Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Ghost of Christmas Past

RPD chief considers bringing 'Project Exile' back to combat gun violence [More]

Here's why, for all you "Enforce Existing Intolerable Acts" types...

[Via Mack H]

On the First Day of Christmas, My True Love Gave to Me

Some cartridges and an M3.

I wish.

Ah well, there will be lots of other nice presents for all the good boys and girls. And the grinches are furious.

[Via Florida Guy]   

A Practical Guide to Misogyny

Brought to you by Opposite Day "progressives," naturally. [More]

The same creatures who demand women be disarmed, and who have conned the stupid ones into thinking it's for their own good.

[Via Jeet]

Executive Ordure

What You Need to Know About Obama’s Plan to Bypass Congress on Guns [More]
I prefer what the totalitarian lobby needs to know about our plan to bypass Obama on guns.

[Via Neil W]

Terror Watchlist Increases Odds of 'Gun Violence'

But moments later Santelli said the situation became tense when police thought his name was on the national terror watch list. “He pulled out his weapon immediately and I was immediately staring down the barrel of a 45-caliber weapon," Santilli recalled. "He was very, very concerned. He was visibly concerned as well. He said hands up. I was extremely compliant.” [More]
In other words, he could have been killed over a false positive due to a misread name, kind of like those wrong house raids, and every bit as up close and personal...

You guys still interested in "compromise"...?

Forget It Jake, It's Chi-Town

Nearly 3,000 shooting victims in a city with an “assault weapons” ban, a “violence tax” on every gun and bullet sold, strict limitations on the number of gun store and on the locations of said stores. and numerous other gun controls ubiquitously instituted to keep law-abiding citizens safer, but which actually make it far more difficult for law-abiding citizens to acquire the guns they need for self-defense. [More]
[Sigh]  If only they would disarm you and me.

[Via William T]

A New Slant on Things

The court ruled that their name — The Slants — is private speech and therefore protected by the First Amendment. The government, the court writes, has no business trying to regulate it by denying the band a trademark. [More]
So, how about those Redskins...?

[Via Mack H]

So Much for Proportionality, So Much for Justice

Here, however, for a handful of cheap rifle parts that may or may not have required a license, the prosecutors want to send Platt to jail for 60 years and, in the now inevitable forfeiture allegations, take away his house too. [More]
So much for the punishment fitting the "crime." And so much for cruel and unusual punishment.

The creepy oath-breaking persecutor playing the role of Javert in this reimagining of Les Miserables is both a Bush and an Obama appointee.

So much for ... well, here, Prof. Quigley says it better than I can.

[Via Michael R]

A Journey of a Thousand Miles ...

... begins with a single step. [More]

Considering some of his preconceptions, I'm not sure this guy has what it takes to complete the trip.  Hopefully, he's capable of growth, and isn't just doing this to "confirm" what he fears.

[Via bondmen]

Game of Thrones

In July 2013, the Joint Chiefs found a more direct way of demonstrating to Assad how serious they were about helping him. By then the CIA-sponsored secret flow of arms from Libya to the Syrian opposition, via Turkey, had been underway for more than a year (it started sometime after Gaddafi’s death on 20 October 2011).​* The operation was largely run out of a covert CIA annex in Benghazi, with State Department acquiescence. On 11 September 2012 the US ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, was killed during an anti-American demonstration that led to the burning down of the US consulate in Benghazi; reporters for the Washington Post found copies of the ambassador’s schedule in the building’s ruins. It showed that on 10 September Stevens had met with the chief of the CIA’s annex operation. The next day, shortly before he died, he met a representative from Al-Marfa Shipping and Maritime Services, a Tripoli-based company which, the JCS adviser said, was known by the Joint Staff to be handling the weapons shipments. [More]
Is it just me, or does anyone else get a sense of war within our own top levels of government?

GOP Presidential Candidates’ ‘Terror Watchlist’ Positions Important to Gun Owners

We know who citizen disarmament is intended for by those intent on a totalitarian monopoly of violence, and any “compromise,” even if well-intended, will be another major step down the road to the end game goal to eliminate the Second Amendment. With that in mind, what the Republican candidates have publicly stated bears examination by politically-engaged gun owners looking to the GOP for a leader who will defend and advance RKBA. [More]
So naturally, ever eager to make politically-motivated concessions, the Republicans have offered a "compromise"!

So Turnabout's Fair Play?

Imagine all the fallout had this been a depiction of Obama with his daughters. [More]

Totalitarians for Common Sense Regime Safety Laws

North Korea’s Kim Jong Un Slams America’s 2nd Amendment in New Video [More]
Uncanny, how much their rhetoric sounds like CSGV's.

Going Postal

The Postal Workers Union Just Endorsed Bernie Sanders — and It's a Big Deal [More]
Yep, but it's just not a big surprise.

A Numbers Game

You mean we can't take 33,000 to the bank? [More]

A Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy

Hooray for Hollywood! [More]

It's always been a hotbed of narcissists, psychopaths and perverts.

I would not be surprised if it were revealed that A-listers took part in secret Satanic rituals. Just the opposite, actually.

Sheeples in Seattle

Judge upholds Seattle 'gun violence tax'  [More]
Of course, the true "commonsense" goal is to drive legitimate firearms businesses out of their jurisdiction -- and then go after those by libeling them as "bad apple dealers" and creating scare terms like "iron pipeline."