Monday, September 14, 2015

New York Times Champions Suicide, Except with Guns

You’ll note The New York Times isn’t demanding to disarm cops—yet (give ’em a few years). And they also seem to kind of actually like suicide — as long as no one uses a gun. It appears this is one group that actually would feel better “if they was pushed outta windows.” [More]
And that's only as long as they're not convicted murderers, in which case, we're talking cruel and unusual, here...

Delta Force

A professor is dead and an active shooter is allegedly loose on the Delta State campus near Jobe Hall. [More]
Are no rules sacred?
Weapons on Campus The Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning hereby prohibits the possession of pistols, firearms or other weapons in any form by any person other than duly authorized law enforcement officials on its institution premises or at any of its institutions or student functions off campus, regardless of whether such person possesses a valid permit to carry such pistols, firearms or weapons. Also, section 97-37-17 of the Mississippi Code makes it a felony for any student to possess or carry, whether openly or concealed, any firearm on University property.

Armed American Radio Redux

Last night's show has been posted. [More]

Grover Norquist was on in Hour Two. I got my turn to explain some differences I have with his immigration wrong-headedness in Hour Three.

Here's my segment.

Secrecy Surrounds remains unclear whose bullets, including police bullets, struck the dead and injured ... [More]
Well, I know what I'm doing to push that along, CBSNews. I don't suppose you'd care to start amplifying?

Time was, you had people I could work with.

A Familiar Pattern

Turi is facing federal trial this December on two counts that he allegedly violated the arms export control act by making false statements. Turi denies the charges, and alleges there was a rogue weapons operation run with the knowledge of Mrs. Clinton's state department. [More]
Why am I not surprised?

What Kind of Racist Would Object to This?

Gang leaders in El Salvador testing limits of their power in L.A., rest of U.S. [More]
Tell me we shouldn't welcome such cultural diversity here.

I'm certainly glad our government is insuring domestic Tranquility and securing the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity.  Because if they weren't, well, what would we need them for?


Kate Brown Appointee Refuses To Certify Recall Signatures [More]
See, when arrogant parasites have unlimited plunder resources, they can pull in-your-face crap like this and now what are you gonna do? Spend your finite resources for years on suing them in courts which they control?

Too bad, because impossibility has a way of leading to inevitability, and it's all so avoidable.

Seeing the Wisdom

During my 20 years of service, there were plenty of times I disagreed with the brass. Now, 20 years later, I see the wisdom of this Marine's policy against putting weapons on recruiters in shopping malls. I trust Major General Brilakis judgment from his 34 years of experience in the Marine Corps. [More]
I'm sure the sockpuppet lick job is appreciated, "BenRound."

When is a Park Not a Park?

"Chilhowee Park, although its name would indicate it's a park, it's really not a park," Knoxville Law Director Charles Swanson said Thursday. "You will see on our website we have a list of 81 parks that our Parks and Rec Department maintains, and Chilhowee Park is not one of those." [More]
Sounds reasonable.

After all, ATF isn't really an agency.

Can you imagine being Charles Swanson?

[Via Michael G]

Hail the Conquering Heroes

Gotta have plenty of these on hand...
When these guys come to town...
Learn more about them and download their field manuals here.

They must be popular, because they're out of stock on helmets.


[Via Florida Guy]

The New Colonialism

Policies demanded by self-righteous First World urban "progressives" victimize Third World natives. [More]

Hey when animals are first, guess where that places humans.

[Via Michael G]

Informed By Whom?

A racist head case killing blacks in Charleston was all the fault of you Islamaphobes. [More]

Juan Cole of "Informed Consent" said it, I believe it, that settles it.

UPDATE: And Faizan Syed says right-wingers are a greater threat than jihad.

The War on Boys

We used to be able to settle this kind of childish stuff without bringing the continuum of up-to-lethal state force into the equation. [More]

That's some "progressive" progress!

Not Wiping with Authority

Hillary didn't wipe! [More]

She emptied herself with authority!

The Clinton machine will not go gentle into that good night. And Obama knows it, and is guarding his vulnerabilities accordingly.

Think Globally, Act Locally

Justice Breyer Sees Value in a Global View of Law [More]
Yeah, how are we gonna have a new world order without it?

And isn't the whole point of being "progressive" to take us "forward"?

This Blood's for You

Oh, look, Clydesdales bowing to the NYC skyline.  How patriotic and endearing of Anheuser Busch! [Watch]

Figures their head would make a big show of embracing Bloombergian registration enablement.  That and making sure being a "staunch defender" never included more than mealy-mouthed rhetoric.

Crappy beer anyway.

Don't Rock the Boat!

Establishment water-bearer John Kasich warns against taking principled stands. [More]

Which is par for the course.

Tricks of the Trade

Showing Animals Respect and Kindness is an animal rights group that secretly filmed a fundraiser for Senator Jim Inhofe last year, where guests were shooting tame, banded pigeons that were thrown into the air. [More]
So how does NADIA JUDITH ENCHASSI know the pigeons were "tame"?

Easy-- look at the story she linked to for her rewrite:
“These tame pigeons were hand-thrown into the air, shot for fun," Chaifetz said. "They were kicked, tortured - all so Senator Inhofe could raise money from people who enjoy this type of killing."
And what kind of skin in the game does Chaifetz have? You can contact him at the SHARK "press room" and find out!

That's some "objective reporting" there, Nadia! Good thing there are no other considerations...

Say, could it be the end goal is to ban ALL hunting, along with raising domesticated animals for any kind of food or other consumption or use? And that the Astroturf prozis will take whatever increments they can get, and use whatever beachhead they can establish to launch the next, deeper incursion? Just like they do with "gun control"?

If so, they can count on NBC's KFOR "News" Channel 4 to amplify a one-sided agenda narrative!

[Via Florida Guy]   

Indoctrinate Your Children Well

The privileged young fools have no idea.

That's by design.