Stop the Threat

A victim of opportunity, this store owner has his hands full when he is confronted by an armed robber as he is unlocking the door. The robber, demands "Give me the bag!" What happens next is the subject of this weeks' episode.  [More]
On HUNT and Pursuit...


We thought you said PIECEkeepers... [More]

[Via Florida Guy

Hey, Everybody, Look at Me!

Spike Lee accuses Obama's gun control opponents of taking 'blood money' [More]
I guess he really wants to be noticed, and people just ain't buying what he's selling.

What an over-rated and irrelevant establishment annointee.

La Ciudad del Amor Fraternal

Philadelphia's new mayor, Jim Kenney, signed an executive order only hours after being sworn in that rescinds the city's participation in a controversial program set up by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. [More]
"Progressives." Destroying the Republic since ... like, forever.

Besides, it's all just one big World Heritage Site anyway...

[Via Keith B]

Just Spoke with Mike

We had about a 10-minute conversation. He sounded realistic and brave, neither of which surprised me.

Continue with prayers.  Miracles have happened, although "thy will be done" also factors into things.

I understand there will be some kind of house-fixing barbecue in February. I'm also looking into other options, including a crowd-funding appeal, but need to find out who is on board with that in terms of spreading the word, identifying the best platform, administering things, etc., and if anyone else has similar ideas, I want to join in to support the best approach and won't want to step on any toes.

Let's think about it. I have some people to approach behind the scenes.

Oh,and one other thing -- be mindful of his time priorities.

Putting Things in Perspective

And then there's this:

It's not about the Hammonds. It's not about the Bundys. And it's not exclusively about land. Or guns. Or...

They, and of course that includes "Republicans," are out of control everywhere.

Meaning a spark could come from anywhere.

This Again?

Oh look, another fraud pretending to speak for "responsible gun owners." [More]

The administration must really be desperate dragging this tactic (that never worked in the first place) out again.

So naturally, the propagandists makes him appear like he's somebody who matters. Instead of someone who despite national media attention (and Kos lying about a mediocre video going "mega-viral") has a whopping:

Behavior Modification

Although a guidance document does not change the relevant legal standard, the issuance of such a document can affect behavior. Individuals who learn they are closer to the relevant legal line than they had realized might be encouraged to comply with the relevant legal requirements, or they may opt to stop selling guns. In this way, a guidance document may help to discourage behavior the government wishes to control but which may lie beyond the government’s legal reach. [More]
Then again, there are those who look at threats as all the defiance motivation they need.

Trying Out a New Cologne

Yeah, well, if you'd wear a burqa and only go out in public when accompanied by male relatives, this wouldn't have happened, you drunken sluts. [More]

[Via Dave Licht]

Demand Common Sense Democrat Control Now!

Gun violence is at its worst in the cities that Obama won in 2012. Places like New Orleans, Memphis, Birmingham, St. Louis, Kansas City and Philly. The Democrats are blaming Republicans for the crimes of their own voters. [More]
Yep. With "progressives," every day is Opposite Day. Meaning when they call us "haters" and "racists" and "ignorant" and "extremists" and ...

What's the murder rate among the most heavily-armed citizen population on the planet again, you know, the millions of members of NRA, GOA, SAF...?

Gee, maybe it's not the guns.

[Via Sam L]

A Major Flaw in the Logic

On Friday, MLA members and others will gather at one of the convention hotels for a rally. Then they will march to the Texas Capitol, and instead of carrying weapons, they will carry books. When they reach the statehouse, they will use books to build "a symbolic gun exclusion zone," and standing in that structure, they will read texts that they have discussed in their classes and that they believe need to be taught in gun-free zones. [More]
Problem is, guys, what you really want is one big "gun-free zone," and any government with the power to do that also has the power to make it a "book-free zone."

I guess if another Charles Whitman shows up, instead of armed students keeping him pinned and minimizing the carnage, y'all could always throw books at him. Heck, you might want to listen to a professional, and deploy with fearsome assault bibles...

[Via Jake S]

The Devil in the Details

“I’m not opposed to background checks,” Second Amendment Foundation Founder Alan Gottlieb told WND and Radio America. “My problem is the devil is in the details, and he’s not really doing background checks. [More]
Why not? You should be.

The devil, Alan, is in the prior restraint. The devil is in usurped powers.

Duck and Cover

Of course Hillary won't answer the question. The real outrage is that it needs to be asked. [More]

She said something significant that no one seems to have caught, or at least commented on, at 1:12 in:
We've gotta get the economy fixed...
No, I'm not talking about the way she talks based on who she perceives is in the audience to exploit. I'm talking about a direct criticism of the past seven years under Obama.

URGENT Warning on OR Standoff: Military Special OP Assets Have Been Assigned for Standoff. Get All Children Out of There Immediately

Oath Keepers has received very credible information from an active duty source within the special operations community that at least one SOD-X (Reserve/National Guard Special Operations Detachment, see this, this, and this) unit under the command of Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) has been tasked for this standoff at the Malheur Wildlife Reserve and moved to the area.  [More]
I just got in and found out about this on my last check of the night. I have not had a chance to ask any questions. Best advice at this point is to keep eyes and ears open.