloomberg sent his hired hacks into locations that had recall petitions where they attempted to trick petition gatherers into making minor, technical mistakes (like walking away from petition sheets for a moment) so they could file complaints against the recall campaign. [More]
That's what can happen when you're rich enough to employ mercenaries. Fortunately, the Secretary of State said there wasn't enough "evidence" to invalidate the signatures.

An Impishly Entertaining Polemic

Jeez, Justin Chang, got much of a crush on the guy? [More]

And don't you mean "blimpishly"?

[Via Mike H]

Beggars CAN Be Choosers

Coming soon, to a caliphate near you. [Watch]

I can only pray to Allah (blessed be his name) that the "entitlements" we have to offer are good enough for our expected new arrivals.

After all, we wouldn't want to upset them.

[Via Florida Guy]   


Bernie Sanders Has a Fan in the James Bond Actor Daniel Craig [More]
Noting the "progressives" and Opposite Day truism, it figures this rich hoplophobe would be on the side of SMERSH.

Resistance is Futile: You Will Be Assimilated

If your belief is that your gun ownership is going to somehow save you from a tyrannical state, you are dead wrong. They are more organized than you. They have tanks. They have drones. They have aircraft. They have bombs and chemical weapons and nukes. [More]
Flesh that out for us there, would you, "Hawk," old man? How would using nukes on U.S. soil be effective against around three percent of gun owners?

The self-important troll has several posts, each one presuming to teach, but really showing he's incapable of learning. It always seems to be the most ignorant SOBs who are convinced they're the smartest -- brought to you  by "Progressives" for Opposite Day.

Explaining His Reasoning

Rep. Jack Williams (R-Vestava Hills) explained his reasoning for proposing the massive tax by saying “any entertainment product that’s adult in nature, that you have to be over 18 to purchase, would have an excise tax like cigarettes and tobacco do.” [More]
And you don't think that's obscene, "Republican" Jack?

On a side note, people pay for porn?

Oversight and Judiciary Could Ask ATF about Twin Peaks Ballistics Report

“Ask ATF when Waco ballistics report will be released” messages can be sent to Grassley at his Twitter and Facebook accounts, and likewise, Chaffetz also has Twitter and Facebook pages. The more concerned citizens who do this, the greater the chances we’ll see some movement from the politicians. [More]
Links to do that are included in this report. Please make that today's Five-Minute Activism project.