Wednesday, December 02, 2015

The Clinton Files

Just what is the legacy she seeks to inherit? We know the public aspect of it—in other words, the parts that succeeded. They included the Brady Act, the “assault weapons ban,” skyrocketing license fees for FFLs, and so on. But these were actually just the tip of the Clinton gun-ban iceberg. To see the rest, I recently traveled to the William J. Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock, Ark.
It was well worth the trip. [More]
David Hardy uncovers some recent history, and notes these secrets from the past tell us much about plans for the future.  This is just outstanding work.

Those people are such snakes. That their people clearly know they're snakes and do their bidding anyway tells us much.

I imagine with the unfolding San Bernardino story, the release of this could get buried. I plan on revisiting this in a few days to remind people of it, and to try and help get it the eyeballs it deserves.

The Most Awesome of Deterrents

If you were a demonic nutjob with mass murder on your mind, tell me this guy wouldn't make you think twice. [More]

The Wrong Question

How Did the Planned Parenthood Gunman Hold Off the Police for Five Hours? [More]
They don't even see the logical extension of this line of questioning, do they? They must not, because what they're dancing around is passing more edicts that will result in defiance and resistance from untold numbers who actually know what they're doing.

We're the Only Ones Sidelined Enough

As you know, the FOP does not understand and does not agree with the League on this matter, especially with respect to active and retired law enforcement officers. [More]
Hey, what about We the People?  No?

Here's what they do agree with. They also supported House and Senate versions of the "Assault Weapon Authorization Act."

When they got nationwide concealed carry, anybody see a move to make room at the exclusive table for the rest of us?

Screw 'em. Let 'em feel our pain.

[Via Lane]

Use It or Lose It

Donations to OFFPAC qualify for a tax credit of up to $100.00.  That’s not a mere “deduction.” This is an actual credit against any money you owe the state of Oregon. [More]
This is time-sensitive. If you're an Oregon gun owner, do this now and share the alert with others.

About That 'National Conversation on Guns'...

Gun Nuts Are a Threat to Democracy [More]
There's no point on further discussion. Cliff Sphinc... uh...Schecter can either try to do something or he can keep yapping like the frustrated and impotent chihuahua that he is.

2A Today:The Devil You Know

I participated in this newly-released podcast in October. [Listen]

The general topic involves the desire by some to break up ATF functions and fold them into other agencies. Coincidentally, I'd shared my views on that some months earlier in a GUNS Magazine "Rights Watch" column.

I also relate the story of how I got involved in all this gun activism business in the first place, plus review a lot of Fast and Furious details that most have never known, and of those who have, most have forgotten.

It was fun for me. I hope you enjoy it. If you do, please share it with others you think might be interested.

You can follow 2A Today on their podcast archive site, Twitter and Facebook. You can also get more at:

In the Spirit of Giving

Tea Party Patriots is launching an email and social media campaign—using #IRSPowerGrab—today, encouraging supporters and conservative leaders nationwide to push back against a rule proposed by the Internal Revenue Service that would give nonprofits the option to collect the Social Security numbers of donors who contribute $250 or more to an organization. [More]
What better way to cut off contributions?

[Via Michael G]

Back to School

I guess if the judge perceives you don't have the means to carry out your threats, no harm/no foul. [More]

That must mean as long as you don't have matches, it's OK to pull a fire alarm.

Yes, by all means, release the lil' terror back to his mommy. She's obviously done such a good job enabling him all these years.

[Via bondmen]

Lest Ye Be Judged

A Michigan man is charged with a felony for obstruction of justice and misdemeanor of tampering with a jury for passing out fliers about jury nullification rights on the sidewalk of the Mecosta County courthouse. [More]
Remember this tyrant.

[Via bondmen]

What's in YOUR Mattress?

Greeks Told To Declare Cash "Under The Mattress", Jewelry And Precious Stones [More]
Why not? After all, we know talk of registration leading to confiscation is just paranoid and crazy.

Besides, nobody wants to take away your savings, at least in this country. They just want to enact some "progressive" common sense asset controls.

[Via Curly Howard]

And If You Act Now...

As of January 1, 2016, NRA dues will increase at all membership levels - our first dues increase in more than 20 years. [More]
Yep.  Executive compensation and Infocision/Ack-Mac sweetheart deals aren't getting any cheaper.

No worries:

An AAR Thanksgiving

I joined Mark Walters on Armed American Radio for his Thanksgiving Day broadcast. I found out after the fact that due to various reasons, the program was only heard over the air from broadcast stations -- streaming was not operational.

While the show must go on, many regulars were no doubt occupied with family festivities of the day anyway.  That said, our conversation has now been posted in the AARchive, so you can listen at your leisure.

Directed Anger

My anger is not toward him, toward the [gunman]… my anger is toward the laws that allow things like this to happen: the gun laws. When you allow people to carry firearms at their own will it makes a breeding ground for destruction and tragedy. [More]
I'm sorry for your loss and I'm sorry for your ignorance.

Sparking a Different Idea

If I could summarize myself in a few words I would say that I am a hardworking person. I have a great work ethic, I'm a team-player but can work independently as well. I enjoy collaborating with others to spark different ideas in order to achieve the task at hand. [More]
That's some different idea you're sparking there by working independently, alright. And what a team player!

Fortunately for her, Daddy's the go-to guy for bail.

Noting current employment from her Linked-In resume, I wonder if Crunch is going to keep this racist sociopath on their payroll. After all, they use a #NoJudgments hashtag, and talk about a person with no judgment...