Thursday, November 05, 2015

Armed American Radio Daily Defense

Mark Walters just called -- he wants me on this afternoon -- with no prior discussion -- to throw stuff at me live and get my off-the-top-of-my-head response.

Ah, workin' without a net, which is the way we always do it, but I generally go into these things with a least a general idea of the direction we're going -- this should be fun.  I'd better go light a cigar and take the call on the porch.

It starts at 4 pm Eastern, mere minutes from now. Click here then click listen live.

Gun Tax (Extortion) Bill Gets Attention, No Traction, but Still Reveals Totalitarian Mindset

And if $100 is good, $200 would be better, right? Once the precedent is established, the sky’s the limit. [More]
Good thing the bill doesn't stand a snowball's chance -- but that being the case, why is the media treating it like it's newsworthy?

By the way, don't be shy about leaving comments under the article.

We're the Only Ones Carefully Staged Enough

"This staged suicide was the end result of extensive criminal acts that Gliniewicz had been committing" ...The officer had been stealing and laundering money from a police department program that mentored young people hoping to become law enforcement officers, Filenko said. Gliniewicz, a leader in that program, had been stealing money for at least seven years, he said. [More]
Defrauding right up to the end...

[Via several of you]

Exclusive: The Lost Shepherd

That’s significant, because Abby has a national forum to promote her opinions on what Jesus would or would not do, just like she’s some sort of Biblical scholar instead of a dilettante novice who just happens to have a net worth of $500 million. And she’s not the only one out of her element, although don’t expect her target audience to question what she wants to manipulate them into thinking. Because when it comes to the right of the people to keep and bear arms, the star of her propaganda opus is also a newcomer to the discussion. [More]
My latest GUNS Magazine "Rights Watch" column notes an Opposite Day conversion. It kind of makes you wonder which angel wears armor of light...

By the way, don't be shy about leaving comments under the article.

Child Victims

Stay classy, Prozis. Far from trashing Trump, this merely shows you to be the trash. I would not allow my children to talk this way at that age, let alone instruct them to and then exploit it. (Warning: NSFW) [Watch]

Leave it to liars to conflate the issue with racism, to bamboozle the weak-minded and to discourage the faint of heart who fear being called names. Bring it. If embracing Mexico's immigration policies make me racist, then guilty as charged.

Besides, in typical Opposite Day fashion, which side is calling itself "The Race"?

Funny-- the gringo behind the curtain doesn't qualify, so he's really just a collectivist mob inciter exploiting la raza to advance a different agenda than the one he's defrauded them into believing. But he does "live with his Mexican boyfriend," so I guess he's an honorary member, plus we know what he expects them to do for him (although I don't know if I should refer to that as "white privilege" or "brown privilege").

Ah well, maybe there's a useful hashtag to take away from all this:

There I Go Bashing Again

Well, "Mike"...

The percentages come from the Reuters article, linked at the end of the first paragraph, so referencing them in the article actually does make sense—I include links for a reason—if you chose not to read them and then leap to bad conclusions, that’s on you. If you have documentation to refute the numbers, present it, and make sure you demand a correction/retraction from them and Project Vote Smart.

As for your accusation that all I seem to do is bash NRA, I've run into that one before. Perhaps you could point out where the untrue statement is. Again, bring proof, because there is a long history of documentation proving undeserved ratings if you really want to open that can of worms. Or is it you want the truth about such cynical manipulations of members suppressed? Why?

As for VCDL, they're not supposed to let their members know when a candidate refuses to sign their survey and his campaign claims an endorsement that was never given?

What's your skin in the game, "Mike"? Do you just lap up whatever you're fed by Fairfax, or does it go deeper? You have me at a disadvantage since there's no way to check without you revealing more.

On the other hand, there's some perceptive commentary from "Russn8r" in the thread, as well as from Bob Sadtler, who is correct in pointing out there was a third significant race I should have highlighted.

See? I can take criticism when it's warranted.

Free Movie Night

Friday, November 06 2015
8pm to 1 a.m. midnight Eastern time
7:00 pm to Midnight Central time
6:00 pm to 11:00 pm Mountain time
5pm to 10pm Pacific time
NOTE: The movie is 111 minutes in length.
To watch the movie, simply re-open this article at the time listed above. I will place the video into this article just minutes before it  “goes live”. I will take the movie down at the time designated above, so please note the time carefully — you have a five hour window for viewing the film here. [More]
The ride itself took considerably longer and was significantly less comfortable and more risky of an experience.

#WackLivesMatter Redux

A New Constitution or the Bullet [More]
After consulting with Mr. Benny, which shows you how seriously I'm taking this, and especially after seeing how many virtual "followers" brilliant "Blake" has managed to amass, I've made my decision.

[Via Florida Guy]   

Official Criminals for Citizen Disarmament

They're even more effective when elected to office! [More]

Ol' Ganim here was a money-grabber as well as a gun-grabber, and even managed to try doing both at the same time when he sued Smith and Wesson, blaming them for the actions of his criminal constituents. And based on primary results, they are dumb enough to give him the keys again.

So let's help a "prohibited person" win back the crown, and keep that string of criminal mayors unbroken! Funny-- in spite of all those years in prison, I can't find any photos of him in cuffs or even a mugshot to use for "campaign literature." I wonder why that is...

[Via Harvey]

Oh, Look Who's Wrong Again

The III% movement was co-founded by pro-gun, anti-government activist Mike Vanderboegh... [More]
That would be "founded by." And everything else this Travis Gettys character spews here to his hate-consumed hive insect readership is BS as well.

I know from experience.

Moms Demand Ignorance

Yeah, there will be less blood for us to dance in!

[Via bondmen]


So, in violation of federal law and the U.N. arms embargo on Libya she authorized the shipment of American arms to Qatar, knowing they’d be passed off to Libyan rebels, some of whom were al-Qaida, a few of whom killed Ambassador Stevens using American-made weapons. When asked about this, she said she knew nothing of it. The emails underlying this are in the public domain. Clinton not only knew of the arms-to-Libyan-rebels deal, she authored and authorized it. She lied about this under oath. [More]
Seems like a pattern.

When a comprehensive history of Fast and Furious finally becomes known, it will explain the circumstantial evidence tying State under Hillary to ITAR violations and putting a witness out of reach by reassigning him out of country.

For It Before She Was Against It

Useful info to have, courtesy of Martin O'Malley, who's claiming to be an even bigger traitor than Hillary. Still, what I found most interesting was the bombastic SOB thundering "A single life in America is worth more than all the guns in the United States!"

Think about the only consistent inference that can be made from that absurd statement, and then ask how many single lives he's willing to have others put at risk and/or destroy in order to impose his insane need to dominate on those who will not yield to it.

But no one wants to take your guns, you paranoids!