Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Establishment Neocon Tantrum

Students bully college administrators with contrived political demands. The administrators plead they can do better, then capitulate. Incompetent writers pen trite racial screeds aimed at the very society that lifts them above their ability. They are hailed as geniuses. Donald Trump’s bid for the Republican presidential nomination epitomizes the politics of the tantrum. He’s angry as hell, and so is his base. We’re supposed to respect this. And then there is the tantrum of Islam, another eruption of rage that feeds off our astonishing willingness to indulge it. [More -- but you'll probably need a subscription to read it]
This Stephens character is a paid  Wall Street Journal shill for, among other things, cheap labor immigration, which explains his conflating dismissal of the Trump phenomenon as a tantrum equivalent to racist crybaby "students" and terrorists. If left to this self-identified "conservative," we'll all embrace the Democrat agenda. And they'll still call useful idiots like him "uncompromising" and "extreme."

I don't suppose it occurs to him how much falls outside the limits of  his his hermetic provincial background?  He probably just thinks that makes him more sophisticated. In any case, I'm sure his masters are pleased...

[Via Thaddeus Fendon]

Who Couldn't See It Coming?

“She said further terror attacks on the UK were inevitable unless the country became a ‘police state,’” the report continued. That means being able to protect themselves as government policies devolve their culture into chaos will not be an option for ordinary people, as a “monopoly of violence” remains the exclusive province of the state. [More]
I ran across this 2013 GUNS Magazine "Rights Watch" column a couple minutes ago and thought it appropriate to reintroduce in light of current events.

Gunquislings for Disarmament Edicts

"The NRA does not represent all gun owners, and it certainly does not represent me,” wrote North Carolina hunter David Fellerath in a Washington Post opinion piece that went viral early this summer. [More]
Well,it doesn't represent me in a lot of instances either, Fellerath, but not for the same reasons.

The key here is asking HOW his subversive sentiments "went viral." Certainly not through spontaneous demand.

The Totalitarian Lobby is pulling out all the stops and all the useful idiots to manipulate the low information majority, as evidenced By Kapo Carman and his White House invite.

Again, it's an old trick -- trot out a Fudd, add a Prozi poll and you've got yourself a meme. Just get the ball on the field -- the Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists will do the rest.

Thing is, it still doesn't account for what they plan on doing when those of us who will not comply respond with "No. Your move."

And I think I want that on a button.
[Via Fresch Fisch]

Just How Rigorous is "Rigorous," Anyway?

“But I am very disappointed in the xenophobic response from governors across the country today who vowed to keep Syrian families who have passed rigorous background checks from entering their states ..." [More]
Really?  And what's the source for those "rigorous background checks," Timmah?  Where do the records come from and what audits have been performed to ensure system integrity and that they are comprehensive and uncompromised?

The Assad regime's filing system?  Something else? And baksheesh isn't a way of life with administrators there?  And no one else has any interest in falsifying or just plain omitting records, assuming any exist in the first place? How about we ask somebody who actually knows what he's talking about?

If you bastards are going to tell us the checks are rigorous, define the damn term. But far be it for any sound bite-parroting "real reporter" to put the stupid bastard on the spot by insisting on specifics to watch him do this:

Meanwhile, another Virginia Democrat says concentration camps are the way to go!

How about not creating a need for them on U.S. soil in the first damn place?

Meanwhile, America-hater McAwful ramps up the citizen disarmament and throws out the welcome mat.

[Via Mack H]

We're the Only Ones Farsighted Enough

Green’s defense was that his glasses had slipped off of his face due to perspiration so he couldn't see that Martin was giving him her arm. [More]

[Via Mack H]

A State of Emergency

McAwful issues an Executive Order "Banning Concealed Firearms in Offices Occupied by Executive Branch Agencies," claiming emergency status. [More]

It's no doubt due to all that "gunviolence" that's broken out every Lobby Day.

And naturally:
Public Hearing Will not be held at the proposed stage.
Here's the text.

But wait, as late TV pitchman Billy Mays used to say, there's more!

[Via Mack H]

We're the Only Ones Framing Enough

A federal jury on Wednesday found that D.C. police framed an innocent man for a 1981 rape and murder, making the District liable for damages after he was imprisoned for 27 years. [More]
No, the taxpayers are liable.

As for the perpetrators, this is one of those situations where the emotional side of me could live with crucifixion.

[Via William T]

Give Me Slavery But Give Me Life!

“You want to be free and dead? I’d rather be not free and alive,” billionaire and Hillary Clinton supporter tells TheWrap [More]
That's pretty obvious. It's taking the rest of us behind the wire with you where some of us will have to part ways.

And in typical "progressive" fashion, he's backing a candidate who's bent on doing the exact opposite of what he wants.

We're the Only Ones Losing Enough

An NBC Bay Area investigation into the loss and theft of police firearms uncovered more than 500 weapons have gone missing from eight different law enforcement agencies, including the California Highway Patrol, the federal Drug Enforcement Administration and six local departments since 2010. [More]
Gosh, it sounds like San Francisco needs strict LEO-only "gun control"!

[Via William T]

We're the Only Ones Shielded Enough

Police officers are public employees paid with public money, but when they pull the trigger in the line of duty, Pennsylvania lawmakers say their privacy should be paramount, at least until an investigation is completed. The state House on Tuesday passed a controversial bill that would shield — at least temporarily, but maybe indefinitely — the identities of officers who discharge their guns or use force during the course of their official duty. [More]
I don't suppose the same consideration would be given to... no, stupid speculation, it'll never happen, forget I brought it up...

[Via Florida Guy]   

The Shape of Things to Come

Besides demanding that the video be taken down, the Clinton campaign has demanded the personal contact information of the performers that appear in the recording. [More]
Hey, it's not like intimidating/eliminating critics of rulers isn't a time-honored totalitarian tradition.

This is a job for the Streisand Effect!

What an appropriate video title: Hillary Clinton vs. the First Amendment. No one thought it was just the Second she hated, did they?

And I think the comedienne talking about Hillary divorcing Bill and marrying the "First Bitch" is not only funny, it's probably prescient.