Thursday, December 31, 2015

California Gun Seizure Edict a Naked Power Grab that Ignores True Danger

Because, as always, what the gun-grabbers are doing has nothing to do with safety, and everything to do with conditioning the public into accepting citizen disarmament as a solution to violence.  Of course it’s about control. [More]
With a new edict that will do nothing to make Californians safer, the Opposite Day “progressive” governor evidently believes the famous motto should be “Tread on Me.”

Addressing the REAL Problem

Rana Elmir, deputy director of the ACLU of Michigan and a Muslim herself refuses to condemn Islamic extremism solely on the basis that she’s Muslim. [More]
Besides, she says, there are much bigger problems.

People like me, I guess.

I wonder what the Islamic State would do to her if they saw her going about uncovered like that...

He Certainly Picked the Right Town for It

He was allegedly going to use a machete on diners at a local restaurant [More]
Good plan if what you want to guarantee is success, as the average New Yorker supports his own disarmament.

And Muslim Machete Man here is the crazy one...?  Especially after being duly impressed by the publicized way this low-hanging fruit was picked, they'll resume their cud-chewing under the illusion that they're safe...

[Via Keith B]

New Year’s Gun Rights Resolutions Require Willingness and Commitment

Expecting something to happen doesn’t do any good without resolve to do something about it. Here are a few additional resolutions for your consideration. [More]
The gun-grabbers are resolved to continue attacking the right to keep and bear arms in the coming year. How are you resolved to stop them?

A White-People Problem

The LA Times' Black Twitter Correspondent accuses non-blacks of having a race problem. [More]

Nothin' Opposite Day "progressive" about that ... is there?

Thanks Dexter. I'll take that under advisement, and give it all the serious consideration someone who presents himself the way you do deserves.

If I Knew You Were Coming I'd Have Baked a Cake

Oregon family pays $136,927 fine for not baking gay marriage cake [More]
So what's the reason the Cleveland cabbies haven't been sued again...?

I'd think the fact that this only happens against Christians could be used as evidence of real discrimination.

We're the Only Ones Raging Enough

Off-duty special agent points gun at a man during road rage incident in Virginia Beach ... Both men involved were allowed to leave the scene ... Neither driver wanted to pursue prosecution at this time ... The Virginia Beach Police Department and Homeland Security wouldn’t identify [the special agent]. [More]
Now let's take the exact same scenario, except this time, it's the "civilian" who pulls the gun.

Anyone...?  Bueller...?

[Via Mack H]

Pride and Joy

Opposite Day "progressive" definitions of "Pride" and "Joy" may explain the empty onesie... [More]

A Minor Omission

Witnesses told investigators the boy was playing with a handgun, which he had inherited from a family member, when he accidentally shot himself in the head. [More]
Apparently, in California, minors can just "inherit" and carry handguns.


Y'know, we really do need more laws controlling you and me to keep tragedies like this from happening.

Why Do You Need a Gun?

“Self defense,” Locke wrote in his Two Treatises of Government, “is a part of the law of nature” and in consequence cannot be “denied the community, even against the king himself.” In Locke’s view, this principle could be applied both on an individual level — against, say, intruders and other attackers — and on a collective level, against governments that turn tyrannical. [More]
Too bad he's not alive today. CIGV could call him an "insurrectionist," Prozis could call him an "ammosexual," and The New York Daily News could label him "Jihadi John."

[Via Michael G]

Gentlemen, You Can't Fight in Here. This is the War Room.

Opposite Day "progressives" hold an "anti-violence rally." Hilarity ensues. [More]

You know, of course, if you didn't enjoy "white privilege" this never would have happened. You hater.

If only they would disarm you and me.

We're the Only Ones Saturnalian Enough

Soldiers and police in Brussels held an orgy while their colleagues hunted for terror suspects, according to reports. [More]
And as for the people paying for the party...

No Line in the Send

“This year, Republicans could well end up with a presidential nominee who is even less conservative than Romney. If these ideological purists again sit on the sideline and let leftists decide the presidency, they will be the ones who should be held to account. These survey findings show that this time the presidential election is serious – and for conservatives, the time of letting the perfect be the enemy of the good is long past,” he said. [More]
Have a heaping helping of sellout stew!

If Mr. Rubio and Mr. Bush aren't worried about that "pathway to citizenship," why should you be?

The Graduate

New Year’s Surprise: Obama Regulation To Give Work-Permits To Foreign College-Graduates [More]

Meanwhile, that "Posterity" the Preamble supposedly "secure[s] the Blessings of Liberty" for, seem preoccupied with safe spaces, authentic cultural food and ending the Second Amendment, instead of outrage against their deceivers --  and a class action lawsuit against the government and everyone who encouraged their debt while supporting establishment policies, and who knew or should have known what this would do to their chances for gainful employment opportunities.

Ah well, every dependent class has its exploitable political uses, especially the ones refusing to see they've been conned, but desperate to blame someone for their lot in life.